Ronski's Training Log

First off, good work on the lift, irrespective of whether it was more or less than last time around. :)

Secondly: dude - if you Crossfit, you should never worry about 1RM.

I say this with an entirely straight face: Crossfit won't make you the strongest/anything-est person in the world, but it will make you a very good all-rounder... that, and most people will have a bias towards something (i.e. tall, skinnies to the cardio elements, short and thick to strength... before we even get to muscle types, training histories, physiology, etc. into account).

If you want to lift heavy, lift heavy: you won't do this regularly enough at Crossfit, or with the right preparation (i.e. taper, rest, food). It's like some guy being awesome at spinning in a gym, but not being able to cycle for toffee in a road race or whatever.

Even within specific sports, like weightlifting: lifters are (generally) good at the snatch or the clean'njerk - not both. It can happen occasionally (Liao Hui, Aramnau, Rezazadeh) but people are either quick (snatch - Rybakou ) or strong (clean'n'jerk - Ilya Ilin).

AND THEN... you have the sucky rises and falls that goes with any training, stuff that sets you back by X weeks/months. It happens and it's rubbish...

Key thing is to pick yourself up, traing better (not necessarily harder) and lift moar. :)
First off, good work on the lift, irrespective of whether it was more or less than last time around. :)

Secondly: dude - if you Crossfit, you should never worry about 1RM.

I say this with an entirely straight face: Crossfit won't make you the strongest/anything-est person in the world, but it will make you a very good all-rounder... that, and most people will have a bias towards something (i.e. tall, skinnies to the cardio elements, short and thick to strength... before we even get to muscle types, training histories, physiology, etc. into account).

If you want to lift heavy, lift heavy: you won't do this regularly enough at Crossfit, or with the right preparation (i.e. taper, rest, food). It's like some guy being awesome at spinning in a gym, but not being able to cycle for toffee in a road race or whatever.

Even within specific sports, like weightlifting: lifters are (generally) good at the snatch or the clean'njerk - not both. It can happen occasionally (Liao Hui, Aramnau, Rezazadeh) but people are either quick (snatch - Rybakou ) or strong (clean'n'jerk - Ilya Ilin).

AND THEN... you have the sucky rises and falls that goes with any training, stuff that sets you back by X weeks/months. It happens and it's rubbish...

Key thing is to pick yourself up, traing better (not necessarily harder) and lift moar. :)

Thanks mate - I appreciate it. When I look back at my lift logs for squats it has not been particularly good. Then I map it against what happened at the weekend (I squat on Sundays) and sure enough - big night out on Friday or Saturday and I can't get the work done for squat day on Sunday.

The other thing talking to some of the guys in the gym is that with 531 the plus one week for me is not enough to get my CNS use to handling the 1RM weights at all. This for example was only the second time I squat 140kg in my life. Where really I should be doing doubles as 137.5kg (or something) in the training up to this.

Still you are right - moar lifting.
Warm Up

25m slow bear crawl
10 inch worms
15 Back Extensions
15 Push Ups
15 ring rows
20 Air Squat

Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility
Tricep (bar rolling/smash)

Strict Press
Warm Up
Bar x 10
30kg x 5
40kg x 3
45kg x 2

1RM Attempts:
50kg x 1 ok
55kg x 1 ok
60kg x 1 ok (PB)
62.5kg x 1 fail - couldn't quite lock out with left arm
62.5kg x 1 fail - setup wasn't right
62.5kg x 1 (PB - got the lockout on the left side!)

Left it at that - really happy. It's a 5kg increase in 6 weeks which on strict press is decent imho.

For time:
21-18-15-12 reps
Calories on the Skierg
Air Squats

Time - 12mins 46sec (again happy with my output and no real rests taken during the workout)

Travelling for work over the next 4 days - but thats ok I think I can use the rest!
What about us short and skinnies?! #nohope

Evolutionary anomaly. ;)

You just need to get short and jacked. :D

Serious point, however: short people will always have the capacity to lift more by virtue of their height because the bar doesn't have to go as far. It also means you will never be good at chinups because you will never be able to reach the bar in the first place. :D ;) :o
lol @ mrthingyx

Was having serious withdrawal symptoms from crossfit on this business trip. So a quick google/facebook later I found Crossfit 4456 in Windsor and dropped in for a workout this morning:

Warm Up
Hip Mobility
5min Tabata
Air Squat
Hand Stand Hold
Shoulder Mobility
Hollow Holds

Toes to Bars and Knees to Elbow
(Did my first legit Toes to Bar!)

21 - 15 - 9
Thrusters (scaled to 35kg)
Pull Ups (Thin Purple band)

Result = 8min 22secs (1 min PB 5kg heavier and lighter band!)

Row 1000m - time 4.04

2 x 25 reps HIp Extensions

Really happy to have got a good session in and got a friendly welcome from the coach and students at the box
Went back to Crossfit 4456 yesterday morning. The workout was as follows:

Warm up
10 rounds x Junk yard dog
10 rounds x Over / Unders

Snatch Technique
Burgener warm up with PVC pipe

Every Minutes on the Minute for 8 minutes

4 x Snatch (I kept to 20kg Bar Only)


Overhead plate walking lunges - 3 x 12 @ 20kg

Then main workout
12min AMRAP
10 x Sumo Deadlift to High Pull @50kg
15 x Knees to Elbow
20 x American Kettle Bell Swings @24kg

I finished at 3 rounds and 5 Kettle bell swings

10mins of mobility (mostly shoulder) to finish

This workout was brutal on my forearm grip and no chalk in the gym left my hands raw. Probably could have made it to a four full rounds with chalk or hand protection. Still a good workout while being on the road and I even brought one of their t-shirts as a little memento.
Back to my home gym this morning

Warm Up
3min Double Under Practice
10 inch works
20 Air Squats
10 GHD Sit Ups
15 Back Extensions
Thoracic Mobility
Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility

Strength - Establish 1RM Front Squat
Bar x 10
40kg x 8
50kg x 5
60kg x 3
70kg x 1 (smooth)
80kg x 1 (smooth)
90kg x 1 (smooth)
100kg x 1 (PB)

Put the belt on
110kg x 1 - up and down - but not enough depth so left it at that and will score 100kg as my 1RM to work off my strength squat block

CrossFit Open Work out 15.1 (scaled)
9min AMRAP
15 Hanging Knee Raise
10 Deadlifts @38.5kg
5 GTOH @38.5kg

At the 9min mark 15.1A - 6mins to establish 1RM Clean and Jerk

50kg fail
60kg ok
68.5kg fail
68.5kg ok (PB)

Total Result = 175 reps for 15.1 and 68.5kg for 15.1A

Happy to have completed the workout and will be logging the workout and video to the crossfit games website later today. The workout is a serious forearm/grip burner and the last set of hanging knee raises was agony on the grip.

Looking forward to this weekend 15.2 workout
What the original 15.1 workout?

It's 9min AMRAP:
15 Toes to Bar
10 deadlifts @115lbs
5 snatches @115lbs

The 1RM clean and jerk remained the same :)

Seeing I managed my first single Toes to Bar earlier last week and is somewhere around my 1RM snatch it would have been all bit too soon for me :)

It was plenty tiring enough in its scaled form believe me
Wasn't having a go - a single 115lb snatch would break me!

hah - no worries dude :) I think my goal for next year will be simply to complete the open workouts Rx.

Back in the gym this morning

Warm Up
3min Double Under Practice
10 inch worms
20 Air Squats
10 GHD Sit Ups
15 Hip Extensions
3 Wall Walks
15 ring rows

Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility


Muscle Up Transition Practice - 10mins (really hard on the grip and triceps)
2min L-Sit hold - I managed to complete this in about 4min15 sec with a running clock


3 rounds for time
15 x Power Clean @50kg
10 x Burpee Pull ups

Time = 12.04

The good news is I am getting better at power cleans and am really focusing on getting my elbows through as fast as possible. The bad news is that burpee pull ups are possibly the nastiest exercise in existence and each one was max effort.

Still its over and I can look forward to 1RM push press testing tomorrow.
Went back to the gym this evening to try for new 1RM Bench Press. This is what happened:

Warm Up
Bar x 20
40kg x10
50kg x 5
60kg x 3

Test reps
70kg x 1 - smooth
80kg x 1 - smooth
90kg x 1 -smooth
100kg x 1 - big push and up! PR
105kg x 1 - even bigger push and up - PR!
110kg x 1 - had a waver of the bar on the way down and while I got it off my chest a couple of inches it wasn't going up.

So left it there and a 7.5kg PR

Here is the lift

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Warm Up
3min Double Under Practice
10 inch worms
20 Walking Lunges
10 GHD Sit Ups
15 Hip Extensions
10 Push Ups
10 Broad Jumps
10 KBS

Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility

1RM Push Press

Warm Up
Bar x 10
40kg x 5
45kg x3

1RM Attempts
60kg x 1 - ok
70kg x 1 - fail (not enough leg drive)
70kg x 1 - good tight drive and went up easy - PR
75kg x 1 - decent drive but bar too far from body initially - fail

I felt I had 75kg in me, however yesterdays bench press had still an effect on my triceps so left it at that

12min AMRAP

30 Double Unders - scaled to 90 single unders
15 Toes to Bars - scaled to Hanging Knee Raise
7 Deadlifts @70kg

Result - 6 rounds + 90 single unders + 7 knee raises

Was a fun workout but again a forearm/grip burner. Going to have a well earned rest day tomorrow
Warm Up
run 400m
10 Inch Worms
10 Squat Jumps
10 Ring Rows
10 Wall Balls @20lbs
10 KBS @16kg
20 Sec Hollow Hold x 3
20 Sec Hollow Arch x 3

Front Squat
Bar x 10
50kg x 5
Working sets
80kg x 2 reps x 6 sets
Last two sets 3 sec pause at the bottom - overall felt good

Barbell Complex
4min - 3min - 2min - 1min
2min rest between each AMRAP of:

3 Deadlifts
1 Thruster
3 Front Squats
1 Thruster
3 Push Jerk
1 Thruster


Total reps -116 Rx

Was a fun if not exhausting barbell complex and took some guts in the 3min round!
Warm Up
3min DU Practice
20 Walking straight leg kicks
25m Duck Walk
20 Walking Lunges
25m Bear Crawl
25m of Long Jumps
20 Shoulder Passes
15 Hip Extension
Hip Mobility


Front Squat
20 Banded Squats
10 x Bar
5 x 60kg

Working Sets
6 x 2 @85kg (nice and smooth)


Open Workout 15.2 (scaled)
0 - 3min
6 Over Head Squats @30kg
6 Chin Over Bar Pull Ups
6 Over Head Squats @30kg
6 Chin Over Bar Pull Ups
3min - 6min
8 Over Head Squats @30kg
8 Chin Over Bar Pull Ups
8 Over Head Squats @30kg
8 Chin Over Bar Pull Ups
6min - 9min
10 Over Head Squats @30kg
10 Chin Over Bar Pull Ups
10 Over Head Squats @30kg
10 Chin Over Bar Pull Ups

etc - until you can not complete the work in the prescribed 3mins.

This workout is hell! My first attempt ended in 9 reps as I could not do more pull ups than 3!

So I took 15mins and reset myself and attacked the workout again. After 6mins I was flat out on the floor with a total of 50 reps.

I had 3 or 4 no reps on the pull ups so there is an argument to try it again and I may have broken into round 3 which would mean at least another 10 OHS. Still having gone from no pull ups to 22 good ones in 6mins in a few months I will take it.
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