Rust - multiplayer survival from the creator of Garry's Mod

A bit late, but since no one shared this already

11th Feb Update
230 Comments Posted on February 11, 2014 by Maurino Berry

Just some minor changes we put up today :

resources should maybe hopefully not kill you anymore while harvesting them
wolves should actually scare other AI when they are chasing or attacking something
last chunk of rock should be on the ground instead of hovering
you can’t place shelters ontop of people anymore and lock them in
you can’t build stuff on top of large spiked walls anymore
you can’t build barricades on top of barricades anymore
fixed a minor issue with spawning wildlife and resource nodes which could cause some console spam on the server
AI figures out it can’t get to you much sooner and knows to retreat
shelters decay is active for sure and they will disappear
metal window bars are thinner and easier to shoot out of

Cocky - great news about the anti-cheat giving results on your server, thanks for this :)
Hey guys, was anybody from here on our server earlier when somebody was saying admin have been abusing powers by gifting themselves metal to build a massive base?

None of us have a metal house so no idea why anybody would be saying it but apparently a few people agreed and left the server. Just wondered who it was and why it come about

I was on when someone was talking about that, he was talking in general terms of the powers admins have etc and in his opinion all admins that play the game also would use them. Someone did point out that you guys have a wood base & were looking for people to trade BP's with etc...

Don't think anyone left the server over it but couldn't tell you for definite.
so much for quiting just thought i would have a nosey who was playing on uk1server. ....que up me going to bed at 2am lol oops

must say tho now the hackers have gone and they have removed all the empty shacks i had by far my best night playing my aim with the bow seems too have improved :-) so all good an farmed a load if metal for my base
Hmm Sparta the pirate :D

Was giving out free stuff last night from looting, if anyone wants anything let me know on friday evening when i'm on next.

Your friendly neighbourhood vegetable "moudly cabbage"

Ahhh, did wonder who was from ocuk last night heh :)

Need Kev BP's (have research kits, or did last night anyway heh) but was too worried about being killed to ask - my being KOS'd runs have made me very cautious of other players :p
I did well thought i did have the BP for kevlar.

You never know if someone friendly, that's why i always keep loaded a pistol, Mp5 and M4 (fully stocked out).

It's quite easily for someone to claim they are friendly and then shoot you in the back, i Keep a close eye on players however most of the time i mind my own business. I also have the large green medipacks that give you high regen.

What i want us to have is a large fencing around the small rad location, with small outposts, the rad post is a hotspot for resource hunting will make interesting shoot ups.
OOoo so thats who mouldy cabbage is :) thanks for your awesome help last night! so glad there are a few friendlies on at night time when i can go about doing my business in peace :D
OOoo so thats who mouldy cabbage is :) thanks for your awesome help last night! so glad there are a few friendlies on at night time when i can go about doing my business in peace :D

Ah-ha there's the other guy I saw :D Saw you being chased by a bear so started to come to help then next thing I knew the bear was dead so left you to it :D

Still recovering from my storage boxes decaying :( (well I think decay, friend thinks glitch) 2 days of grinding gone :(
Ah-ha there's the other guy I saw :D Saw you being chased by a bear so started to come to help then next thing I knew the bear was dead so left you to it :D

hahaha yes thats a far too often sight unfortunately. I appreciate not being picked off though :p i had run out of arrows by that time so had to resorted to the gun lol

Still recovering from my storage boxes decaying :( (well I think decay, friend thinks glitch) 2 days of grinding gone :(

they decay?? so that means ill need to make new boxes? or can i repair them somehow
hahaha yes thats a far too often sight unfortunately. I appreciate not being picked off though :p i had run out of arrows by that time so had to resorted to the gun lol

they decay?? so that means ill need to make new boxes? or can i repair them somehow

To be honest if you had a gun then even if I had been a bandit you would've been alright, I've only got a P250, don't bring my M4 out as I don't want to lose it :D That said i'm a friendly anyway - only hostile as a reaction and even then I tend to go with the runaway options (whilst saying friendly on the mic, though that never works lol)

Can equip wood into a 1-6 slot and hit that number to repair it, same with wooden shelters.

I'm not on enough to defend a base though (tried one NW of the map but it got found straight away) so live out of (hopefully) well hidden shelters which may decay boxes quicker than if they were on foundations :(
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Cocky I need your new server banner.

For those servers that are not averaging above 10 players I'm going to have to remove you unless you pick up more players.
if you give me 30 low quality metals, i can make you a spare :)


got griefed by Dano, so i decided to call it a night

What did he do? Will ban if griefing

Cocky I need your new server banner.

For those servers that are not averaging above 10 players I'm going to have to remove you unless you pick up more players.

Only multiplay have banners as far as I know mate so we won't have one now
Cocky I need your new server banner.

For those servers that are not averaging above 10 players I'm going to have to remove you unless you pick up more players.

Then people can ask them to be re added by members of the ocuk staff, you started the thread m8, you are not god :) Just saying :D
Cocky I need your new server banner.

For those servers that are not averaging above 10 players I'm going to have to remove you unless you pick up more players.

This is entirely a poor move as all it does is harm the the potential of smaller servers getting established. While my server has only been up for about 10-14 days there are some regulars forming now
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