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Rumour: AMD's 4096 Shader Big Navi in Q4 2019?

14 Aug 2017
AMD know it doesn't matter what they do, the great unwashed buy Nvidia anwyay, because Nvidia. Then you go to forums such as this one, and people who are really informed and should know better still only want AMD to beat Nvidia so they can buy Nvida cards cheaper...

Somehow for AMD to be 'winning' they have to smash Nvidia in performance and be hundreds of pounds cheaper...

Well tough titty if enthusiats want to cuddle their green cards and feel superior they're going to have to pay throuigh the nose for the privilege.

That's precisely the point, to have an "Nvidia Killer" they will have to really smash up the current pricing, and be able to compete at the top end.

I'm not talking about some metaphysical game about who's "winning", this is about their own words, and what they would have to do to actually get there.

I hope they do. We all win.
2 Sep 2017
That's precisely the point, to have an "Nvidia Killer" they will have to really smash up the current pricing, and be able to compete at the top end.

I'm not talking about some metaphysical game about who's "winning", this is about their own words, and what they would have to do to actually get there.

I hope they do. We all win.

The most important for Radeon is to improve the performance per watt.

RX 570 competes with GTX 1650 for the entry-level gaming users but yet is a 120W card with 1 6-pin power connector vs the 75W GTX 1650 that goes with 0 power connectors.
RX 570 is 14% faster according to 1920x1080 tpu's chart and costs £119.99 vs £139.99.

GTX 1660 is a 120W card that is 50% faster than GTX 1650.
28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
AMD know it doesn't matter what they do, the great unwashed buy Nvidia anwyay, because Nvidia. Then you go to forums such as this one, and people who are really informed and should know better still only want AMD to beat Nvidia so they can buy Nvida cards cheaper...

Somehow for AMD to be 'winning' they have to smash Nvidia in performance and be hundreds of pounds cheaper...

Well tough titty if enthusiats want to cuddle their green cards and feel superior they're going to have to pay throuigh the nose for the privilege.

True i would never buy an AMD card. The last time i did it was a nasty 4790 something with a blower and coil whine. Sounds a lot like the 5700xt though right? People talking about undervolting while on Nvidia they talk about overclocking? It looks awful on the side of AMD face the facts Nvidia have higher quality products.

Physx might of sold a few cards, AMD had nothing for thr Physx era. Raytracing? Same again AMD not even in the game. VSR can not do 4k with no fps cap where on Nvidia you can push futuristic things like 4k 240hz? Where was the AMD ULMB part of Freesync? Ah yes that is right once again AMD HAVE NONE!

So yes AMD have a mountain to climb to gain certain customers, Not out of loyality but because normally AMD mean coil whine blower cards at 100c that still can not beat the rival cards. This is the truth!
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
True i would never buy an AMD card. The last time i did it was a nasty 4790 something with a blower and coil whine. Sounds a lot like the 5700xt though right? People talking about undervolting while on Nvidia they talk about overclocking? It looks awful on the side of AMD face the facts Nvidia have higher quality products.

Physx might of sold a few cards, AMD had nothing for thr Physx era. Raytracing? Same again AMD not even in the game. VSR can not do 4k with no fps cap where on Nvidia you can push futuristic things like 4k 240hz? Where was the AMD ULMB part of Freesync? Ah yes that is right once again AMD HAVE NONE!

So yes AMD have a mountain to climb to gain certain customers, Not out of loyality but because normally AMD mean coil whine blower cards at 100c that still can not beat the rival cards. This is the truth!

Where would Nvidia be without people like you.
28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
Where would Nvidia be without people like you.

Did i lie though? I pointed out the truth if AMD bring good aftermarket cards with 2080ti perf levels and no coil whine i will buy one. The only thing i ask is pretty basic forget Gsync, ULMB, Raytracing just let me match DSR with VSR. I mean how hard can it be right? If you can do antilag you can do that.

AMD bring any tongue whipping they get on themselves. Also i despise Nvidia my posts clearly represent i have no brand loyalty.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Did i lie though? I pointed out the truth if AMD bring good aftermarket cards with 2080ti perf levels and no coil whine i will buy one. The only thing i ask is pretty basic forget Gsync, ULMB, Raytracing just let me match DSR with VSR. I mean how hard can it be right? If you can do antilag you can do that.

AMD bring any tongue whipping they get on themselves.

I have never had an AMD card with coil whine, you need to buy better PSU's as that's usually what the problem is.

I have no idea what you are talking about when you say "let me match DSR with VSR" DSR is "Dynamic Super Resolution" VSR is "Virtual Super Resolution" they are Nvidia and AMD versions of the same thing.



3 Jul 2019
AMD know it doesn't matter what they do, the great unwashed buy Nvidia anwyay, because Nvidia. Then you go to forums such as this one, and people who are really informed and should know better still only want AMD to beat Nvidia so they can buy Nvida cards cheaper...

Somehow for AMD to be 'winning' they have to smash Nvidia in performance and be hundreds of pounds cheaper...

Well tough titty if enthusiats want to cuddle their green cards and feel superior they're going to have to pay throuigh the nose for the privilege.

not everyone want thats though i want amd yes to bring down prices but i want a choice in what i buy. Currently nvidia have been the only game in town amd has had no card at my price point that is comperable to nivida And until amd have sopmething that can match a 2080ti or 3080ti or ewhat ever comes next i will contuine To be forced to nvidia. i have said in other forum, posts the same we need a competive amd across the baord and with intel coming into the yard also we finally might get some choice at high end mid range and low end atm we currently only have nvidia at high end and amd/nvidia at low and mid range

True i would never buy an AMD card. The last time i did it was a nasty 4790 something with a blower and coil whine. Sounds a lot like the 5700xt though right? People talking about undervolting while on Nvidia they talk about overclocking? It looks awful on the side of AMD face the facts Nvidia have higher quality products.

Physx might of sold a few cards, AMD had nothing for thr Physx era. Raytracing? Same again AMD not even in the game. VSR can not do 4k with no fps cap where on Nvidia you can push futuristic things like 4k 240hz? Where was the AMD ULMB part of Freesync? Ah yes that is right once again AMD HAVE NONE!

So yes AMD have a mountain to climb to gain certain customers, Not out of loyality but because normally AMD mean coil whine blower cards at 100c that still can not beat the rival cards. This is the truth!

your last experiance with amd was in proberly 2009 back then nvidia suffered the same problems as amd coil wine was a plenty and nvidia blower coolers was just as jet like. What really have nvidia given us ? Gysnc lets grab in your back pocket and pull out a few hundred extra qwuid for a compatable monmitor never ending aa tech that blurs the image and my persoanl fav 3d vision which also robbed you blind Nvidia didn't make physx they brought the company out they just made it so it was nvidia gpu tech yet again forcing you into nividia eccosystem. Oh and now we ahve the allmight rtx lineup lets put out 2080ti at nearly double the 1080ti was and lets charge the customer to beta test the rt stuff for us sorry but this generation nvidia have gotten out of hand. But you wanna know the worst part I've had to pay 1k for the prillage of nvidia Dominanace as i no other gpu to upgrade to thanks nvidia!

Nvidia busy practises only help themself not the whole gaming comunity as a whole

Ditto. All of my AMD cards have served me well, and I've never had a problem with a single one. :D

ive been pritty unlucky with coil wine myself ive had 2 or 3 on both sides over the many years amd and nvidia msi asus gigabyte etc just allways seem to end up with damn coil wine:)
28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
I have never had an AMD card with coil whine, you need to buy better PSU's as that's usually what the problem is.

I have no idea what you are talking about when you say "let me match DSR with VSR" DSR is "Dynamic Super Resolution" VSR is "Virtual Super Resolution" they are Nvidia and AMD versions of the same thing.

They are not the same though, Look the spec sheet find me someone able to do 4k without the hz cap. I am telling you when Nvidia do downsampling it does not even care about the hz of the monitor. It only cares about doing X4 the native res. VSR imposes framerate limitations aka utterly useless feature.

I have never had coil whine since the 4790 was sold then i got a 8800 580 1080 and soon a 2080ti will be paired with my Digital AX860i to prevent coil whine but honeslty i am pointing out the difference. Nvkdia are killing AMD on software features and on a hardware level it must be the same. I saw the undervolting 5700xt thread name me a time Nvidia brought out that kind of GPU. That is what the 4096 shader Navi would look like in my mind, Huge hot and possibly a coil whiner.

If you mean "did I intentionally tell fallacies in an attempt to divert from truth" then no, you didnt lie.

But not a single truth was posted in your paragraph of utter ********.

Aww did the bad man hit a nerve? I posted facts maybe try pointing the lie out by the way? Physx, ULMB, 4k VSR? Raytracing? Come on show me the lies there? These are facts that AMD were always behind in features. Go on add in Gsync and Physx too lol.
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28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
Don't bother. He is as thick up top as a rock.

Insults are poor form, If you have an issue with my post point out where i am wrong, Or if i lied go on quote and correct me. When all you have is insults you should sit down and think who really is as thick as a rock. You can not even formulate an arguement! An insult is not a arguement by the way lads. :)



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
True i would never buy an AMD card. The last time i did it was a nasty 4790 something with a blower and coil whine. Sounds a lot like the 5700xt though right? People talking about undervolting while on Nvidia they talk about overclocking? It looks awful on the side of AMD face the facts Nvidia have higher quality products.

Physx might of sold a few cards, AMD had nothing for thr Physx era. Raytracing? Same again AMD not even in the game. VSR can not do 4k with no fps cap where on Nvidia you can push futuristic things like 4k 240hz? Where was the AMD ULMB part of Freesync? Ah yes that is right once again AMD HAVE NONE!

So yes AMD have a mountain to climb to gain certain customers, Not out of loyality but because normally AMD mean coil whine blower cards at 100c that still can not beat the rival cards. This is the truth!

Lol. Not sure if serious. Have you seen how many people complained about the 2000 series cards that kept dying? You are going on about a bad experience you had with a card from 10 years ago? So say the guy who got an 2080 Ti on this forum and had it fail and RMA'd it 2-3 times decided that the Nvidia cards are lower quality and purchased AMD only for the next decade, would that make sense?



3 Jul 2019
They are not the same though, Look the spec sheet find me someone able to do 4k without the hz cap. I am telling you when Nvidia do downsampling it does not even care about the hz of the monitor. It only cares about doing X4 the native res. VSR imposes framerate limitations aka utterly useless feature.

I have never had coil whine since the 4790 was sold then i got a 8800 580 1080 and soon a 2080ti will be paired with my Digital AX860i to prevent coil whine but honeslty i am pointing out the difference. Nvkdia are killing AMD on software features and on a hardware level it must be the same. I saw the undervolting 5700xt thread name me a time Nvidia brought out that kind of GPU. That is what the 4096 shader Navi would look like in my mind, Huge hot and possibly a coil whiner.

Aww did the bad man hit a nerve? I posted facts maybe try pointing the lie out by the way? Physx, ULMB, 4k VSR? Raytracing? Come on show me the lies there? These are facts that AMD were always behind in features. Go on add in Gsync and Physx too lol.

Hate to inform you your Digital ax860i will not in away shape or form save you from coil whine:) But hey if you think it will Go ahead get your nice shinny 2080ti hope you dont get coil whine or memory issues or heck a small boiler in your pc:) seriously the 2080ti is one hell of a gpu but its had some major problems over it short life span even im on my second one thanks to memory issues.
the whole game has changed since your last amd gpu. your just drinking the nvidia coolaid atm. no one sould be so loyal to a brand. buy the best at the time they dont really care much about you why be so loyal?:)

going back to tech nvidia brought physx and locked into there gpu and only recently made it open source well recently in the life span 4k vsr lets be honest isnt exactly ground breaking imo. Nvidia are the first to bring ray tracing hardware to pc yes But they certainly dont own the technology and amd/intel will have answer to it very soon But guess what were beta testers and were paying though the nose for it. you turn on ray tracing and seeing a 1660ti and amd 5700 matching my system for frame rate something is really wrong:) and Gsync was just one hell of a cash grab Nvidia back tracked and now allow freesync Much better move and nvidia acctrully allowing you to save money now thats a first!
3 Jul 2019
I suspect the 5800 (Navi 21?) will be affordable to a large part of the market and will probably be similar to the RTX 2080 in performance, i.e. a good 4k GPU. The RX 5700 XT was targetted at 2560 x 1536 afterall.

Ideally, it will be built with RDNA v2 and 7nm+ as I know they had some power issues with the first generation.

Not so sure about the 5900, it will only need to be a bit cheaper than Nvidia's 2080 TI to compete. It seems unlikely that it will beat Nvidia's next gen GPUs.
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6 Aug 2009
Nvidia has history with proprietary technology and whilst it looked flash at the time it doesn't last. Open standards are the way forward especially for the consumer and gamers. RTX will go the same way and we'll get an industry wide standard.

I'll buy the best technology I can afford, but I'm much more likely to if companies try to convince me with performance and value rather than walled gardens.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Nvidia has history with proprietary technology and whilst it looked flash at the time it doesn't last. Open standards are the way forward especially for the consumer and gamers. RTX will go the same way and we'll get an industry wide standard.

I'll buy the best technology I can afford, but I'm much more likely to if companies try to convince me with performance and value rather than walled gardens.
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