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RX 7600XT 16GB Launched.

17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Yeah with the more positive feelings surrounding Arc now, Intel will be keen to go in at a higher price and keep it there this time.
None of these companies are friends of the people.
Second hand market will continue to be where I live. :D

It launched at £450 which at the time was if not more expensive then the same price as the RTX 3060 while being the same performance as the at the time £300 RX 6600.

Intel had the cheek to go after Nvidia in their marketing playing to our sentiments that they are too expensive and then priced a slower card the same, at the same time pretended AMD didn't exist with £150 cheaper equivalent cards.

It was at that moment that my enthusiasm for Intel being a third player died instantly.

Idiotic tech jurnoes are yet again to blame for this over pricing of Intel's GPU's now too, they didn't challenge Intel's pricing and glossed over the performance and problems.

Even now when they talk about the A770 as being good value, often even class them as the best value completely ignore the RX 6650XT for £50 less, its almost as if they agree with Intel that the inconvenience who are AMD need to be ignored because if you acknowledge their existence you have absolutely nothing to offer.

Intel just hope AMD go away so they don't have to compete with them. I get the feeling a lot of tech jurnoes feel the same way.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Yes yes Humbug I am aware of the launch price. So are most people. They dropped because they weren't even remotely competitive.

Your AMD victim complex is the stuff of legend. How much do they pay you for this?

Its not a victim complex, AMD aren't victims in this, AMD don't suffer from any of this, DIY gaming GPU's make up about 2% of their business. Its something they keep ticking over, just in case.

The only people idiotic tech jurnoes are hurting with all of this BS is us, we have to pay the ever increasing prices. You should be concerned about that. Its weird that people apparently aren't.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
You seem to think there is bias, even in places there aren't though.
Of course there are some channels that are so pro-AMD/Nvidia/Intel that they ignore or sell the others short, but that's why it's better to either ignore these or watch/read a wide variety of reviews.

None of these companies are good in this sector. Pretending that AMD are the darlings of the industry helps no-one. And to be clear, I agree that they have some good products, but they frequently shoot themselves in the foot with pricing.

There is a lot of pretending that Intel are here to save the day, to save us from Nvidia and AMD, Intel have proven themselves to be entirely incompetent, much more incompetent than ATI ever were while at the same time display quite blatantly far more greed and distain for their customers than Nvidia.

They are a business, its what they are supposed to do 'if they can get away with it' and here's the thing about that, they do think they can get away with it because of tech jurnoes willingness to go along with it....

As for me, i'll buy whatever gets me the most for my money, i don't care what colour it is, for the past 9 years for me that has been Nvidia, even now where i'm completely convinced that the 4070 is a worse GPU for more money than the 7800XT i'm still in the back of my mind "um... AMD, should i risk it?" because that mind virus has infected me as well.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
When they reviewed the 4060Ti 16GB the consensus was offering people a 16GB version was a good thing, even if it was the same card, they problem was at $100 more it was a bad joke, so that while offering a 16GB card was a good thing it should only cost $50 more.

Fair enough ^^^ i agree, 16GB even on a lower mid range GPU is a good thing, i often find my self wishing my 2070 Super had 16GB.

That's exactly what AMD did.

Now Hardware Unboxes made a pretty balanced review of it, Steve likes the fact that its a 16GB alternative and for not too much more money than the 8GB version, but that the 7600 range was just a bit too expensive as it is, pointing out the 6700XT is about the same price, fair enough....

A lot of people tho didn't like it at all, and pretended there is no need or even demand for a 16GB card like this, almost as if they don't like the idea of a sub $350 16GB card, complete change in tune, there is in reality only one person in the whole world who would not like the idea of a 16GB card for that amount of money, Nvidia.

OCUK have sold some, despite the way above MSRP price.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Yup, how people easily forget this. It's only at its current pricing because people wouldn't buy when they were well overcharging!! Very big chips too compared to 6600/3060, must be costing them a fortune lol.

Its still too expensive. it improve quite a bit since launch, but still its equivalent to this.

RX 6650XT £230.

Personally i wouldn't recommend that one on account of the cooler.

This one is £249

£270. All things considered this is a £200 card.

People who think Intel are here to save us from Nvidia and AMD are deluded.

£290. 12GB too...

And this is objectively better. That is if you don't mind 8GB. Its the best of the bunch, because of course it is...


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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
I never saw that RX 6600 for £190, that's a cracking good deal.

I agree with you the RX 7700XT is just a bit too much money, you do have one for £420, and that is tempting, even if i'm not keep on Gigabyte GPU's, i like the Sapphire Pulse.
So i'm still umming and ahring... Its not quite grabbing me.

And the 7800XT, given the price of the 4070 i can't complain too much, but if it was £450... the Sapphire Pulse? Brilliant, take my money...
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Its 288GB/s, they are run with H56G42AS8DX-014 memory IC's which are rated for 20Gb/s but run at 18Gb/s, i don't know why they did that...

Comparing it to the RTX 2080 which is at 102% for 1080P and 107% for 1440P
The RX 6700XT with a 192Bit Bus is 114% at 1080P and 121% at 1440P

It does choke a little at 1440P vs 1080P, but, not having enough VRam is far worse than not having enough bandwidth.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
The performance matters less than the price, yes the 6700XT is faster but it was £450, its still around because AMD made too many of them.

IMO AMD should take the hit and fire sale remaining RDNA2 stock, because while they are still around they take away sales from the later cards.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System

For £508

Nice... :)
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
4060 should be a $200 card it’s awful so the fact that AMD can’t even beat its current price to performance on a new competitor product released 6 months later sums up the broken GPU market with collusion rather than competition.

You're talking about the 7600? They are about even, which yes i would agree makes the 7600 a bit too expensive. I do think AMD's cards should be cheaper than equivalent Nvidia, just not like some people think by 30 to 40%, in that situation you can only ever have Nvidia cards that are far too expensive because AMD selling something like a 7800XT for $299... well AMD wouldn't bother at all, that is not profitable, they or someone along the chain would lose money on every card they sold.
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