RTX 3090 purchased, can you please recommend me a 4k monitor?

Discovering I get 20% discount from work for Dell helped the decision along although this place is a bad influence. I had logged on just to see what was going on and came away a grand worse off :eek::D

Speaking of which, given the size of the supplied stand can anyone recommend a decent monitor arm to cope with this beastie?


I've ordered that one... tbh I think pretty much anything will work, the one I used on the X34 was meant for 15-27" apparently, but it's been fine for 5 years on the X34 that's a heck of a lot bigger.
Once you add the screen to your basket there's an option to extend the Warranty to 4 years advanced exchange in the "Build my Dell" section. It comes with 3 years but I reckoned going to 4 for 40 quid seemed worthwhile.

I ordered yesterday with a delivery date of the 5th, i checked today and that's been updated to already shipped and on it's way.
I didn't realise Freesync monitors were so bad
If i got this right you mean Free-sync doesn't work if the FPS in a game is anywhere in the range between 1 to 47fps ?
Good FreeSync monitors work exactly as well as Jensen's chain and ball monitors.
Because of nature of frame doubling Low Framerate Compensation just needs highest variable refresh rate Hz to be at least double of lowest limit.
(so that some 35Hz can be doubled to 70Hz)

Meaning 60Hz monitors don't have LFC.
But gamer shouldn't anyway buy monitor with such limited refresh rate.
Just like no sane gamer would be satisfied with 20fps, or even Hollywood's 24fps is enough.
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