RoEy Watercooled Build Log

Hi all,

Once again, sorry for the delays in providing you with updates and photos but I've just been so busy.

Sleeving - ongoing...

I have found sleeving extremely addictive as others have mentioned. The sleeving bug has truly got me! Having said that, I do still have the 24pin cable to do so my response to sleeving may be somewhat different...sucidal.:D

For the main two cables, 24pin & 8 pin CPU, I decided to buy extensions so just in case I did make any mistakes I could simply purchase another and not have to worry about voiding the warranty on my PSU.

Since taking these photos I have redone a few so the ends of the cables (colours) are not visible. It's like anything else, the more you do it, the better you get!:p


Sunbeam PSU Modding Kit - Some people have slated it. Haven't a clue why as it's been brilliant. I must have the 'knack' for not snapping it...;)





My son loves dinosaurs! "Daddy...", "Yes Son?" "ROOOOAAAAAARRRRRR!", "OKkkkkkkkkk" :D




These look solid black in the flesh, it's just I have a very bright flash. Trust me, I made my fingers bleed pulling the sleeving tight. Yep Al, I don't have gardeners hands.:)








I like to use tape to straighten the cables out and keep them together. I then remove each bit just before the sleeving goes on.




Ends no longer visible as the heatshrink sits over the connectors.


I'll post some more photos of the sleeving once its all done.
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Fans, Fan Controller & More 'Fanning' Sleeving...:o

Enough said...






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Mounting The Radiator...

I used the Hammond ABS boxes to mount the rad. Was sweating a bit when drilling my £250 case!








Boxes on! For some reason they don't look in line totally but they are. Must be the camera angles.



Sanded down ready for tape!


No more nails permanent tape...Sticky stuff! Holds the rad brilliantly.





Perfect 5mm gap.




Well I'm getting there but still got loads to do. Hopefully the rest of my water cooling bits will turn up this week. Can't wait to get my hands on the HeatKiller Copper and Koolance GPU block 4870X2!

Hope you've all enjoyed the update.


P.S. Off to bed....
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Looking good! I still have to look forward to the joys of my first cable braiding session haha

Will look miles better when that stock CPU cooler is replaced with the Heatkiller :D
Looking good! I still have to look forward to the joys of my first cable braiding session haha

Will look miles better when that stock CPU cooler is replaced with the Heatkiller :D

LOL Good luck mate! Yes I can't wait to get the stock cooler off! Looking more forward to the gpu block though as at the moment the fan is so loud.:eek:

Looking real good! only thing I will say with your fans set to blow air through your rad like that you will end up exhausting a lot of hot air around the intake of your PSU, and as I found out it will cause the heat sensor on the PSU fan to ramp up.

In my case the TX750's 14cm became the loudest part of my system during gaming.

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Looking real good! only thing I will say with your fans set to blow air through your rad like that you will end up exhausting a lot of hot air around the intake of your PSU, and as I found out it will cause the heat sensor on the PSU fan to ramp up.

In my case the TX750's 14cm became the loudest part of my system during gaming.

Hi DeadMan,

That doesn’t concern me too much and I do have the option of increasing the speed for the last two fans if needed. I was advised by quite a few people that it was better the fans were intake opposed to outtake.

Where gaming is concerned; I know for a fact my PSU won't be as loud as my graphics card with 75% set on the fan!:D Hence the reason I cant wait to get the water block on it.

I see you obeyed. Goog good, not killing you..yet :p

Although looking very good, let's hope all my ideas also work out for you :D

but going very well there m8 :D
Good update there mate, looking real nice :)
Thanks PaulyD! You've been a great help. Sorry for asking you 100's of questions but my brain is like a sponge..I need to adbsorb...:D

I see you obeyed. Goog good, not killing you..yet :p

Although looking very good, let's hope all my ideas also work out for you :D

but going very well there m8 :D

Sod! lol Cheers Al. You've been brilliant mate, really appreciate your help. Hopefully it will go well this will!

Day'm! Thats looking awsome! Love it.
Wish id got the inside of my case powdercoated befor i built it, but wasa 1st build so was too excited to wait ;-)

Cant wait to see this finished.
If it was sent yesterday it should arrive today mate, they don't hang around with delivery ;)

No problem with help, just get it built with lots of pics and enjoy the silence you are after, espcially when your 4870x2 is under water!

Hopefully the RMA on mine will come back soon :D
If it was sent yesterday it should arrive today mate, they don't hang around with delivery ;)

No problem with help, just get it built with lots of pics and enjoy the silence you are after, espcially when your 4870x2 is under water!

Hopefully the RMA on mine will come back soon :D

Alright Paul,

Didn't pay for it until 5pm last night so it should be here Thursday hopefully or Friday at the latest. Can't wait for the silence...:)

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