Rover 620ti

23 Dec 2002
After having some trouble with my lude ive been looking at getting a new(second hand) car something fast and fun..........

After looking for awhile ive come across a 1998, 620ti, 67k miles. Im very tempted buy this car and will probably go and look/buy it over the weekend.

What does everyone think of this car?
What should i lookout for when buying one of these brutes?
How much should i expect to pay for it?

Basically convince me to go for it or to run a mile, and if i do go for it what i should lookout for.


[TW]Fox said:

Because he likes to jump on the bandwagon ;)

The 620Ti is probably the least crap car of them all. It's all Honda, bar the engine which if looked after won't cause you any more trouble than any other engine.

To the OP, you've done well to find one with such low miles. They're nice, comfortable and pretty quick (dare I say it... quite rapid for a family saloon). The only things really to look out for are an oil weep at the corner of the head (just under the exhaust manifold). If one is present, you won't be able to miss it... just a nice build up of oil dirty oil running down the engine.

Being a 98 however, it might have already had the HG swapped for a Klinger gasket which is stronger and doesn't have the same problem as the older gaskets (before anyone says it, it isn't OMGHGF :p It's just caused by the oil way at the front of the block wearing away and weeping a bit. The car won't spontaneously combust).

Other things to look out for are noises from the gearbox. With the clutch out and the box in neutral, listen for any whirring. Dip the clutch a few times to see if the noise changes. Take it for a drive, make sure it goes into gear properly (especially reverse) and that there are no grinding noises. There shouldn't be any problems if the car hasn't been tinkered with. It's only if you fit a boost controller where problems arise.

My 111k box was absolutely silent when I got the car. It had done 107k and there wasn't a whine to be heard. Fit a boost controller and 4k later it's whining like my mum on a power trip :rolleyes: Gonna have to get that seen to soon with a gearbox rebuild (replace the bearings which are plastic caged, with some steel caged upgrades).

And of course, with any turbo car, look out for smoke on idle/over-run. From about 5k in any gear, come off the throttle and watch out the back window for any blue smoke. Also, park up and give the car 10 minutes to tick over. If there are any signs of smoke it could be the turbo seals or valve-stem seals that need replacing. Again, unlikely for a car with those sort of miles.
R124/LA420 said:

A Mondeo tbh. ;)

So what Mondeo would give the equivalent performance of the 620Ti at simmilar cost? The ST24 doesn't. The ST200 is close, but is going to be well outside the budget.
Forgot to mention its got a FSH as well.

Had a quick look at st200's of a similar age/millage they are over 3k+ :eek: way way over my budget.
Amoeba said:
Used to own a 620GSi. They are very nice, smart looking cars, especially for the price you can pick them up for. Don't see everyone's problem with Rovers really :confused:

Go and look at it and follow agw's advice :)

Rover's problems were due to some very bad models being released tainting the brand hurting sales.

But if you know what models/years to go for there are some very good bargins to be had.
Amoeba said:
Fair enough, which models are you referring to?

I dont know enough about them to quote models, but ive researched a few models for instance if you want a 800 dont get one with a honda engine (1992-94)? because the handling/suspension is **** where as the laiter models with rover engines fixed these problems.
Makes sense :) I know more about Rover whilst they were still Rover, and a little bit about when they were under British Leyland - want a Rover SD1 Vitesse with a V8 ;)
[TW]Fox said:

Its a Rover! (you really had to ask?)

If Rovers were the great cars some people say they were, why are they now no more?

Shadez can get a Rover, if he really wants, Its really no big deal to me. In my view however, a Mondeo would be the far better car in the long run.

Internet forums! - people ask an opinion, I give mine. Somewhere I'm obviously doing something wrong! :rolleyes:
R124/LA420 said:
Its a Rover! (you really had to ask?)

If Rovers were the great cars some people say they were, why are they now no more?

The 600ti is a Honda with a Rover engine and a Rover price. Win win win.
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