Salt and Sanctuary

9 Jan 2011

Hi! James and Michelle here! We’re Ska Studios, the Seattle-based two person game studio responsible for The Dishwasher series, Charlie Murder and I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES 1N IT!!!1. We’re super proud to introduce you to our newest project: Salt and Sanctuary. It’s a stylistic, brutal action RPG platformer that’s teeming with visceral, satisfying combat, deep, diverse character builds, and some of the most incredible bosses we’ve ever made.
Salt and Sanctuary casts you as a sailor shipwrecked on a strange, purgatorial island, insulated somehow against a backdrop of centuries-old worldwide perpetual war. What hope remains is isolated in Sanctuaries: protected dwellings where travelers band together under common creeds to take shelter from the hostile world outside.

If you’re familiar with some of our earlier games like The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile and Charlie Murder, you should know what to expect: solidly executed, intricate and brutal combat, lovingly hand-drawn and animated 2D art (of the non-pixel variety), a killer in-house soundtrack, and a massive roster of set-defining, dynamic and unique bosses. Salt is inspired as much by our history as a studio as it is by old classics like Castlevania DS, and new classics like the Souls series.
Like in The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile, the emphasis in Salt and Sanctuary is stylistic sidescrolling combat: weapons have movesets, air attacks have hang time, and rolling is king. There’s a huge amount of depth to the combat in Salt, however. Weapons can be one-handed and paired with shields or offhand crossbows for versatility, or wielded two-handed for added power — and every configuration has its own unique moveset. There are staffs for magic, bows for ranged combat, and belt-slotted consumables like throwing daggers and weapon-buffing Pitchfire. Of course, loadout weight affects your movement, rolling speed and stamina regen, so a good balance of defense and agility is key. Basically, it combines two things we love: fast, precise 2D combat and super strategic RPG depth. Also, there are curb stomps.




Devs have said it will come to PC!....Very happy about that:)

It is basically a 2D side-scrolling fighter with a Dark Souls vibe.

Here is a great vid by VaatiVidya, a mega Souls fan who seems impressed by it.

Really looking forward to this. I played The Dishwasher games and they are really good.
Yeah the PC version is following at some point in the summer. Apparently there is a timed exclusivity deal for the ps4. I will be all over it when it releases on pc!
It's pretty brutal, already died more times than when first picking up dark souls.

roll on DS3 :D
Oh hell, I'm right on this!

Good timing too as Doom is now complete and I was beginning to wonder where my next game was coming from. Been looking forward to this one.
great game, highly recommend it for souls fans. the 2d perspective does make the world a bit harder to navigate as you cant really see points of interest to help you remember where you are but after a while you get a feel for it
I had this on my steam wishlist for some time. I was half tempted to buy it for my ps4 a couple of days ago...I held back....and I am glad I did. I received an email yesterday from steam telling me it had been released. 5 minutes later I had it on my library.
I'm properly immersed in this now. It plays really well.

The art direction is excellent and the mechanics are really good, though it does sometimes get a little awkward if you get boxed in, with some weapons also seeming to have really exaggerated reach.Great atmosphere though.

The only downside I can think of atm is that it would have raised the bar further is there were voice acting to really crank up the atmosphere.
Couple of hours in, this is everything I hoped it'd be so far. Has that undeniable Dark Souls feel about it with a few Castlevania & Metroid elements to the exploration. Combat feels good, movement is responsive and the two boss fights so far have also been pretty decent and challenging.

Definitely one I'd recommend on the strength of what I've played so far and especially at the asking price.
I am struggling a tiny bit with controls at times. Someone recommended me to rebind the keys to be the same as the Souls games, which I might try tomorrow.
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I picked this up as soon as I saw it was available. I've had my eye on it for a while. Hopefully I'll get some time to play this weekend :)
How does this play with a controller, if indeed it does? I quite fancy this for my steam link.
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