Samsung 840 EVO ready to pre-order at OcUK!!

Yes these are TLC nand at 19nm - rated for 1,000 PE cycles

If my maths are correct worse case scenario you might start getting failed cells after 81 terabytes of data are written
Im angry with Samsung cause they never gave me the promised £40 cashback for my 512GB 840PRO...

See "Samsung SSD Cashback" in the Storage forum.

I got my cheque after making a phone call (over 2 months after making the claim), others are finding the same.
See "Samsung SSD Cashback" in the Storage forum.

I got my cheque after making a phone call (over 2 months after making the claim), others are finding the same.

Got mine, but had to phone them to chase... took about 3 weeks longer than should have. Well worth having though.
For those that don't follow OCUK on Facebook, they linked a good review here:

The RAPID stuff looks great and certainly offers a significant speed boost - but I wonder if the 1GB of RAM is uses can be increased to offer more?

Looking forward to OCUK getting them in stock!
Ahhh so many games from the Steam sale waiting to be installed and so little space to save them. Looks like Ill be picking up one of theses babies.
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