Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Mr.Clark said:
And neglected to mention it in the Bible? ;)

well Satan has free reign and his best accomplishment was making people believe he didn't exist (maybe by altering the earth to make it seem older?)

and why isn't search working :(
25 Feb 2006
malc30 said:
:( Waste of a thread a thread title & replys & bandwidth and my time, in fact it may have brought threads on here to an all time low.

I think a thread entitled "Spec me an engine oil" was the worst I've seen.....
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Jaap74 said:
I think a thread entitled "Spec me an engine oil" was the worst I've seen.....

Not really, they might not of known the weight needed, then most people know jack all about cars and there's hundreds of different oils and a range of prices to match.
16 May 2006
AcidHell2 said:
hows that mis information? mis information is when it's proved to be incorrect. However big bang, evolution ect are advertised as fact and not theories like they should be?

AFAIK, it's been advertised as the mainstream believe of how life started - people may see it advertised as facts or law of science. I don't disagree that the media should state that these are just theories and open to ideas but setting up a museum, which will influence young minds into believing it, is just abit too far IMO. You'll confused them.
18 Jan 2007
Land of the Scots
Mr.Clark said:
And neglected to mention it in the Bible? ;)
The bible was written by men, the did not have the same understanding of space and time as we have now, they probably didnt think of these questions when writing.

*loves playing devils advocate* (or in this case is it God's advocate? hmmm PARADOX!! UNIVERSE WILL REBOOT IN 10 MINUTES (but you wont know about it))

Jaap74 said:
I think a thread entitled "Spec me an engine oil" was the worst I've seen.....
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Dr Jones said:
AFAIK, it's been advertised as the mainstream believe of how life started - people may see it advertised as facts or law of science. I don't disagree that the media should state that these are just theories and open to ideas but setting up a museum, which will influence young minds into believing it, is just abit too far IMO. You'll confused them.

what just like forcing big bang, evolution down there throats at school as fact, with no alternative views?
11 Jun 2006
My main concern is that religion will become more and more embedded in mainstream life. Its only going to get to that point if enough people believe and perhaps that democracy in action. This mind-farm is only a start to what cultists and religious extremists will attempt if they are accepted as tolerable. I totally believe in freedom to believe what makes you happy but religion is not about that these days.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Topper said:
My main concern is that religion will become more and more embedded in mainstream life. Its only going to get to that point if enough people believe and perhaps that democracy in action. This mind-farm is only a start to what cultists and religious extremists will attempt if they are accepted as tolerable. I totally believe in freedom to believe what makes you happy but religion is not about that these days.

It's going the otherway, it used to make the laws, rule peoples lives ect. Now it's becoming less and less mainstream.



18 Oct 2002
AcidHell2 said:
However big bang, evolution ect are advertised as fact and not theories like they should be?

There is evidence for the big bang - such as cosmic microwave background radiation, the way when we look at the sky everything is moving away from each other (with the farthest away objects red-shifted the most because they're moving away much faster than objects closer).

With regards to evolution, we have a fossil record that shows more complex organisms higher up in the layers. We also see animals like horses which appear to have quite a few predecessors in the fossil record.

Whilst none of those things "prove" the big bang or evolution, at the end of the day you weigh up the evidence and make up your own mind. Occam's razor is well worth thinking about in these cases too.

Remember, you can't say "if the big bang isn't true, then that means god did it." The two are unconnected. The argument for god must be supported on its own, not by dismissing another theory.
16 May 2006
AcidHell2 said:
what just like forcing big bang, evolution down there throats at school as fact, with no alternative views?

I don't know about you but my school, 15 years in Singapore, year 10 and year 11 in the UK, did not force ideas of Big Bang or Evolution - it did however, showed examples of the idea of "Survival of the fittest" (enforcing the idea to evolution) - a textbook example is the Giraffe and the Trees. The idea of Big Bang is more from BBC's Horizon and certain aspect of Physics ("the Birth/creation of a star)

I don't see what's wrong with them and there are alternatives, but if these alternatives are for study and compare, fair point - a museum; A building, place, or institution devoted to the acquisition, conservation, study, exhibition, and educational interpretation of objects having scientific, historical, or artistic value - for Creationism isn't right IMO.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
daz said:
There is evidence for the big bang - such as cosmic microwave background radiation, the way when we look at the sky everything is moving away from each other (with the farthest away objects red-shifted the most because they're moving away much faster than objects closer).

With regards to evolution, we have a fossil record that shows more complex organisms higher up in the layers. We also see animals like horses which appear to have quite a few predecessors in the fossil record.

Whilst none of those things "prove" the big bang or evolution, at the end of the day you weigh up the evidence and make up your own mind. Occam's razor is well worth thinking about in these cases too.

Remember, you can't say "if the big bang isn't true, then that means god did it." The two are unconnected. The argument for god must be supported on its own, not by dismissing another theory.

what's that got to do with it, it's a theory until provable. If these pole want to set up a place explaining what they believe what's the problem?

why do people like you have to attack it, why do you seem terrified of it?
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
daz said:
I think you've misread my post :confused:

sorry if I did, it's just the way I read it. Both are valid view points. as you said religion and science are totally unlinked. however that doesn't make any more correct than the other, as such if people want to set up a place they should be. The only fools around here are people who want to restrict this information. I don't believe in religion, but I'm certainly not going to try stopping them or laughing at them and I think such things should be discussed in school (not in science classes as it not science)



18 Oct 2002
AcidHell2 said:
sorry if I did, it's just the way I read it. Both are valid view points. as you said religion and science are totally unlinked. however that doesn't make any more correct than the other

I simply said that whatever theory you have about the world, disproving or providing evidence against that theory doesn't automatically support your/an opposing theory.

So disproving god (which can't ever be done really!) wouldn't ever "prove" evolution, just like "proving" evolution wouldn't disprove god. :)
16 May 2006
AcidHell2 said:
I think such things should be discussed in school (not in science classes as it not science)

Isn't that what Year 10 and Year 11 RE (Religious Education) is for? Apart from discussing about many major religious view, there was few sessions about Christian's view on the Creation of life.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
:) sorry about that and I totally agree.

the two systems all though are competing, have a different set of rules.

Dr Jones said:
Isn't that what Year 10 and Year 11 RE (Religious Education) is for? Apart from discussing about many major religious view, there was few sessions about Christian's view on the Creation of life.
it should be but when I was at school we didn't really learn anything at re. they basically said there's several different religions and that they used different scriptures and that was it. The most pointless thing ever. Maybe it's changed now.
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