Before I start this post I am white and would label myself as being from the working class.
I was thinking why is it through-out history in white countries its always the upper class that go off track and end up getting killed, and destroying society in the process?
We're seeing it again in todays society. The upper class white people, who never associate with a person of another colour are calling for racial justice when its people like them who are causing it. I think this woke culture is a new way they have found to appear to link up with certain middle class people so they, the middle class, can do the arguing for them.
The average working class white person in this country as done nothing to black people. It is the white people in the upper/middle classes that demonstrate racism by, in most cases, actively deny opportunities for black people, other minority groups and also the white working class people to.
The anti-racist message is aimed at the wrong people, the people with no power to change things. Yet we get white upper/middle class idiots enjoying attacking people of their own race, when the chances are those middle class people are the ones that will feel more guilty than the people they are attacking... i.e. transference of self guilt.
In the 90s we were heading to a better place, especially were race was concerned. Then we hit the 2000's and its been down hill. I've thought a lot about this. One thing comes to mind. It is the restriction of creativity and new ideas, diversity of thought. This is not only why 'BAME' people struggle to get jobs, but also why new and creativity ideas are also being stifled. Compare the progress and new ideas between 1980 to 2000, then from 2000 to 2020. The last 20 years have hardly created anything new. They have just kept enhancing on the same idea. In todays society you cant even write in a racist (or any other offensive) charecter in a fictional tv programme or even a book. That's how restricted new ideas are.. along with companies just repeating the same idea over and over again (Fifa anyone?).
Sorry to ramble but most of the subjects when it comes to race and culture are symptoms of a bigger picture. Debating symptoms gets us no where if we want to actually fix the problems we're talking about.