Rust - multiplayer survival from the creator of Garry's Mod

I'm in a similar situation to others here as to which server to choose, want one that's kind of populated without being overrun and preferably one that has been wiped recently and has no intention of wiping in the near future.

Which one would you folks recommend?

Looking to start with a mate, we're pretty geared up to the eyeballs on our current server but the population is so low that it gets boring having no interaction outside of our group.
I'm in a similar situation to others here as to which server to choose, want one that's kind of populated without being overrun and preferably one that has been wiped recently and has no intention of wiping in the near future.

Which one would you folks recommend?

Looking to start with a mate, we're pretty geared up to the eyeballs on our current server but the population is so low that it gets boring having no interaction outside of our group.

I am myself in the same situation want to get into a server that's not too populated and want to start with a team mate as well
so had an interesting time last night, myself and two mate, we rebuild our tiny shack that vanished, then during the middle of the night we opened the door to go out and gather resources...the second the door opened *BOOM*, door closed quickly again... wtf just happened? a guy and his buddy were just waiting outside our shack with a shotgun!!! :p

he then said sorry and that he'd leave us alone... we continue to craft some stuff.... then someone new out side stating "open up, pizza delivery" something told me he was lying...... then ensues a few mins of running around, firing arrows, jumping off cliffs and eventually we became victorious.... everyone died (mostly through falling lol) but we got their guns as it was like 100 yards from our shack xD and now we have 3 shacks! :p

also down by rad town we were doing some hunting... things going good... "**** there's 4 guys with kevlar....LEG IT!" we all sprint off, I some how end up running behind my mate through tress so he's getting shot at but bullets nearly hitting me, mate goes down, they keep chasing. I managed some bad ass evasive zig-zag running, circle a rock and then parkour my way over the rad town wall and lose them :D ....however being on <30hp and having over 600 rads meant it was over rather quickly then xD

with firing the bow, so you hold down click to draw the bow and then release when fulling pulled to firs, doing so before just puts the arrow away. now the longer I hold it then does it do more damage? if i hold it too long it just puts the arrow away also, but when approaching that are there any penalties like accuracy/damage? just asking at in games like war of the roses if you hold the arrow for a extended time it starts to waver in accuracy.
ive been playing on cockys server qiute a bit today an so far i have a little base but i have tried building a new place somewhere else i have tried putting down aprox 10 foundations now and each time they bust an disapear. i have done this in quite a few places, any suggestions?
Wood bases start to decay after 24hrs of not being interacted with, so they will disappear if you don't play. Other than that, foundations will not disappear unless an admin removes them.

I can't think of any other explanation.
Wood bases start to decay after 24hrs of not being interacted with, so they will disappear if you don't play. Other than that, foundations will not disappear unless an admin removes them.

I can't think of any other explanation.

Unfortunately further to the above there's a known glitch with foundations, badaids had it for a short while too. Will see if he knows how it got sorted :)
Either on random other servers or on different games I believe.

I'm taking a bit of a break myself until we get some new content but will be popping onto the N1B server now and then, to stop the decay at least.
I'm alive!!!!

I've just heard the server has been dead and had problems (i haven't been active as have had own stuff to sort out) so have wiped it and have decide to leave it vanilla for now

I'm guessing everybody has moved server which is all good I don't blame you guys for doing so but just thought id post to say that the server is back up and running well again, will add oxide if people want but we thought we would go back to basics for now

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I'm alive!!!!

I've just heard the server has been dead and had problems (i haven't been active as have had own stuff to sort out) so have wiped it and have decide to leave it vanilla for now

I'm guessing everybody has moved server which is all good I don't blame you guys for doing so but just thought id post to say that the server is back up and running well again, will add oxide if people want but we thought we would go back to basics for now


Shame you had to wipe it, been playing it everyday, now feels like its been time wasted lol, p.s. my girlfriend is fuming as she spent the whole of yesterday farming resources for me haha!
:mad: Hackers....BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo!

was on a server yesterday, in the middle of a two walled house behind 3 locked doors. "<name here> has killed you with a hit to the body"

one hit dead. no one around. locked inside my house. /sigh

luckily I just respawned and got my stuff then logged....however, later on my mate logged and said my body isn't on the ground anymore :\ got a nasty feeling that the hacker killed me again in my sleep. truly lame!!! funny thing was my mate and I saw that dude earlier he was just by a camp fire.... being bored and him afk we killed him...he had a LOT of stuff, thinking maybe he spawned stuff in?

think I've seen 3 hackers in total now :p this is on a random server by the way :)

starting to enjoy this game even more, moved our house from the top of a mountain to the flatter grounds and slowly building it into a fortress :D
Shame you had to wipe it, been playing it everyday, now feels like its been time wasted lol, p.s. my girlfriend is fuming as she spent the whole of yesterday farming resources for me haha!

Badaids and I went raiding bases the day before the reset, glad we did it now as felt a little bad at the time :)

Went through a *lot* of grenades with no c4 crafting :D
I definately found that there was less than 5 players on the server, it became a desolate and quiet place, you need 20+ players to make it a fun server. ahh well good while it lasted.
I definately found that there was less than 5 players on the server, it became a desolate and quiet place, you need 20+ players to make it a fun server.

I would agree here :) general chat when 10+ online is fun to read and even better after a raid lol but when not many online it was rather boring tbh. I was also offline some but if the server gets busy again I will pop back on!
I can wholeheartedly recommend The Walking Rust server - me and my friends have tried about 10, we seem to have settled on here, and it was wiped about 3 days ago.
New patch out today which introduces durability amongst other things such as improvements to sky and water etc!

Going to get started on a new server.
Cocky Roach's server was just wiped due to the patch.. do if anyone looking for a fresh start give it a go. Its vanilla rust with no Oxide mods currently.
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