RoEy Watercooled Build Log

Can imagine, the 4870x2 cooler is enough to drive you insane

It's driving me insane mate; especially since the case is right next to me. I've only played 2 games since getting the card and the TJ07 is just no good for cooling high end cards anymore. It has to be under water or whack the fan on the card up to 75%.

I knew I'd be water cooling anyway before I got the case. Having said that, it's still one of the best cases for cooling the CPU via air.

The following depiction is based on actual events.

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Did the rest of ur parts come yet?

Be intresting to see what temps u get once its all up and running

Well have fun with the build this weekend
Well I've got it all up and running.

Temps for GPU: (The room was hot last night)

Idle 30
Load 38 - 42

CPU (stock speed)

Idle: mid 30's
Load: 45-50

That's with the fans on the radiator virtually off.

Only problem I have is the pump/res combo (XSPC DDC 18w Ultra Pump/Reservoir) has a high pitched noise coming from it. Not vibrating as it’s on a bit of foam. If it didn’t make that noise my PC would be completely silent :( So Frustrating. I've only had it on for around 2 hours so I'm hoping it might go after I've run it in a little.

Anyone else had this?

Could simply be that not all the air is out, that's the only time mine made any real noticible noise.

Don't forget to tild the PC from side to side to help dislodge any air bubbles that might be caught.
If its a constant high pitch whining i wouldn't think it would be air, would be a more trickling sound as well as intermittently doing it
Copied from the post in the overclocking forum..

Does the noise change if you apply pressure to the body of the pump with your hand? By that I mean press the pump down onto the foam or squeeze the casing a bit and see if the sound changes. A common source of high pitched sound would be squeal from bearings, but I don't think these pumps have mechanical bearings as such. Also, you could try slowing the pump down slightly with a suitable fanbus, in case the pump speed is hitting the resonant frequency of some part of the assembly. Either that or change the mass of the assembly by clamping the pump firmly to a block of rubber or some other dense material.
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