Samsung 840 EVO ready to pre-order at OcUK!!

That is correct Yas, it will replace what you have already.

I have a 120GB, could do with a 250GB one of these. :)

Brilliant thanks 5UB, i think ill order one of these myself...just got to wait for the pennies to arrive when i get paid.

i think those ssd will have something called "RAPID" to increase there speed, some sort of boost.

It's caching software:

"RAPID is a new feature that will be included with Samsung Magician Ver. 4.2 and can be easily installed through Samsung Magician to significantly improve the performance of your PC. Its initial release will only be compatible with the new 840 EVO, however, Samsung expects a follow up release to be compatible with the 840 Pro soon enough. RAPID Mode is storage management software that is in place between the systems OS and SSD and provides read acceleration and write optimization for a system level performance boost. RAPID Mode is compatible with Windows 7/8 systems and will use up to 1GB of your system memory as a cache where it stores frequently accessed data for lightning fast retrieval on demand."
Do these use 2bit or 3bit NAND? (Are they replacements for 840 PROs or the consumer 840?)

I've noticed 'Basic' is at the end of each product title.. So I'm going to say they are standard 840 SSD replacements. They will probably make a 840 EVO PRO ULTIMATUM TRIPLE THREAT XXX version by the sounds of it to replace the 840 PROs.. ;)
These drives look to perform very similar to the 840 Pro but without the price due to the lack of 5 year warranty only have 3 themselves.

I would like to purchase one of the 1TBs.. Good :cool:

BASIC means drive in a box, ie its not a kit and has no bearing on performance.
These drives look to perform very similar to the 840 Pro but without the price due to the lack of 5 year warranty only have 3 themselves.

I would like to purchase one of the 1TBs.. Good :cool:

BASIC means drive in a box, ie its not a kit and has no bearing on performance.

If the warranty is only 3 years that would suggest they are the consumer version and use 3bit NAND. The 2bit NAND in the PROs have a higher spec on the number of writes they can do before failing. Added to which they would need a 5 year warranty for people to consider them in enterprise environments.

Still they look like good drives, and I've not had a bad samsung yet.
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I expected these to be WAY more expensive! Amazing showing Samsung and OcUK :) Every time I get enough money for a new monitor... you do this to my emotions..... hmmm
Do these use 2bit or 3bit NAND? (Are they replacements for 840 PROs or the consumer 840?)
It uses 3bit 19nm 128Gb NAND, Clicky. Hence price and lower waranty. Given the performance accross the capacities I expect it to replace both types of 840, although best to wait for a proper review before final judgement they have also just announced some tasty enterprise PCIe stuff.

ATM though, do want.

hahaha :p
Providence would have it that my Sammy 840 pro is giving me trouble, so perhaps it's a sign that I need a larger drive? Or a sign that my southbridge is failing. Either way, if my gf gets the job she interviewed for today... I may celebrate.
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