so had an interesting time last night, myself and two mate, we rebuild our tiny shack that vanished, then during the middle of the night we opened the door to go out and gather resources...the second the door opened *BOOM*, door closed quickly again... wtf just happened? a guy and his buddy were just waiting outside our shack with a shotgun!!!
he then said sorry and that he'd leave us alone... we continue to craft some stuff.... then someone new out side stating "open up, pizza delivery" something told me he was lying...... then ensues a few mins of running around, firing arrows, jumping off cliffs and eventually we became victorious.... everyone died (mostly through falling lol) but we got their guns as it was like 100 yards from our shack xD and now we have 3 shacks!
also down by rad town we were doing some hunting... things going good... "
**** there's 4 guys with kevlar....LEG IT!" we all sprint off, I some how end up running behind my mate through tress so he's getting shot at but bullets nearly hitting me, mate goes down, they keep chasing. I managed some bad ass evasive zig-zag running, circle a rock and then parkour my way over the rad town wall and lose them
....however being on <30hp and having over 600 rads meant it was over rather quickly then xD
with firing the bow, so you hold down click to draw the bow and then release when fulling pulled to firs, doing so before just puts the arrow away. now the longer I hold it then does it do more damage? if i hold it too long it just puts the arrow away also, but when approaching that are there any penalties like accuracy/damage? just asking at in games like war of the roses if you hold the arrow for a extended time it starts to waver in accuracy.