Ryan's Headphone Review Thread

Haha :)

The Q701 is close to neutral with a bit better detail. The HD600 is a bit slower, more pleasant sounding. Vocals sound nicer on the 600 but bass extension is a bit better on the Q701. With the bass port you get slightly better presence but it is subtle.
If you never heard the HD650 then I doubt many will complain. The lack of warmth and smoothess is easily apparent though. I'd call them in between so pretty much neutral, more reference sounding than before.

There maybe some normals still lingering in warehouses but I've order three to see if it was just my pair but it seems they all have this change. I hooked them up to my tube amp with very warm mullard tubes, the warmth is usually sufficating but they still have that slightly edgie tonality at times. Compared to my HE-500 they sounded even more grainy.

I've heard the TH500RP is like the HD650 in a different body so I'd love to try those.
More soundwise than price. Sadly the TH500RP seems to lack sub bass :@

The LCD-2 is now the LCD2F which also has lost it's magic. The HE-500 is now the harsher and less lush and dry HE-560.

The PM-1 is left but even Oppo want to move away from that type of sound. TH500RP is the only one left last standing with that type of glossy thick lush sound.
I think the whole warm and lush thing is less popular now. People seem to want more detail and clarity and extention up top rather than rolled off and mellow. Looking at head-fi the last few years people seem to complain a lot more about lushness. I can see where they are coming from but some of us want to get lost in our music and not hear everything!
You may be a good candidate for the Annie or K7XX. I heard the K7XX as the smoothest sounding; it took me a while to pick out the differences.

The K712, Annie and K7XX all go pretty low for dynanamic headphones. The HD650 always has that place in a collection but our inner "Audiophile" will always want something technically better ti compliment the lush HD650.

You would enjoy the HE-500 I think. It has really lush thick mids with excellent bass with a great treble. Shame it got discontinued but the HE-400i will serve as a cheaper alternative. I still really want to try the TH500RP just something tells me I'd love their mids.
The mids sounded too dried out for my taste. I like linear mids with good extension. I do like mid bass that gently breezes over the mids but the JVC just sounded too over the top and unnatural to me.
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I don't use EQ. I never see the point. If I want a headphone to sound a certain way I'd just by a headphone that does it.

I just found these really mediocre. I think the Nad Viso HP50 which is cheaper absolutely slays it in every area.
Yeah had both. The classics were gorgeous sounding headphones with a thick sound. They are very relaxing and warm. These are one of my fav headphones ever in terms of toneality. The Focal Professional is also excellent, it's more reference sounding, more extension at both ends but less of a mid bass hump. Both are similar but both sound different enough to be different flavors.

I sold both as although the comfort didn't bother me in the first month or so..really agitated my ear piercings.

If you don't mind spending a little extra I really recommend the Shure 1540. It is just so comfortable and great sounding.
I have. I found them V shaped with an explosive kind of sound. They are a decent headphone in the V shaped category. I prefer the cheaper Shure SRH1540 personally; it has a better balanced with a warm sound.
They don't sound bad at all. They are lacking in bass but their mids are fantastic. Treble is rolled off. They have some of the best vocal reproduction I've heard. I would describe them as overall ok sounding that need work. If you want just mids then they are your headphone.

I'm actually surprised how positive your impressions are right off the bat! usually coming from brighter, leaner headphones many have the adjustment period. I recommend keep listening to them solo for a week or so then return to your K7XX and you will see even more differences like coherency, vocal detail etc.

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