'Russia is seriously running out of cash'

NATO as an aggressive force is a threat to no-one. No western government has any interest in an armed conflict.

Totally dude China and Russia are totally well know throughout history for massive campaigns of aggression. It's isn't like they were attacked and systematically brutalised in WW2 and therefore have a fair number of their population with recollection or near-recollection of those times.

Good old uncle Sam and her puppyish friends in Western Europe have never instigated any type of trouble of regime it's just sometimes our army lads like to do a bit of tourism and forget to take their combat gear off.

Seriously where does this forum find these people - is the education system that poor?!?
Re Gotland IIRC it was something like a very large and unusual number of military age Russian men arriving as tourists, asking atypical questions and knowing things that your average tourist wouldn't (apparently at least one knew who was in charge of the existing Swedish garrison commander, and about his background/family).

Given the island has been disputed by Russia in the past and what happened in the Ukraine I wouldn't blame the Swedish in such a situation to want to put more troops on it.

didn't the Russian airforce simulate an attack on Sweden a few years back as well?

Russia also consistently sends subs into Swedish waters
Totally dude China and Russia are totally well know throughout history for massive campaigns of aggression. It's isn't like they were attacked and systematically brutalised in WW2 and therefore have a fair number of their population with recollection or near-recollection of those times.

Good old uncle Sam and her puppyish friends in Western Europe have never instigated any type of trouble of regime it's just sometimes our army lads like to do a bit of tourism and forget to take their combat gear off.

Seriously where does this forum find these people - is the education system that poor?!?

Since you're moaning about the education system, may I remind you that Russia started WWII as an aggressor? Or that the Molotov–Ribbentrop pact made Russia the first de facto ally of the Nazis?

Well, the West expanded its reach into the Middle East with invasion of Afghanistan. And then Iraq. Overthrew the government of Libya. Has been pretty aggressive against Iran... Certainly the West and NATO have been aggressors often enough in recent times. So if large numbers of them turn up on your border armed to the teeth, getting your own army in position is pretty justifiable, imo.

Russia has occupying troops in Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova and those areas are suffering a fast process of Russification. Being involved in regime changes is not the same as making land grabs and sending "colonists" to "pacify" the region.

Classical whataboutery.
Its not really the education system IMO but the conditioning of living in the west and the relative peace and security enjoyed in recent history.

It's the education system though if you aren't aware how many Russians and Chinese died during WW2 and to think they may have a few hangups from that. Neither country being especially aggressive in history.

And it's a further damning indictment of someone if they are that unaware or disinterested in current affairs to miss the really bloody obvious.
Who have all been attacked by western governments

Both Russia and Nato are working to support Syrian government forces, isnt that the case. Its Saudi Arabia who gave arms to the rebels afaik

Afghanistan did a little attack first, their friendly government leader who spoke at the UN was assassinated a few days before 9/11
Not sure that can be classed as aggression by anyone reasonable, unless you mean USSR in 1979
NATO in its history has not attacked ANYONE. Unlike Russia who has invaded Georgia for absolutely no reason, completely unprovoked.

Same goes in Ukraine, they just go bored and invaded Ukraine for no reason
Since you're moaning about the education system, may I remind you that Russia started WWII as an aggressor? Or that the Molotov–Ribbentrop pact made Russia the first de facto ally of the Nazis?

Russia an ally of Germany because of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. The other thread gave me suspicions and now this one has confirmed it. A pact of non-belligerence towards each other does not make you allies.

Let's say me meet at the next OCUK meeting and you say Xordium you're a **** I hate your posts and I say see if I care Zethor because your a ****ing ****. And then everyone else says hey you two stop it and agree to not fight eh. That suddenly then doesn't make us mates does it or best drinking buddies.
Since you're moaning about the education system, may I remind you that Russia started WWII as an aggressor? Or that the Molotov–Ribbentrop pact made Russia the first de facto ally of the Nazis?


Russia is just a menace of a country to the mankind, nothing good comes out of it.

We need to invade it for the well being of everyone, split it up and control their resources.

World would be a better place
Both Russia and Nato are working to support Syrian government forces, isnt that the case. Its Saudi Arabia who gave arms to the rebels afaik

Afghanistan did a little attack first, their friendly government leader who spoke at the UN was assassinated a few days before 9/11
Not sure that can be classed as aggression by anyone reasonable, unless you mean USSR in 1979
Errr no the western contries were actively supporting and arming the rebels in syria against the government.

And really you're saying the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan was not an agressive act?
Operation Allied Force for one I'll leave others to add more.

68 posts gone and still not getting any better.

What are you talking about, we went in to protect people from genocide. You're an absolute joke.

How much does Kremlin pay per post these days for pro-Putin propaganda??? Are times that tough?
NATO in its history has not attacked ANYONE. Unlike Russia who has invaded Georgia for absolutely no reason, completely unprovoked.

Same goes in Ukraine, they just go bored and invaded Ukraine for no reason

Well the countries that make up nato have cwrtainly attacked a lot of people.

Has the Warsaw pact attacked anyone for a fairer comparision?
What are you talking about, we went in to protect people from genocide. You're an absolute joke.

How much does Kremlin pay per post these days for pro-Putin propaganda??? Are times that tough?

So you agree NATO did attack someone then. :rolleyes:

I would also say we didn't go 'in' in the operation I mentioned bar to secure an airfield ie boots on ground.

And that operation didn't have a UN resolution behind it.
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Well the countries that make up nato have cwrtainly attacked a lot of people.

That's like blaming the police for attacking a person trying to blow everyone up. Western countries have only taken forceful action as last resort for the best of the people usually of that given country.

a.k.a Libya, Iraq etc... where you had these blood hound dictators torturing their people every day, we came in and made their lives better.
So you agree NATO did attack someone then. :rolleyes:

Err not like Russia in Ukraine and Georgia for absolutely no reason apart from land grab??

We have "attacked" to prevent genocides and remove blood thirsty dictators.... Yes we have.

For that sake it was the UK who declared war on Nazi Germany, doesn't make us the bad guys does it.
Err not like Russia in Ukraine and Georgia for absolutely no reason apart from land grab??

We have "attacked" to prevent genocides and remove blood thirsty dictators.... Yes we have.

For that sake it was the UK who declared war on Nazi Germany, doesn't make us the bad guys does it.

I kind of read that middle sentence and imagined what it would sound like with a Texas drawl maybe by a chap wearing a nice Stetson with Halliburton emblazoned across the front.
I kind of read that middle sentence and imagined what it would sound like with a Texas drawl maybe by a chap wearing a nice Stetson with Halliburton emblazoned across the front.

I'd rather be that than a Kremlin paid Putinoid paid per post to spread trash and Pro-Putin propaganda... Like you.
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