Samsung 840 EVO ready to pre-order at OcUK!!

Shouldnt be any more delays... trust samsung to have a hiccup on launch, I dont think they have successfully launched anything yet :D
How close is the EVO to the PRO in speed?

I assume it is slower, was wondering if anyone knows by how much.

Its about 3% slower however if you enable the RAPID mode it can be as much as 3x the speed. Issue with that though is potential data loss.

Its cheaper though due to 3year warranty vs 5 and fewer write cycles.
You can use the supplied Data Migration suite however it wouldn't work for me, so some have suggested using the latest version of Acronis as this keeps the SSD alignment.

Bit worried that mine is still showing as not genuine lol
@ Terrier Jimlad
Have you tried using the Magician 4.1, I noticed on the Samsung website they had withrawn 4.2 as there were some compatibility problems.
Why is the 250GB Now showing as £155.99?

Why the £7 price increase over the last few hours?

Supply is running dry unfortunately which is driving our cost up at distribution level.

Hopefully the supply will sort its self soon enough. Expect others to do similar once they run out. If Samsung can get more stock in this week then the price shall drop again :)
Supply is running dry unfortunately which is driving our cost up at distribution level.

Hopefully the supply will sort its self soon enough. Expect others to do similar once they run out. If Samsung can get more stock in this week then the price shall drop again :)

Thanks for explanation.
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