Samsung 970 EVO freezing issues

1 Oct 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
Hi Guys,

Looking for a little advice as i'm starting to tear my hair out. My specs are as follows:

Asus strix x99
16gb corsair
strix 1070
Samsung 950 pro

I bought a new Samsung 970 evo and the install went fine at first. I saw in samsung magician that there was a firmware update, so I did that then installed the samsung nvme driver. Once windows 10 had updated to 1803 chrome stopped loading web pages and then MS Edge started momentarily freezing.

Even twitch would refuse to load. Benchmarks of the 970 were as to be expected. I can't find anything online other than an older link to a broken firmware from samsung. I have tried multiple reinstalls and also used the standard MS nvme driver.

Anyone got any idea? or is it RMA time for the 970 evo?

Cheer in advance
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