** Samsung 830 seres SSD, CRAZY PRICE ** READ POST 342

No I didn't will that make a difference? ... Oh well if it does i will just cancel my order tomorrow then.

As regards to the pre-order price. I am only excepting orders before 15:30pm today. Any orders placed now will get it at the website price. We only offered this for those who preordered. :)

Okay, I have rounded it off to 4PM. - Please order within the 20 minutes. Not extending it anymore, no buts! :)

That gives people 20 minutes to order, so go go go! :)

Ah right so that is why nobody has replied in the CS forum then :)

Oh well I will cancel tomorrow and get them cheaper elsewhere.

No one's replying because it's outside business hours ;)
Why can't you mind your own business and leave arknor and Ocuk sort this out amongst themselves. 5UB is handling the situation amicably and clearly doesn't need you or anyone elses help on this.

You answered your own question there friend, arknor isn't trying to sort this out "amongst themselves". "Amongst themselves" would be as you said... "amongst themselves".
He's making the loudest public noise possible about a minor issue. When you have dealt with OCuK more extensively maybe you'll think this is out of order too.
I too, have had the odd issue with OCuK and you know what? A quiet post in CS forum has seen it resolved EVERY TIME. No need to go keyboard warrioring (did I just make that word up?) in public in the hope of a freebie.
I would like to think that when I pressed the 'force orders' button upon the arrival of these drives earlier today, that it was like hitting a magical switch and it made all the problems in the whole world go away.

in actual fact it just shipped everyone's SSDs they ordered but from the state of this thread, it could possibly account for 80% of the problems in the world :p
The Mint advert was right, the SSD ships out and everything is AOK but my SDXC card arrives DOA from another applier!

I would like to think that when I pressed the 'force orders' button upon the arrival of these drives earlier today, that it was like hitting a magical switch and it made all the problems in the whole world go away.

in actual fact it just shipped everyone's SSDs they ordered but from the state of this thread, it could possibly account for 80% of the problems in the world :p

Who cares about poverty, who cares about famine - we have our SSDs :p:D
Great stuff guys! Fantastic service. Never doubted you guys for a second :o It's a pity i'm working nights seems i missed out on a great deal today. I'll see what's on offer tomorrow when i'm putting in an order for a few things :)

You answered your own question there friend, arknor isn't trying to sort this out "amongst themselves". "Amongst themselves" would be as you said... "amongst themselves".
He's making the loudest public noise possible about a minor issue. When you have dealt with OCuK more extensively maybe you'll think this is out of order too.
I too, have had the odd issue with OCuK and you know what? A quiet post in CS forum has seen it resolved EVERY TIME. No need to go keyboard warrioring (did I just make that word up?) in public in the hope of a freebie.

I've been dealing with OCuK for about 5 years now mate so i know how they work. Also i'm not sure if you were referring to me or the other guy (very tired here) but i wasn't looking for a freebie or anything else from OCuK. In fact because i'm not from the mainland i don't qualify for half the perks you lucky sods do :D

Anyway enough of this keyboard warrioring :p the matter has been resolved.
I haven't had a shipped notification (ordered about a week ago), am I being skipped over because I'm in New Zealand? Not in a rush but just wanted to check I'm not in a black hole and won't ever receive it.
Ricky, you will receive your drive, don't worry. Drop us a message in the Customer Service forums with your order number so we can chase ths up for you through the warehouse.

Best Regards
Just got mine :) Only thing I need to say is WHERE'S MY HARIBBO?!?!?!?!*

*Hehe, I don't really, guessing it was due to the quick turn around required to get these shipped out yesterday afternoon. Well done Overclockers, I'll be dealing again with you soon :D
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