russian brides

Used to work with a guy who got himself an imported russian bride and to all intents and purposes she is spending all his hard earned in exchange for the making of the beast with two backs.
She's a bit of a BOBFOC mind.

One of the funniest things I heard on the simpsons was lenny saying "Grounds keeper willy got himself one of those mail order brides, his soo tight shes still at the post office waiting for him to pay the postage!" or something very similar.
sr4470 said:
Is that sarcasm or geniune hope?

It would be genuine hope could I be bothered to subscribe to the site and pay for import taxes upon arrival

EDIT: I used to date a Russian - a lot of them are educated because they get free education, even up to post grad (/me waves fist at government) and many are cultured - especially in art, especially music as so many of the world's best classical performers are Russian and there is a lot of support for them in Russia... but alas, some culture barriers are hard to cross, which is why I wouldn't shell on a Russian bride
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cleanbluesky said:
It would be genuine hope could I be bothered to subscribe to the site and pay for import taxes upon arrival

EDIT: I used to date a Russian - a lot of them are educated because they get free education, even up to post grad (/me waves fist at government) and many are cultured - especially in art, especially music as so many of the world's best classical performers are Russian and there is a lot of support for them in Russia... but alas, some culture barriers are hard to cross, which is why I wouldn't shell on a Russian bride

It just so happens my gf was born in Russia...
Guys you are looking in a wrong place imo.
I believe self respecting russian girl/woman will never look for a husband/partner trough a website like (some desperate, looking for a better life may be)
Go to Russia, St Petersburg is highly recommended, beautiful city, a lot to see and more tourist friendly than Moscow (imo). And yes there is a LOT of beautiful girls.
I'm russian btw.
Zheka said:
St Petersburg is highly recommended, beautiful city, a lot to see and more tourist friendly than Moscow (imo)..

Thats what I thought. Although I know some people who went to Moscow university and said it was pretty reasonable there.
I wish you lot could see the Russian women I'm looking at right now, shame I can't post the link :p

All I can add to this argument is "Whats wrong with you lot!!!!!"

Who cares as long as they are nice looking women, they might be poor, might be rich, might be whores, might be virgins, might even be grateful.
That depends if they've looked at the Rouges Gallery or not, I don't know :p
the thing with thai brides is they probably used to own a penis

i actually was going to post some highly comical pictures from the male members section of that 'dating' site :o

but i actually feel sorry for them :/
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