Warm Up
3min Double Under Practice
10 inch worms
20 Walking Lunges
10 GHD Sit Ups
15 Hip Extensions
10 Push Ups
10 Broad Jumps
10 KBS
Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility
1RM Push Press
Warm Up
Bar x 10
40kg x 5
45kg x3
1RM Attempts
60kg x 1 - ok
70kg x 1 - fail (not enough leg drive)
70kg x 1 - good tight drive and went up easy - PR
75kg x 1 - decent drive but bar too far from body initially - fail
I felt I had 75kg in me, however yesterdays bench press had still an effect on my triceps so left it at that
12min AMRAP
30 Double Unders - scaled to 90 single unders
15 Toes to Bars - scaled to Hanging Knee Raise
7 Deadlifts @70kg
Result - 6 rounds + 90 single unders + 7 knee raises
Was a fun workout but again a forearm/grip burner. Going to have a well earned rest day tomorrow
3min Double Under Practice
10 inch worms
20 Walking Lunges
10 GHD Sit Ups
15 Hip Extensions
10 Push Ups
10 Broad Jumps
10 KBS
Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility
1RM Push Press
Warm Up
Bar x 10
40kg x 5
45kg x3
1RM Attempts
60kg x 1 - ok
70kg x 1 - fail (not enough leg drive)
70kg x 1 - good tight drive and went up easy - PR
75kg x 1 - decent drive but bar too far from body initially - fail
I felt I had 75kg in me, however yesterdays bench press had still an effect on my triceps so left it at that
12min AMRAP
30 Double Unders - scaled to 90 single unders
15 Toes to Bars - scaled to Hanging Knee Raise
7 Deadlifts @70kg
Result - 6 rounds + 90 single unders + 7 knee raises
Was a fun workout but again a forearm/grip burner. Going to have a well earned rest day tomorrow