The problem I believe lies within the bureaucratic and retarded nature of the learning process. When you learn to drive, as with A-levels and GCSEs you learn to pass the test, not to drive well. I have seen countless examples and almost without exception, as soon as you pass your test, bad habits start to creep into your driving. This may start as something simple like letting your hands slip from the 10/11 o’clock position to resting on the bottom. Maybe you start to leave on hand on the gear stick, or you shift into neutral too early. All things that weren’t apparent in the original test but developed over time. With each new bad habit it could be argued that a persons ability to drive safely deteriorates over time. Because I have passed my test and don’t have to worry about it for a long time, I feel no need to correct any of these bad habits that I have started to acquire.
To be honest, I’m not sure that if I took my test again, now 1.5 years on I would do half as well as I did then. So my solution would be simple. Keep everything as it is now, but say that until the age of about 21 new young drivers must be re-assesed once a year to prove they are still capable of driving to a sufficient standard. This assessment wouldn’t be as retarded as the original test, like classifying clipping the curb on a manover as a seriously dangerous death defying mistakes. I mean honestly, who doesn’t mess that up once in a while.
If young people had a goal to strive towards to maintain a sufficient level of driving I don’t believe the situation would be as prevalent as it is now.