Roll up for your free t shirt

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Originally posted by SaBBz
Kanes could you please drop me a line coz I can't seem to find your email address anywhere, and it's probably best you don't leave it here anyway.
Or if you don't wanna give it to me please could you tell me how to get a BNP t-shirt? I left a message on the National Front's answer machine thing so hopefully I will get a t-shirt from them pretty soon.

Thanks a lot mate.

i no longer have my email address available on the forums, i got too many emails from whining people complaining at me :rolleyes: although it did make for a good laugh the first 10 times

If you want a BNP t shirt, go to their site and look for a contact number of the office nearest you (or the national one) and give them a call. You have to be fairly pushy as obviously the T shirt costs them money and they don't have millions coming in from businessmen wanting a 'helping hand' funding them, but they will give you one. Currently there's one in blue and one in white (oh yes, go on make a joke about the t shirts being white) and one is a union jack pattern (though i've only seen a handful of these).

Or if you go to one of their family days there's usually a stand giving them out, and free food and cheap booze :cool:
Have you ever gone on talk radio Kanes?

Seriously - I think your ridiculous views would be very entertaining to cable tv viewers/listeners who don't have a life and want to direct their anger and bitterness at a third party.

You would have a lot more fun than you have here and you may find like minded souls who you could meet up with.
Originally posted by Kanes
i no longer have my email address available on the forums, i got too many emails from whining people complaining at me :rolleyes: although it did make for a good laugh the first 10 times

If you want a BNP t shirt, go to their site and look for a contact number of the office nearest you (or the national one) and give them a call. You have to be fairly pushy as obviously the T shirt costs them money and they don't have millions coming in from businessmen wanting a 'helping hand' funding them, but they will give you one. Currently there's one in blue and one in white (oh yes, go on make a joke about the t shirts being white) and one is a union jack pattern (though i've only seen a handful of these).

Or if you go to one of their family days there's usually a stand giving them out, and free food and cheap booze :cool:

Ok cheers mate :)
pffft , so theres a post about getting a free t-shirt , theres an OBVIOUS reaction , I mean , cmon Mr Kanes , I know you're intelligent enough to KNOW that this is the kind of reaction that you'd get from posting that... smells of what I call (yeah just thought of it , aren't I great!:)) 'reverse trolling' , but again , thats just my opinion , and I apologise profusely if you honestly posted this thread in pure innocence and naivité (sp?) and just willing to show people how to get free t-shirts !:)

On a more happy note however , I DO know how to get a free T-shirt!! All you have to do is go to this meet in Leicester , and punch a baby for a free 'Hey dude! I punched a baby!' T-shirt , it even has a smilie on it!:) E-mail me for details... :rolleyes: :D
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