Ronski's Training Log

Session 1 Week 3

Warm Up
Dynamic Leg Swings
Hip openers
Air Squat 2 x 10

Back Squat
Warm Up
Bar x 20
50kg x 10
70kg x 8
100kg x 5

Working Sets
125kg 6 x 2 (quick 2 count at the bottom) -These paused doubles felt very good today. Speed on the way up was good. Overall RPE - 6.5

Bench Press

Warm Up
Bar x 20
Bar x 10
40kg x 10
60kg x 10
70kg x 6

Working Sets
80kg x 8 - smooth - RPE 6
90kg 3 x 6 - felt good - RPE - 7.5
80kg 4 x 4 - quick 2 count on the chest for each rep, felt good RPE 7

I was happy with how Bench went today

Accessory Work

Banded Row 5 x 10
Banded Pec Fly 5 x 10
Banded Incline Press 5 x 10
Banded Y Fly 5 x10
Week 3 Session 2

Warm Up
Dynamic Leg Swings
Hip Circle on - wide steps, squats, lunges
Air Squat 2 x 10

Back Squat

Warm Up
Bar 2 x 10
50kg x 10
70kg x 8
100kg x 5

Working Sets
120kg x 5 - good
120kg x 5 - smooth

Belt on
137.5kg x 6 - good
137.5kg x 6 - getting a bit harder so took a 4min rest (usually 2min breaks)
137.5kg x 6 - big psych up and attacked this last set.

Overall RPE of 8

This was a real achievement for me this morning. On the 28th August I had an AMRAP on this exact weight and managed 6 reps. So effectively doing three times in less than 12 minutes was very intense and I was glad to have been able to complete it.


Warm up
70kg x 10
100kg x 10
120kg x 5
140kg x 3

Working Sets
127.5kg (with blue band) - 5 x 4 - these were good and focused on really accelerating the bar with speed. RPE 7 as was feeling a bit fried from the squats

Bench Press

Warm Up
Bar x 10
Bar x 10
40kg x 10
50kg x 8
60kg x 8

Working Sets
75kg 4 x 5 - technique focused on getting my position tight and pressing with intensity. RPE 6

Accessory Work
4 x 10 Bulgarian Split Squats - bodyweight
4 x 10 Goblet Squats @24kg
4 x 10 Back Extension
4 x 10 GHD situps
Had a fun bench session on Wednesday

Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Dynamic leg swings x 20

Bench Press Warm Up
Bar x 20
40kg x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 8
70kg x 5

Working Sets
85kg x 6 - ok
85kg x 6 - ok (RPE 7)
90kg x 4 - ok
90kg x 4 - ok
90kg x 4 - ok
90kg x 4 - smooth for the last set (RPE 8) Shoulder stability improving for sure,

Then switched to close grip (effectively my old grip width)
75kg x 8 - smooth and fast
75kg x 8 - ok
75kg x 8 - ok
75kg x 8 - ok glad that was over - triceps feeling cooked (RPE 7.5)

Banded Row 5 x 12
Banded Pec Flys - 5 x12
Banded Inclince Press 5 x 12
Banded Y-Flys - 5 x 12
Finished up week 3 of the cycle yesterday and I knew it would be tough.

Warm Up
Dynamic leg swings x 20
Hip Circle on - 50 wide steps, 40 sideway steps, 20 air squats
Air Squat 2 x 10

Back Squats
Warm Up
Bar x 10
Bar x 10
60kg x 10
100kg x 5
120kg x 3

Working Sets
145kg 6 x 3 - more heavy triples for an RPE of 8.5. Bar speed was decent on each set and I was pretty happy with how it went,

Warm Up
Bar RDL x 10
60kg x 10
120kg x 5
140kg x 5

Working Sets
177.5kg 5x5 - super super tough this week to get through this and I was feeling weak in the first 2 sets, set 3 was ok, set 4 was good and set 5 I was just thankful to finish. RPE 9 - toughest set of work so far in this 3 weeks.

I was feeling exhausted to cut the accessory work short
Hip Extensions 4 x 10
GHD Situps 4 x 10

10min Slow Assault Bike
15min Romwod
Session 1 Week 4

Warm Up
5 min Assault Bike
Hip Circle on - 50 wide steps, 20 lunges, 20 squats
Air Squat 2 x 10

Back Squat
Warm Up
Bar x 20
50kg x 10
70kg x 8
100kg x 5

Working Sets
110kg 6 x 2 (quick 2 count at the bottom) -A lighter set of pause squats after the heavy volume last week felt really good . Overall RPE - 6.5

Bench Press

Warm Up
Bar x 20
Bar x 10
40kg x 10
60kg x 10
70kg x 6

Working Sets
82.5kg x 5 - smooth - RPE 6
95kg 5 x 3 - felt really good and the heaviest working set of this cycle so far - RPE - 7.5
82.5kg 4 x 3 - quick 2 count on the chest for each rep, felt good RPE 7

Again super happy with how Bench went today

Accessory Work

Banded Row 4 x 10
Banded Pec Fly 4 x 10
Banded Incline Press 4 x 10
Banded Cuban Press 4 x10
Week 4 Session 2

Warm Up
5 min Assault Bike
Hip Circle on - wide steps, squats, lunges
Air Squat 2 x 10

Back Squat

Warm Up
Bar 2 x 10
60kg x 10
70kg x 5
110kg x 3

Working Sets
127.5kg x 5 - good - RPE 7

Belt on
142.5kg x 3 - good
142.5kg x 3 - good
142.5kg x 3 - good bar moving well
142.5kg x 3 - attacked it and felt the bar move well
RPE - 8 for this set - really felt decent
I have recently got my hands on a form lifting collar which measures bar speed, push time and max force put into the bar at the bottom the squat. Was interesting to see these metrics and was able to log a peak of 208kg of force on the bar for rep 2 of set 3. Otherwise was averaging 165 - 185kg of force


Warm up
70kg x 10
100kg x 10
120kg x 5
140kg x 3

Working Sets
137.5kg (with a Red band - light resistance)) - 5 x 3 - these were good and focused on really accelerating the bar with speed. RPE 6.5 - 7

Bar force on these deads was 165 - 180kg - but this is a bit erroneous due to the band resistance

Bench Press

Warm Up
Bar x 10
Bar x 10
40kg x 10
50kg x 8
60kg x 8
70kg x 3

Working Sets
85kg 4 x 3 - technique focused on getting my position tight and pressing with intensity. RPE 6.5 - 7

Again bar was moving well - avg force on the bar around 110kg

Accessory Work

4 x 10 Back Extension
4 x 10 GHD situps

20min RomWoD
Week 4 Session 3

Bench Day! And I get to try out my new rack - so was pretty excited for it

Warm Up
5min Assault Bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Dynamic leg swings x 20

Bench Press Warm Up
Bar x 20
40kg x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 8
70kg x 6
80kg x 5

Working Sets
97.5kg 5 x 4 - First 3 sets were good (peaking at 152kg for bar force) last two sets were a bit of a battle but all reps hit. RPE - 8.5 - 9
90kg 5 x 4 - This was ok - RPE 7.5 - 8
85kg 4 x 6 (narrow grip) - First 3 sets fine - RPE 7. Last set first 5 reps not problem last rep - up, could not lock out fail. Bit of a shame really as is this was my first missed rep of the cycle. Will focus on getting these narrow grip reps next week. Triceps certainly were feeling the effects of the heaviest bench volume so far in the cycle.

Accessory - was running short on time so did the Crossover Symmetry "Iron Scap" program with the heavy elite bands and it set my shoulders on fire.
A bit behind on my logging - training is still going well.

Week 4 Session 4

Warm Up
5min Assault bik
Dynamic leg swings x 20
Hip Circle on - 50 wide steps, 40 sideway steps, 20 air squats
Air Squat 2 x 10

Back Squats
Warm Up
Bar x 10
Bar x 10
60kg x 10
100kg x 5
120kg x 3

Working Sets
142.5kg 6 x 2 - heavy doubles went really well. All over in 12mins with an RPE of 7.5. Really staring to feel comfortable with this load.

Warm Up
Bar RDL x 10
60kg x 10
120kg x 5
140kg x 5
160kg x 3

Working Sets
182.5kg 5x3 - heavy triples went really well considering the struggle I had with 5x5 last week. Again happy how this went and again an RPE of 7.5

Goblet Squats 4 x 10 @24kg
RDL 4 x 10 @60kg
Hip Extensions 4 x 10
GHD Situps 4 x 10

10min Slow Assault Bike
Week 5 Session 1

Had my first squat session in my new rig at home.

Warm up
Warm Up
5min Assault bik
Dynamic leg swings x 20
Air Squats x 20
Hip Openers

Back Squats
Warm Up
Bar x 10
Bar x 10
60kg x 10
100kg x 5

Working Sets
110kg x 6 x 3 (paused) - this went really well. At the start of this cycle paused back squats were evil. Today down, pause and up - no worries. RPE 6.5 - 7

Bench Press
Warm Up
Bar x 20
Bar x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 10
70kg x 6

Working Sets
85kg x 5 - smooth - RPE 6
97.5kg 5 x 3 - not too bad - decent bar speed, last couple of sets were getting a little tough - RPE - 7.5 - 8
85kg 4 x 3 - quick 2 count on the chest for each rep, felt good RPE 7

Banded Row 4 x 10
Banded Pec Flys - 4 x10
Banded Incline Press 4 x 10
Banded Y-Flys - 4 x 10
oops missed logging two workout:

Week 5 Session 3 - Thursday 27th Oct

Warm Up
5min Assault Bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Dynamic leg swings x 20

Bench Press Warm Up
Bar x 20
40kg x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 8
70kg x 6
80kg x 5

Working Sets
97.5kg 5 x 3 - All sets were nice and smooth - RPE 7.5 - 8
90kg 5 x 3 - Again nice and smooth - RPE 7
85kg 4 x 6 (narrow grip) last week I missed the last rep on the last set of this exact set. This time no worries and got all of them - RPE 7.5 - 8


Banded Row 4 x 10
Banded Pec Fly 4 x 10
Banded Incline Press 4 x 10
Banded Y-Fly 4 x10
Week 5 Session 4

The end of week 5 of a six week cycle

Warm Up
Dynamic leg swings x 20
Hip Circle on - 50 wide steps, 40 sideway steps, 20 air squats
Air Squat 2 x 10

Back Squats
Warm Up
Bar x 10
Bar x 10
60kg x 10
100kg x 5
120kg x 3

Working Sets
137.5kg 6 x 3 - A little lighter today but I ended up making hard work of it. Was not hitting my usual straight upwards bar path as I was losing tightness in my thoracic region. Will look at fixing this in my next squat session. Overall RPE 7.5

Warm Up
Bar RDL x 10
60kg x 10
120kg x 5
140kg x 3
170kg x 3

Working Sets
187.5kg 5x3 - I knew this weight was coming and I had been trying my best to ignore it. Warm up did not feel great. First 3 sets were ok next set was tough and in set 5 had to give it all I could to get through. Overall an RPE of 8 - 9

This week was a bit mixed - happy with how the 150kg squats went - less happy about the squats today. Reasonably happy with the deadlifts that at least I did not miss any reps.

Onto the final week of this cycle.
Week 6 Session 1

The last week of the current cycle and there are a couple of key sets that are big challenges. The first one being today in bench.

Warm up
5min Assault bike
Dynamic leg swings x 20
Air Squats x 20
Hip Openers

Back Squats
Warm Up
Bar x 10
Bar x 10
60kg x 10
100kg x 5

Working Sets
102.5kg x 6 x 3 (paused) - best set of paused squats this cycle, no forward tip, thoracic nice and tight. Bar path nice and vertical. RPE 6

Bench Press
Warm Up
Bar x 20
Bar x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 8
70kg x 6
80kg x 4

Working Sets
90kg x 5 - smooth - RPE 7
102.5kg x 3 -got amped for this first set - not great. Bar path a bit wobbly but done for a new 3RM
102.5kg x 3 - Much better set - nice and tight and on the third rep hit a new max bar force of 150kg
102.5kg x 3 - Last set again got pretty tight under the bar. Completed the 3 reps with a little bar for the last rep
These 3 triples were going to be a challenge and I was happy with how it went. RPE 8 - 9
87.5kg 4 x 3 - quick 2 count on the chest for each rep, felt good RPE 7

Banded Row 4 x 10
Banded Pec Flys - 4 x10
Banded Incline Press 4 x 10
Banded Y-Fly 4 x 10

Overall a great bench workout today - apparently a 2RM for next week so will be interesting to see what number the coach sets me to hit.
Week 6 Session 2

Warm Up
5 min Assault Bike
Hip Circle on - wide steps, squats, lunges
Air Squat 2 x 10

Back Squat

Warm Up
Bar 2 x 10
60kg x 10
100kg x 5
120kg x 3

Working Sets
137.5kg x 5 - good - RPE 7

Belt on
155kg x 3 - hard - little bit foward on reps 2 and 3 - RPE 9
1555kg x 3 - still tough, rep 1 ok, rep 2 and 3 good in and out of the hole. RPE 8
155kg x 3 -super tough set, last rep probably my best. RPE 9

So 155kg is a new 3RM and having to do it three times was a real challenge this morning and had to take a good 10min break before moving onto the rest of the workout


Warm up
70kg x 10
100kg x 10
120kg x 5

Working Sets
130kg (with a Red band - light resistance)) - 5 x 3 - these were good and focused on really accelerating the bar with speed. RPE 6.5 - 7

Bench Press

Warm Up
Bar x 10
Bar x 10
40kg x 10
50kg x 8
60kg x 8
70kg x 3

Working Sets
75kg 5 x 3 - technique focused on getting my position tight and pressing with intensity. RPE 6.5

Was fried so cut accessory today and just decided to eat.
Last week marked the end of the first 6 weeks cycle and finished up light:

Week 6 Session 3
Bench press working sets
80kg 3x3
85kg 3x3

Week 6 Session 4
Squat Working Sets
120kg 6x3

Deadlift Working Sets
150kg 5 x 3

So RPE was between 6-7 no stress

I have just received the following 6 week program which starts with a skills test (2RM bench and squat in week 1) then builds to some juicy lifts in week 5, then ending with a 1RM testing at the end of week 6 - looks intense and am pretty excited for this next phase.
Week 7 Session 1

Today is the start of a new 6 week cycle. I have some "skills test' this week with 2RM attempts at bench and squat. Then a build up to a full out 1RM test for all three lifts on 16th December. All very exciting.

Warm up
5min Assault bike
crossover symmetry activation
Dynamic leg swings x 20
Air Squats x 20
Hip Openers

Back Squats
Warm Up
Bar x 10
Bar x 10
60kg x 10
100kg x 5

Working Sets
107.5kg x 6 x 3 (paused) - Felt comfortable RPE 6

Bench Press
Warm Up
Bar x 20
Bar x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 8
70kg x 4
80kg x 2
90kg x 2
102.5kg x 2

Working Sets
110kg x 2 - This was my 2RM test and I got both reps - now considering at the meet 8 weeks ago I hit a very shaky 112.5kg 1RM (though paused) this was definitely my best heavy bench ever. Really gave it all i could with a leg drive and hit 164kg and 172kg of force for reps 1 and 2 for an RPE of 9 (this is at least 30kg of force more than I have previously generated)

87.5kg 4 x 4 - Got nice and tight for each set, felt good RPE 7
70kg 4 x 4 (low incline) - first time I have ever really done any incline bench pressing before - felt decent RPE 6,5

Banded Row 4 x 10
Banded Pec Flys - 4 x10
Banded Incline Press 4 x 10
Banded Y-Fly 4 x 10

Rest day tomorrow and then its 2RM squat time.
Week 7 Session 2

Heavy squat day!

Warm Up
Dynamic Leg Swings
PVC Pipe shoulder warm ups
20 Air squats

Back Squat
Warm up
Bar x 20
Bar x 10
60kg x 8
70kg x 5
120kg x 4
140kg x 2

Working Sets
162.5kg x 2 - got it! That's a new 2RM and was definitely a tough lift RPE 9 - Max force on the bar for rep 1 = 230kg and rep 2 = 237kg

132.5kg 4 x 4 - felt fine and maxed out at about 200kg peak force RPE 7


Warm Up
70kg x 10
110kg x 10

Working Sets

112.5kg 5 x 4 - (light Band resisted) - again felt good and the bar was moving fast at this light load - RPE 6

Bench Press

Warm Up
Bar x 20
40kg x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 8

Working Sets
82.5kg 4 x 5 - bar moved well and really focused on explosive speed. RPE 7


4 x 10 - Back Extensions
4 x 10 - GHD Situps

wanted to do some more though was feeling very jaded by then - so called it a day and was very happy to be leaving with a new 2RM
Had an enjoyable bench session this morning

Warm Up
Crossover symmetry
Dynamic leg swings
PVC Pipe

Bench Press

Warm Up
Bar x 20
50kg x 10
60kg x 8
70kg x 5
80kg x 4

Working sets
85kg 4 x 2 - both sets straight forward - RPE 7
80kg 4 x 4 - paused all reps - RPE 7
75kg 3 x 5 - with narrow grip and pause - RPE 7

Banded Row 4 x 10
Banded Pec Flys - 4 x10
Banded Incline Press 4 x 10
Banded Y-Fly 4 x 10
Week 7 Workout 4

Warm Up
5min Assault bike
Crossover symmetry
Dynamic leg swings
PVC Pipe
20 Air Squats

Back Squat
Bar x 10
Bar x 10
60kg x 10
70kg x 8
100kg x 6
120kg x 4

Working Sets
127.5kg 5 x 4 - First couple of sets felt a bit heavy, last 3 sets I got the bar moving well and finished up with an RPE of 7.5 and about 190kg average force on the bar


Warm Up
Bar RDL x 20
70kg x 10
100kg x 8
120kg x 6
140kg x 4

Working Sets
160kg 5 x 4 - not too bad this morning - first set always a bit of a feeling out process. Overall RPE 7.5 average max force on the bar of 200kg so that was ok

10min Assault Bike Cool Down
20min Mobility work

It was actually quite hard this morning as I am feeling a bit sick but pleased to have knocked out all the reps despite missing out the accessory work
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