Samsung 48"h6400 Calibration settings

5 Apr 2014
Hey all i know theres a fair few of us with this tv. But i have never set up my 2 tv's since i got them. Could someone be king enough to give me some decent settings please for HD films that are both 720 and 1080p remuxes and also 3d and HD content aswell as standard i do not have a clue where to start really LOL. I do have judder on my big file films not to sure wht LOLOL. Any help on settings be great thanks
you cannot copy settings. they are individual to each set. otherwise manufacturers would do this at the manufacturing stage. think about it.

get a pro to calibrate both of yours and you will get a report. each report will contain the settings for each individual tv. you may be surprised by how different they will be.
get the disney (yes really, disney) world of wonder (wow) blu ray, I've managed to improve my now 6 yr old samsung tv with it and previously I was using some copied forum settings.

It's all done by eye with the WOW disc.
you cannot copy settings. they are individual to each set. otherwise manufacturers would do this at the manufacturing stage. think about it.

get a pro to calibrate both of yours and you will get a report. each report will contain the settings for each individual tv. you may be surprised by how different they will be.

Only one calibration? At the very least you need two independent people to do calibrations, then let them fight to the death to decide whose settings to actually use.

Meanwhile, in the real world, some forum settings will improve things noticeably over the defaults and will likely be satisfactory for most people.
get the disney (yes really, disney) world of wonder (wow) blu ray, I've managed to improve my now 6 yr old samsung tv with it and previously I was using some copied forum settings.

It's all done by eye with the WOW disc.

yea id try that. But i don't have a BluRAY player everything is streamed over my network lolol
yea id try that. But i don't have a BluRAY player everything is streamed over my network lolol

thats why you have judder nothing to do with your settings.

also any calibration you do yourself or copy settings there is most likely a 50% chance your actually making the picture worse.

What £200-£300 each to be done by a pro thats £400-£600 sorry but no chance im going down that route lol

well no it wouldn't be that much. the guy would most likely charge £300-£350 for both if he's local maybe even less since it's the same tv and he would be comfortable with how the advanced settings and panel reacts to changes after doing the first one.

but what you would be better off doing is actually approaching one or two and asking them for a quote which costs nothing to do btw.
There remuxed 25 gig plus files

ok, so the android box may not have the processing power needed to number crunch such a large file.

i would try to rule out network issues by saving the file to the android box first and seeing if that plays smoothly. if it does, then it is a network issue. if not, get a new processor. or compress the files to 1080p 3-5gig-ish files.


also, calibration, i would start with the AV forums tutorials with the test patterns and the advice. this will get you pretty close, and, you'll learn what is going on with the screen picture etc. you can try just plugging in setting that other people have used, it won't be as good as setting yourself but will be better than standard settings.

neither of these will be as good as a proper calibration.

also review "there, their and they're".
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ok might try get them done properly anybody know of anyone in Hull that might do it. Cannot seem to find one. Tried google but nothing shows under calibration
it's either an encoding/decoding issue or you need to download better illegal torrents

do you have the judder when watching freeview or sky or even smart tv? didn't think so.

You'll never know unless you try the motion patterns from the Spears & Munsil 2nd Edition disc. Some sets are really bad with interlaced while not as bad for 24fps.

I don't know if the Disney disc has the motion patterns.

Then it might not end there. Depending on the setup, it may not be detecting the right mode. Say watching 24fps films under 60Hz rather than it switching to 24Hz.

ok might try get them done properly anybody know of anyone in Hull that might do it. Cannot seem to find one. Tried google but nothing shows under calibration

Have you tried HDTVtest? Says you'll get a free quote.
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i'm pretty confident the judder won't go away no matter if you get god himself to calibrate it.

but if you want the best PQ your panels can produce then get it professionally calibrated. if you want to get rid of the judder then look at your home setup.

this is why I have my main pc connected to my tv. all the power you could ask for at your fingertips and you can throw any file at it.
Do you not read?

We’ve previously praised Samsung’s improved backlight scanning/ black frame insertion (BFI) algorithm for 2014 in our review of the UE55HU8500 and UE55H8000 step-up models, declaring that it produced some of the sharpest motion clarity we’ve seen from LED LCDs without sacrificing luminance or incurring too much flicker. On the UE40H6400, we could still hit 120 cd/m2 with BFI enabled (by engaging [LED Clear Motion] in the [Motion Plus] “Custom” submenu), but had to crank [Backlight] and [Contrast] to near maximum to do so, indicating that the underlying LCD panel isn’t equipped with as much overhead reserve as the HU8500 and H8000, and therefore needed to be driven harder.
We could still live with [LED Clear Motion] on the H6400, but for a quirk on our sample, whereby [Motion Plus] “Custom” would randomly (and stealthily) switch to what appeared to be the “Smooth” setting even though it’s still labelled as “Custom“. We picked up this issue when several 24fps adverts aired after the Champions League football on ITV HD suddenly exhibited the dreaded “soap opera effect” and interpolation artefacts with [Motion Plus] set to “Custom” and [LED Clear Motion] switched on. We managed to reproduce the issue with our own motion interpolation detection test pattern too, but there was no way for us to determine if it was specific to our review unit, or down to the firmware (ours was version 1106, the latest at time of publication).
The aberration seemed to be limited to [Motion Plus] “Custom” – we tried various permutations, including setting [Blur Reduction] to “8” and [Judder Reduction] to “0“, and still the issue would surface from time to time. It really is a shame, because we think very highly of Samsung’s [LED Clear Motion] this year, and with this covert introduction of frame interpolation marring its benefits, it feels like an opportunity missed.
Samsung does provide three other interpolation modes, namely [Motion Plus] “Clear“, “Standard” and “Smooth“. All three settings doubled motion resolution (as judged via the horizontally scrolling lines pattern in Chapter 31 of the FPD Benchmark Software test disc) from the baseline LCD level of 300 to 600, so we recommend sticking with “Clear” for general use since it introduced the least interpolation artefacts and soap opera effect (there’s still some though – we’d turn it off for movies and 24p dramas).
Motion hiccups following a change of pace with scene cuts were by and large absent on the UE-40H6400 compared with other Samsung TVs on which we’ve noted this problem. Again, we’re not sure if it’s the TV hardware or firmware 1106 that did the job, but we sat through a number of snooker frames and full-length live football broadcasts without witnessing any stutter or tearing/ combing."

The tv seems to handle motion well. Not amazingly but well enough. I doubt he would be using the custom mode anyway since he's asking for settings so he should be on standard or he should switch to clear recommended above.

It only happens with his media files. So I'm thinking it's the media player or media that is the issue rather than the tv no amount of messing about with settings is going to stop judder from his player/media.

He's asking for a calibrator recommendation. So I recommended he sort his media chain out first. The judder I'm pretty confident will be from his setup rather than the tv.

The tv isn't perfect though for motion which you wouldn't really expect from a 6 series samsung but it is reviewed highly for what it is.
Im not sure what the issue is to be honest. Im changing my Android box for sure and getting the 2 bay Qnap NAS that has HDMI. It has android and linux. I think its there newer model 263 or 268. And im deffo going to get the screen looked into
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