Had to change the EGR valve on my car today, awful job to do with really fiddly bits, took about three hours, but once it was done I made good progress on the battery rack.
I've got three trays made, the base plate of the fourth is about a MM wider than it should be, so to play safe I'll take my belt sander to work on Monday, and make it the correct size.
As I've mentioned previously the sides of the rack had bowed when I welded the drawer rail mounts on, I'd left it clamped up over the last week with blocks at the top and bottom to space that futher apart, and big G-lamps in the centre pulling it together until it touched, so past the point of being straight. I removed the clamps today, but it was still bowed, not as bad as it was though.
So I resorted to heating various spots red hot, and then just letting it cool naturally, three spots took at bit more bow out of it, so another four spots were heated, and the result was.....
If think its fair to say that's perfectly straight,
here's the method I used, where would we be without YouTube
I made and welded on the bottom feet, these have two bolt holes each side, where the rack will be bolted to concrete floor of the garage.
Tapped all the M5 threads in the drawer slide mounts, and fitted the three drawer trays.
Which all slide out very nicely, and reach 100% extension, each pair of drawer slides can take 100kg, good job as the 16 cells will weigh 85kg, plus the rest of the bits.
I still need to fit the cross and diagonal braces, which will stiffen the frame up, then its just a case of cleaning it up and painting.