RoEy Watercooled Build Log

Been a long coming everyone and I do apologise for that but boy have I had some bad luck. Anyway, I rebuilt it all over the weekend, brand new rad tfc 480, new pump mcp355 18w and xspc res, HeatKiller nickelplated, new side panel and topgrill.

PC at 4ghz, 920 d0.

Pics arent great as I need a tripod but will give you an idea. Just need to sleeve the gpu power cables and it's done....for now.:D

She's back....

From this:


to this:








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Looking great mate :D

Tubing nice and clean, window mod looks great too, definately better than the normal window anyway - looks a lot cleaner finish to it.

Just those GPU cables to do mate, always something left ;)
Cheers Paul.

Glad you like it mate. A lot of work has gone into it. Was worth it in the end though.

Looking good RoEy, liking the update. I've been following this thread for nearly a year now! :P
Very Nice RoEy, btw did you manage to get all the screws for the case in black? i got the same case as you now and is going to have it powder coated in black to match the rest of the case, but need the screws in black too...
Awesome build and it makes me want to start all over again :( i have to agree on the white though... i much prefered the black

That is the beauty of choice though:cool:
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