Ronski's Training Log

Ugh - my logging has been derailed - though most of the tough lifts and sets are on instagram.

However during the last 3 weeks there have been some very spicy sets
Week 10
5 x 4 @182.5kg - I can safely say this nearly broke me, after the first set I was seriously contemplating on bailing on the rest of the sets. Preserved with it and got them done

Week 11
4 x 2 @167.5kg (97.5% of 1RM) - first rep of each set was good, slight forward tip on the second rep. Overall pretty decent

Week 12
4 x 2 @ 157.5kg (92.5%) - this was perhaps even harder than last weeks heavy doubles as I was doing them on my own without a training parter
4 x 2 @107.5kg (92.5kg) - really tough and triceps were fried

The final workout before test was 5 x3 @75% for Squat, Bench and Dead which set up pretty well for testing

So last Thursday after 12 weeks of hard work it was finally time to test. My coach and some friends came over to support and we ran it in the vein of a powerlifting meet.

So after the usual warm up this is how a very intense 90minutes played out:

Warm up lift
142.5kg x 2 - smooth

Attempt 1
160kg - up and down smooth

Attempt 2
175kg - up and down pretty smooth - and a 5kg PB

Attempt 3
184kg - bit of a grind in the middle and a new PB (14kg) (this was the goal 12 weeks ago)

The way the bar moved for attempt 3 we thought we might as well have a crack at 190kg

Attempt 4
190kg - monster psych up, went down to decent depth and attacked it for all i was worth on the way up. Had a serious grind through the sticking point and with the toughest squat of my life achieved a 20kg squat PB. I was exhausted but delighted with the lift

So after about 10mins

Warmed up
Bar x 20
50kg x 8
80kg x 3
100kg x 1

Attempt 1
105kg - smooth up and down

Attempt 2
115kg - quick pause off the chest and up for a 2.5kg PB

Attempt 3
120kg - very slow down, a pause on the chest and a press command from my coach, drove hard with my legs and was able to fight with the bar and press it out for a 7.5kg PB

We discussed if it was worth putting another 2.5kg on the bar but felt there was significant chance I might fail it and 120kg was the goal at the start of the program and no point in trying more.


Deadlift I have been the most concerned with. I felt the squat and bench training had gone really well and mostly the deadlifting had been a serious grind and a real effort so I was willing to settle for a 1kg PB before going into the warm up.

Warm up
Bar RDL x 10
70kg x 3
120kg x 3
170kg x 1

Attempt 1
202kg - explosive and fast hip drive. Certainly the best pull of my life over 200kg.

Based on that lift we went straight into 4 red wheels for attempt 2 - 220kg (this was suppose to be attempt 3)

Attempt 2
220kg - bar moved well off the floor and I was able to get the leg drive timed well to lock out pretty easily. In fact I was so excited I slammed the bar down. Still up and a 7.5kg PB and what is better is that this was the weight I had failed twice before and the most recent one at the first meet I did. So it was tremendously satisfying to pull this so easily.

We reviewed the lift and I knew I had some more left in the tank, 225kg was suggested but that was not going to be enough as it is just shy of 500lbs so we went for 228kg (502lbs) that has been a goal for the last two years

Attempt 3
228kg - prior to the lift my coach had set if you get it to below your knees do not stop pulling, fight for it and you will lock it out. With this on my mind and a massive war cry I went for the lift. I was surprised it moved well off the floor (traditionally my weak point) when i got it below my knees my whole body wanted to let the bar go. I knew I had done the hard work and remembered what my coach said. So for whatever reason I took another breath (in the middle of the lift!) and went to work on grinding through the lift to the lock out - and what was the toughest pull in my life so far I locked it out! This was a 15.5kg PB

It was a surreal almost out of body experience pulling that last deadlift and I was so pleased a number of my friends had been there to share and support me through the lift. What a feeling...

So my total at the last meet was 495kg and after 12 weeks and an epic 90mins of testing I left with a 538kg total - more that me or my coach could have ever hoped for.

I had the weekend off to recover a bit and today I got back under the bar for 3 x 8 @50% for squats and bench to get the blood flowing. I will start another 12 week block on Tuesday in preparation for another local powerlifting meet on 10th March.
Week 1 Session 2 (actually missed the first working session)

Warm Up
5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors, hamstrings and front rack
2 x 10 Air squats


Warm Up
Bar 2 x 10
60kg x 8
90kg x 6
120kg x 3

Working Sets
130kg 4 x 6 - was a bit of a shock to the system working in 6s though the weight was moderate still got the heart rate going - RPE 7.5


Warm Up
Bar RDL 2 x 10
70kg x 8
120kg x 5
140kg x 3

Working Sets
147.5kg 5 x 3 (4cm Deficit) - focus on accelerating the bar off the floor. Felt good to stretch out the hamstrings a bit - RPE 7

Bench Press

Warm Up
Bar 2 x 10
60kg x 10
80kg x 5

Working Sets
90kg 5 x 3 - technique focus with short pause on the chest - RPE 7

Overall a good session and nice to get back into a regular cycle again. My coach has told me that due to the high 1RMs I achieved last week this block is going to be a serious grind even though he has reduced the %'s slightly. Lovely :)
Fun Bench session this morning

5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors,
PVC pipe work

Bench Warm Up
Bar 2 x 20
50kg x 10
70kg x 6
85kg x 3

Bench - Wide Grip - 2ct pause on chest
92.5kg 5 x 3 - went smooth- real focus on locking shoulder position and keeping tight (PE 7)

Bench - Medium Grip with light red band
80kg 4 x 4 - the first time I do banded bench and very enjoyable - really focused on explosion off my chest (RPE 7)

Banded Row 4 x 10
Banded Pec Flys - 4 x10
Banded Incline Press 4 x 10
Banded Y-Fly 4 x 10
Week 1 Session 4

Such nice weather in the run up to Christmas in Dubai so training with the garage door open was a real pleasure today.

5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors,
PVC pipe work
Air Squats 2 x 10

Squat Warm Up
Bar 2 x 10
70kg x 8
90kg x 6
120kg x 4
140kg x 3 (Belt on)

Working Sets
152.5kg 4 x 3 - Not going to lie this was tough and glad it was over - RPE 8


Warm Up
Bar RDL x 10
70kg x 8
120kg x 5
140kg x 5

Working Sets
160kg 4x4 - felt pretty good - RPE 7

Then some sets with a pause at the knee
130kg 4x4 - interesting - never done these before. Kind of feels like doing double the reps - RPE 7

10min EMOM
10 Weighted Ab Mat Situps (20lb med ball)
10 Goblet Squats (24kg Kettlebell)

That last bit sucked - dat cardio tho

All done and a decent first week back on this block.
Week 2 Session1 - Christmas Day Workout

Great weather in Dubai so spent a couple of hours in the gym to somehow justify the indulgence that was going to happen later

5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors,
PVC pipe work
Air Squats 2 x 10


Warm up
Bar 2 x 10
60kg x 8
100kg x 5

Working Sets
110kg 6 x 4 - tempo squats - 4 or 5 count down, straight back up, As a fast twitch lifter this has got to be the worst set of squats I have done to date. RPE 8

Bench Press

Warm Up
Bar 2 x 20
50kg x 10
70kg x 5
90kg x 2

Working Sets
105kg 2 x 3 - these were both tough triples - RPE 8.5
95kg 4 x 6 - after the triples I was feeling pretty fatigued and these were each a real grind - RPE 8
85kg 4 x 4 - SPOTO press (pause 2" above chest) - the first time I have ever done these and total misery. The last set I had a huge flight to press out the last rep as I struggled wit this movement

Overall - wish I had not done this on Christmas day it totally kicked my ass but it certainly made the Turkey taste better later that day!
Basically spent boxing day on the couch watching the back to the future trilogy feeling pretty beaten up from the Christmas day bench/squat workout.

Fully rested on the 27th I was happy to be back in the gym

Week 2 Session 2

5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors,
PVC pipe work
Air Squats 2 x 10

Warm up
Bar 2 x 10
70kg x 6
100kg x 6
120kg x 3

Working Sets
140kg 6 x 4 - this is effectively a 6RM for me and it went really well, bar speed was great and I was finding some great depth on the later sets. All reps over 200kg force and probably my best set of squats I have ever done.
RPE 7.5

(think I was spurred on by my coach who was training with me who hit a PB of 225kg for 6 reps)

Warm Up
Bar RDL x 10
70kg x 8
120kg x 6
140kg x 4

Working Sets
152.5kg 5 x 5 with 40mm deficit - not too bad today - bar moved well and I just got this grunt work done. RPE 7

Bench - considering how bad bench went last session I was not super excited to bench again especially after a decent amount of volume of squats and deads beforehand

Warm Up
Bar x 20
50kg x 10
70kg x 6

Working Sets
95kg 6 x 4 - way better today, focused on increased tightness in my upper back and shoulders. Bar moved well off my chest and all reps felt decent. RPE 7

Overall a satisfying session - must have been all those Christmas gains
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Week 2 Session 3

Thursday is fun - bench only

5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors,
PVC pipe work

Bench Warm Up
Bar 2 x 20
50kg x 10
70kg x 6
85kg x 3

Bench - Wide Grip - 2ct pause on chest
92.5kg 6 x 3 - went smooth- real focus on locking shoulder position and keeping tight (RPE 7.5)

Bench - Medium Grip with light red band
85kg 4 x 4 - Bit tougher than last week with an extra 5kg on the bar, still kept explosive as possible(RPE 8)

Banded Row 4 x 10
Banded Pec Flys - 4 x10
Banded Incline Press 4 x 10
Banded Y-Fly 4 x 10
Last workout for 2016!

Week 2 Session 4

5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors,
PVC pipe work
Air Squats 2 x 10

Squat Warm Up
Bar 2 x 10
70kg x 8
120kg x 4
140kg x 3 (Belt on)

Working Sets
152.5kg 6 x 3 - and I thought four sets was hard last week. This sucked hard. RPE 8.5


Warm Up
Bar RDL x 10
70kg x 8
120kg x 5
140kg x 5

Working Sets
172.5kg 6x4 - ugh so much volume. This sucked as well RPE 8

Then some sets with a pause at the knee
150kg 4x4 - a welcome relief after all the heavy grunt work earlier - RPE 7

The increased weight and volume this week left me fried so I skipped the accessory work.

Anyway - Happy New Year all !
After a very long lie in time to lift!

Week 3 Session 1 - New Year's Day

5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors,
PVC pipe work
Air Squats 2 x 10


Warm up
Bar 2 x 10
60kg x 8
90kg x 3
105 x 3

Working Sets
117.5kg 6 x 3 - tempo squats - 4 or 5 count down, straight back up. This went a lot better than last week, having said that after set 4 really felt my lower back tighten up so had to stretch it out and it was ok. RPE 7.5

Bench Press

Warm Up
Bar 2 x 20
60kg x 8
90kg x 3
102.5kg x 1

Working Sets
110kg 2 x 2 - Both sets went really - for a 2RM all reps over 160kg of max force. Really happy how the bar moved today - RPE 8.5
100kg 2 x 6 - had to get the wife to come in and spot me - in the end not needed and i got both sets for a 6RM - RPE 8
85kg 4 x 4 - SPOTO press (pause 2" above chest) - after the disaster with this last week I was really pleased how they went this week. I might have stopped a little high in the first couple of sets but overall way better.

Bench felt very good today - surprisingly after a couple of late nights :)

Banded Row 4 x 10
Banded Pec Flys - 4 x10
Banded cuban press 4 x 10
Banded Y-Fly 4 x 10

New Year - new gains!
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Overall a good session yesterday

Week 3 Session 2

5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors,
PVC pipe work
Air Squats 2 x 10

Warm up
Bar 2 x 10
70kg x 6
100kg x 6
120kg x 3

Working Sets
147.5kg 3 x 6 - hard and heavy for six reps, last couple of each set had my heart rate through the roof. Overall pretty happy with the depth and the way the bar was moving in sets 2 and 3
RPE 8.5

Warm Up
Bar RDL x 10
70kg x 8
120kg x 6
140kg x 4

Working Sets
157.5kg 5 x 5 with 40mm deficit -this went ok and was able to get through it all in about 20mins. RPE 7.5

Bench -

Warm Up
Bar x 20
50kg x 10
70kg x 6

Working Sets
97.5kg 6 x 3 - Not too bad today - last couple of sets started to get a little harder. RPE 7.5

Was quite a long session but pleased as I did encounter any of the lower back tightness I had on Sunday.
Ugh - had a hard time motivating myself to workout today. I knew the programmed session would be hard and heavy. It didn't disappoint...

Week 3 Session 4

5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors,
PVC pipe work
Air Squats 2 x 10

Squat Warm Up
Bar 2 x 10
70kg x 8
100kg x 6
120kg x 4
140kg x 2 (belt on)

Working Sets
162.5kg 6 x 3 - 10kg more than last weeks triples that were tough. So I took about 5mins rest between each set and just tried to maintain my form to save my lower back. It took time but got through all six sets at an RPE of 8

I need to be happy with this as it was the heaviest sets of triples I have ever done.


Warm Up
Bar RDL x 10
70kg x 8
120kg x 4
170kg x 3

Working Sets
182.5kg 4x4 - heavier than last week (up 10kg) but two sets less. Just had to suck it up and grind. RPE 8

Then some sets with a pause at the knee
140kg 4x4 - not too bad this week, though my grip was seriously suffering from the previous sets - RPE 7

Spent 20mins doing mobility afterwards instead of programmed accessory work. Worked lower back, hips and hamstring/glutes.

Half way through this block - wow that went quickly considering Christmas and New Year. Pleased I was able to train throughout and not take a break.
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Week 4 Session 1

5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors,
PVC pipe work
Air Squats 2 x 10


Warm up
Bar 2 x 10
70kg x 8
100kg x 3

Working Sets
127.5kg 6 x 3 - tempo squats - 4 or 5 count down, straight back up. Happy with how this went. No lower back pain or any other tweaks. It doesn't stop tempo squats being the worst things I have to do on the cycle - bring back pause squats any time. RPE 7.5

Bench Press

Warm Up
Bar 2 x 20
50kg x 8
70kg x 6
90kg x 3

Working Sets
105kg 3 x 3 - Bar moved pretty well on these triples- RPE 8.5
97.5kg 3 x 5 - this also moved well and all sets felt good. RPE 8
85kg 4 x 4 - SPOTO press (pause 2" above chest) - similar to last week, felt fine RPE 7.5

Was pushed for time so no accessory today.
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Week 4 Session 2

5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors,
PVC pipe work
Air Squats 2 x 10

Warm up
Bar 2 x 10
70kg x 6
100kg x 6
120kg x 3

Working Sets
142.5kg 6 x 4 - A decent amount of volume at a medium weight meant go hammer and tongs! I attacked each set and felt the bar moving well
RPE 7.5

Warm Up
Bar RDL x 10
70kg x 8
120kg 2 x 6

Working Sets
165kg 5 x 3 with 40mm deficit -still feeling good with these deficit deads.
RPE 7.5

Bench -

Warm Up
Bar x 20
60kg x 10
80kg x 6

Working Sets
90kg 6 x 6 - more volume at a medium weight. Felt the bar moving off my chest well. RPE 7.5

Despite the volume today i felt it went well. Hamstrings have DOMs still from the tempo squats on Sunday
Progress is absolutely immense as ever Ronski - keep meaning to pop in and say so but I see the workouts on instagram most days anyway!
Week 4 Session 3

Quick bench session today

5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors,
PVC pipe work

Bench Press

Warm Up
Bar 2 x 10
60kg x 10
80kg x 6

Working Sets
92.5kg 6 x 4 (with Wide grip and 2ct on chest) - nothing remarkable today - was fine - RPE 7.5

80kg 4 x 4 (with medium grip and light red band) - again felt decent - RPE 7.5

Banded Row 4 x 10
Banded Pec Flys - 4 x10
Banded cuban press 4 x 10
Banded Y-Fly 4 x 10

Usually I have rest day between workouts 2 and 3 but I need to travel a bit next week so getting the sessions in a little early before an enforced 3 day rest
Yesterday went into the gym to get my squat / deadlift session in:

Week 4 Session 4

5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors,
PVC pipe work
Air Squats 2 x 10

Squat Warm Up
Bar 2 x 10
70kg x 8
100kg x 6
120kg x 4
140kg x 2 (belt on)

Working Sets
152.5kg 6 x 3 - while a little lighter than last week it was still a tough weight to move. First 3 sets ok, set 4 tough and sets 5 an 6 all out to get them done. RPE 7.5/8


Warn Up
Bar RDL 2 x 10
70kg x 10
120kg x 6
140kg x 3
> then my phone rang - ugh it took time to deal with it.
170kg x 1 - so tough, super cold, Lesson learned don't take phone calls in the gym so called it a day
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