Ronski's Training Log

Warm Up
3min Double Under Practice
10 inch worms
20 Walking Lunges
10 GHD Sit Ups
15 Hip Extensions
10 Push Ups
10 Broad Jumps
10 KBS

Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility

1RM Push Press

Warm Up
Bar x 10
40kg x 5
45kg x3

1RM Attempts
60kg x 1 - ok
70kg x 1 - fail (not enough leg drive)
70kg x 1 - good tight drive and went up easy - PR
75kg x 1 - decent drive but bar too far from body initially - fail

I felt I had 75kg in me, however yesterdays bench press had still an effect on my triceps so left it at that

12min AMRAP

30 Double Unders - scaled to 90 single unders
15 Toes to Bars - scaled to Hanging Knee Raise
7 Deadlifts @70kg

Result - 6 rounds + 90 single unders + 7 knee raises

Was a fun workout but again a forearm/grip burner. Going to have a well earned rest day tomorrow
Warm Up
run 400m
10 Inch Worms
10 Squat Jumps
10 Ring Rows
10 Wall Balls @20lbs
10 KBS @16kg
20 Sec Hollow Hold x 3
20 Sec Hollow Arch x 3

Front Squat
Bar x 10
50kg x 5
Working sets
80kg x 2 reps x 6 sets
Last two sets 3 sec pause at the bottom - overall felt good

Barbell Complex
4min - 3min - 2min - 1min
2min rest between each AMRAP of:

3 Deadlifts
1 Thruster
3 Front Squats
1 Thruster
3 Push Jerk
1 Thruster


Total reps -116 Rx

Was a fun if not exhausting barbell complex and took some guts in the 3min round!
Warm Up
3min DU Practice
20 Walking straight leg kicks
25m Duck Walk
20 Walking Lunges
25m Bear Crawl
25m of Long Jumps
20 Shoulder Passes
15 Hip Extension
Hip Mobility


Front Squat
20 Banded Squats
10 x Bar
5 x 60kg

Working Sets
6 x 2 @85kg (nice and smooth)


Open Workout 15.2 (scaled)
0 - 3min
6 Over Head Squats @30kg
6 Chin Over Bar Pull Ups
6 Over Head Squats @30kg
6 Chin Over Bar Pull Ups
3min - 6min
8 Over Head Squats @30kg
8 Chin Over Bar Pull Ups
8 Over Head Squats @30kg
8 Chin Over Bar Pull Ups
6min - 9min
10 Over Head Squats @30kg
10 Chin Over Bar Pull Ups
10 Over Head Squats @30kg
10 Chin Over Bar Pull Ups

etc - until you can not complete the work in the prescribed 3mins.

This workout is hell! My first attempt ended in 9 reps as I could not do more pull ups than 3!

So I took 15mins and reset myself and attacked the workout again. After 6mins I was flat out on the floor with a total of 50 reps.

I had 3 or 4 no reps on the pull ups so there is an argument to try it again and I may have broken into round 3 which would mean at least another 10 OHS. Still having gone from no pull ups to 22 good ones in 6mins in a few months I will take it.
Warm Up
5min DU practice
10 Inch Worms
10 squats (5 sec hold at the bottom)
10 Glute Bridges
10 hip extensions
10 Bird Dog
Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility
Ankle Mobility

1RM Deadlift Testing
Warm Up
Bar x 15
60kg x 8
100kg x5

Test Reps
130kg - ok
145kg - ok
155kg - ok
165kg - ok (PB)
175kg - fail
175kg - belt on and a long pull but up it went - PB

Here is the lift on my instagram feed -

So a 15kg PB and only 6kg shy of the 400lb mark that has been a long term goal

4 Rounds for Time
Bridge Run (basically run outside the gym and up over and back across the motorway foot brige, total of about 400m)
15 x Overhead Squat @40kg

Time = 22min 12secs

What a grinder of a workout - the first time I ever OHS 40kg and in trainers. Was breaking them into sets of between 5 and 8.

So this gives me a new power lifting total of
Squat - 142.5kg
Bench - 110kg
Deadlift - 175kg
Total = 427.5kg (a 27.5kg increase since Jan) - next stop 440kg+
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Warm Up
5min DU practice
10 Inch Worms
10 squats (5 sec hold at the bottom)
10 Glute Bridges
10 hip extensions
10 Bird Dog
Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility
Ankle Mobility


Push Press 5 x5 @52.5kg (smooth)
Z Press 3 x 12 @20kg

For time
21 - 15 - 9
Thrusters @40kg
Calories on the rower

Result = 15min25secs

ok - so that was really hard. This was the first time I complete a workout with 40kg thrusters and I had to break them down into small sets of between 2 - 5. Still it's the "benchmark" weight to do thrusters at in the CrossFit world, so at least I can attempt more workouts Rx (as prescribed) and honestly I would rather be doing burpees than 40kg thrusters (they really suck)
You'd rather do burpees than thrusters? :eek:

Crossfiters. Honestly. ;) :D

And good work on the z press! Dirty, dirty exercise...

hahah - thanks mate

The first time I do Z press and oooh its evil, no question I am going to be sore tomorrow. I will try at 25kg next time around.
Back to the gym this evening to start on another 531 cycle for bench press

Warm up
Bar x 20
40kg x 5
47.5kg x 5
55kg x 3

Working Sets
60kg x 5
70kg x 5
80kg x 10 - was a grind after all the pressing work earlier today - was hoping for 12 reps but still good enough

Slingshot on:
100kg x 3
110kg x 2
120kg fail - good to feel the weight on my arms and then down onto my chest

Boring but big assistance work
60kg x 10 x 5 sets - smooth
Warm Up

Bridge Run
10 Straight Leg Swings
10 Side Leg Swings
10 Wall Balls
10 Hand Stand Kick Ups
10 Hip Extensions
Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility

10 x 4 - Front Rack Walk Lunges @20kg
10 x 3 - Shoot Throughs

It was a classic "chipper" this morning, which is good after all the pressing yesterday - so for time
50 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch @35lbs
40 Hand Release Push Ups
30 Med Ball Cleans @20lbs
20 Toes to Bars/Knees to Elbows (I did K2E)
10 Burpee to Dumbbell Press @35lbs

Result - 8min 37secs

The coaches said it was a decent time - short, sweet and hard work. That's four days in a row now and time for a couple of days off while I travel for business.
went to the gym this morning to have a go at the open 15.3 scaled workout.

After 30 mins of mobilizing and warm up it was 15.3 time

AMRAP 14mins
50 Wall Balls @20lbs to 9ft
200 Single unders

Result = 2 rounds and 26 wall balls

Was really disappointed as I had aimed to at least complete 3 sets of wall balls. Paid the price of setting off to fast (first 50 wall balls in 2 min 30sec) this just gassed me too much for the rest of the workout. So lesson learned, I will give it another crack tomorrow morning.

After 20 mins rest

Pull ups

5 x 3
4 x 5 - negatives
back to class this morning

Warm up
Row 500m
15 Glute Bridges
15 Air Squats
15 Kettlebell Swings @16kg
15 Push Ups
15 Hip Extensions
10 Bird Dog
10 Inch Worms
Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility

Front Squat

Warm Up
Bar x 10
50kg x 8

Working Sets
6sets x 3reps @85kg - all smooth, last couple of reps in set 6 a bit of a grind but ok


Disappointed with yesterday open 15.3 workout I elected to repeat it - so rested 20mins and did the following

AMRAP 14mins
50 Wall Balls @20lbs to 9ft
200 Single unders

Result = 2 rounds and 50 wall balls and 23 single unders

That is an increase of 47reps over yesterday - so well worth repeating but another 14mins of metabolic pain. I broke up the wall balls in round 1 into 15, 15, 10, 10 and then 10s then 5s in round 3.

I was in a word finished. The actual WoD for today was:

21 - 15 - 9
Wall balls
Power Cleans @50kg

Which would have been far more preferable!
Early morning class
Warm Up
3min Double Under Practive
20 Walking Lunges
15 Air Squats
15 Kettlebell Swings
15 Push Ups
15 Hip Extensions
10 GHD Situps
10 Inch worms
Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility

Strength/Skill - bit of a gymnastics theme today
6 x Max Effort L-sit hold (I did tuck hold) - times were from 28 - 31secs per round
Practice Frog Stand
Practice Head Stand

10min AMRAP
10 Knees to Elbow
20 Air Squats
30 Double under (x3 for singles)

Result - 7 full rounds / 420 reps

More skipping and squatting my quads are going to be sore beyond belief. I am gong to have a rest day tomorrow coupled with some maintenance work from my locals sports osteopath
Bit of a frustrating day at the office - so decided only one thing can fix that. Time to get some bench press going.

Week 2 of 531 cycle - 3s

Warm Up
Shoulder mobility
Bar x 20
40kg x 5
47.5kg x 5
57.5kg x 3

Working Sets
65kg x 3 - smooth
75kg x 3 - bit of a wobble on rep 3, but ok
85kg x 10 - PB! last time I pushed 85kg for max reps I got to 6. So great to see this result after a less than stellar result last week on the plus set

Encouraged by this - slingshot on
100kg x 3 - easy
110kg x 2 - smooth
115kg x 1 - got it - I failed this lift last week

Big but boring - decided to up the weight by 5kg
65kg x 10reps x 5 sets

Honestly a bit of a grind on the last 2 reps of each set but got all reps and was happy to have gotten through it.

After a bit of recovery time. I decided I would do one of the benchmarks they have on the board in the gym. Very simple - 1000m Skierg for time.

On my last test back in December I did 4min 5 secs.

So I pulled for all I was worth and finished 3min 42 secs! Again really happy to have smashed my PB (after I had finished lying on the floor for 2mins)

Rest day tomorrow.
Warm Up
3min Double Under Practive
20 Walking Lunges
12 Air Squats
12 Turkish Get Ups @15lbs
12 GHD Situps
12 Hip Extensions
12 Inch worms
Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility

Push Press
Warm Up
Bar x 10
40kg x 8
Working Sets
5 x 5 @57.5kg - all reps done no misses

8min AMRAP
10 Power Snatch @30kg
15 Double Unders

Result = 100reps RX (4 full rounds) - a shoulder burner!

Went back for another little blast later in the afternoon:

4 rounds for time
10 Deadlifts @80kg
15 GHD Situps
20 Cals on the rower

Time = 16min 34secs that was again a tough workout. No worries on the rowing or deadlifts the GHD are a struggle after round 1 and had to break them down into small sets
After a rest day yesterday it was time for the second to last Open workout.

Warm up
Row 500m
12 Air Squats
24 Walking Lunges
24 Side Steps (with band)
hip Mobility
shoulder mobility
5 x power clean at 40kg
5 x power clean at 40kg
5 x push press bar
5 x push press @30kg

Crossfit Open WoD 15.4 scaled

AMRAP 8 mins
10 Push Press @43kg
10 Cleans (from the floor) @52kg

Result = 93 reps

The most brutal of the open workouts so far - by the end of round 2 it was a fight and the last 10 push presses were a real struggle. My goals was 100 reps or 5 full rounds and I fell short by 7 reps but for sure it was not lack of effort. The push presses became very hard in rounds 4 and 5. Going to be interesting to repeat this workout in 4 weeks or so once my current push press strength cycle has finished (not that I am looking forward to repeat this workout)
Well nothing untoward happened during after the workout other than it being a tough workout. I looked back at my workout logs and it was certainly the highest volume of push presses at that weight.

Anyway back to normal service this morning:

Warm up
3min Double Under practice
20 Air Squats

20 Kettle Bell Swings @16kg
10 Wall balls @14lbs
20 Hip Extensions
10 GHD Situps
20 Shoulder Passes
Shoulder Mobility
Hip Mobility

Front Squat
6 sets x 4 squats @85kg

Tough but ok - last rep on last set had a 4 sec pause on the bottom - that was fun :)


1k Skierg for time

Result - 3min 43.9 secs

That was exactly 1sec off my PB that I set last week - which is not bad considering the squat volume immediately before hand

500m row
couch stretch
Thanks mate :) The improvements over the last few months have been significant and for sure a more specific program could well give further gains. Having said that learning new skills and improving my cardio endurance and capacity have also been welcome additions.

Popped back to the gym this evening to get my weekly benchpress in. This week it is 531

Warm up
Bar x 20
40kg x 5
47.5kg x5
57.5kg x 3

Working Sets
70kg x 5 - ok
80kg x 3 - ok
90kg x 6 - a PB at this weight - can't be too unhappy, 8 reps would have been ideal but it wasn't happening today

Then tried a "heavy single":

100kg x 1 - a struggle but I got it. Pleased with that considering the previous 1+ set was tough

Slingshot on:

110kg x 3 - smooth
120kg x 1 - fail. Interesting to balance this weight above my chest for the first time. Went down and off my chest but unable to lock out.

Then big but boring

5 sets x 65kg - like last week. Tough but completed it.

After I had finished the evening crossfit class was going on -and I ended up trying the 1k skierg for time again with the evening crew.

Result - 3min 42.3 secs - a PB by 0.6secs and I was just doing it for fun. Started out at a slightly more steady pace and when I got to 250m left I could see a PB was on so pulled for all I as worth.

Time to get some food and rest.
back in the gym this morning:

Warm Up
5 Banded Partner Run (basically one runs with a band around the waist thats being held onto by your partner - hilarious fun)
20 Air Squats
10 Inch Worms
20 Bird Dog
10 Single Leg Deadlift (per leg @16kg kettlebell)
10 Push Ups
10 Handstand Kick Ups (I am still rubbish at these)

20 Shoulder Passes
Hip mobility


Clean Practice - 15mins

I worked on my form for 10mins at 40kg and 50kg and in the last 5mins I tried some heavier singles:

60kg - easy and smooth
70kg - not as easy but still smooth
80kg - A PB - not great more of a muscle clean. Left it at that

For time

21 - 15 - 9
Power Clean @50kg
GHD Situps

Time = 6min 33secs

A fun workout - for the first time i was able to go unbroken on the first set of GHD situps, 15 I had to break into 3 sets and unbroken in the last set. Am really improving on these
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