Samsung F8000 + PS3 = Motion Blur?

28 Sep 2007
Hi all,

I've scoured the interwebs and I can't really find any solid info on how to resolve this issue, so I thought i'd make my own plea for help!

I have a Samsung UE40F8000 HDTV, hooked up my PS3 via a HDMI 1.4 cable, set it into Game Mode, turned all the bells and whistles off.

The problem i'm seeing is that when playing games on my PS3 (The Last of Us) whenever I move around, I can see the background blurring, especially in dark areas and dark corners.. door frames will blur left and right, cabinet edges will blur, etc. it's usually a black blur too.

HOW DO I STOP THIS!? - it's driving me crazy, I keep changing settings, trying different options, nothing has worked so far.

I've narrowed it down to either, the PS3 just sucks. or it's something to do with the HDMI black level (normal/limited) and/or the PS3 HDMI RGB setting (full/limited).

in various forums on the internet some people swear that HDMI RGB should always be set to full, and naturally the HDTV black level should be set to normal to match. - however this is how I have it setup right now and i'm still seeing blurring everywhere!

other people on the net (not many people), say "always set the PS3 to limited on a HDTV, and the HDTV black level to limited." - now I will admit I haven't tried this yet (at work atm).

What I'd like to know is have any of you come across this dark scene blurring issue before? (it's really noticeable!) and how have you fixed it? if you've managed to fix it at all?

Every single lcd screen will give you motion blur in game mode.

To get decent motion on an lcd you need to enable your picture enhancing features (turn the bells and whistles back on).

I don't know the name of it on the samsung I think it's some thing like true motion or motion plus... Anyway switch the advanced motion setting on to get rid of motion blur.
HDMI RGB setting (normal/limited) - For video playback (DVD and Blu-rays) set this to Limited. For gaming it can be set to normal. This shouldn't affect image smearing though. It doesn't require additional reprocessing that takes any time.

Normal = 0-255 on the RGB shade scale (same as you see from a PC graphics card)
Limited = 16-235 on the RGB shade scale. Movies and TV reserves a little of the video range at the extreme ends to act as a buffer for under- and over-shoot. No commercially available DVD or Blu-ray film or video uses the 0-255 range.

HDMI black level (full/limited) - This is whether the player output video information in the 0-16 range below what is considered to be reference black for digital video. For DVDs and Blu-ray there shouldn't be any picture information in the "below black" range, so you aren't missing anything. Generally what you'll find is that if you set it to full then everything becomes a touch brighter and slightly washed out until you adjust your TVs brightness control to compensate. Setting it to limited is correct for DVD/Blu-ray, but won't be correct for games that use the Full RGB range (if there are any). Once again though, none of this has any temporal effect. It shouldn't affect smearing one way or the other.

By and large the PS3 is considered to be a pretty good video source. The issue is most often the TV. Now, the F8000 is no bargain basement set, so it would be expected to do a reasonable job. However, although the quality of the motion interpolation is good it does introduce some lag. It seems you have to pick your poison. The guys over at HDTVtest made an interesting observation though. If I understand them correctly they say changing the input label from Game to PC halves the image lag. My guess is that this gives the most direct signal path and least processing. Here's a link to the article
Hi guys, thanks for the replies.

So I wasn't going crazy then! - I'm a hard core techie so I'm no slouch when it comes to all things digital but this was/is sending me for a loop!

Sounds like I might be stuck in a catch 22 though :/

In order to get rid of (or significantly reduce) the motion blurring I see, I need to enable the Motion Plus feature (according to this article), however the motion plus feature introduces a "large amount of input lag".

So either I have a fast snappy game which blurs all over the place, or I have a clear non-blurry game that responds like a naturally aspirated diesel! - ugh, woe is me!
I have a few more updates to my predicament..

I have my PC plugged into my F8000, and I have set the channel to PC mode.

When I play Saints Row 4 on my PC, through the TV. it's perfect! no lag, no blurring, brilliant.

So why can't my PS3 do that!? - this is what makes me wonder if it's just the PS3 or the game itself adding unnecessary crazy motion blur?
Slightly off topic as I can't help with your motion blur issue, but you have the exact TV I am considering buying and wondered what you think of it ?
I have a few more updates to my predicament..

I have my PC plugged into my F8000, and I have set the channel to PC mode.

When I play Saints Row 4 on my PC, through the TV. it's perfect! no lag, no blurring, brilliant.

So why can't my PS3 do that!? - this is what makes me wonder if it's just the PS3 or the game itself adding unnecessary crazy motion blur?

Did you set the PS3 hdmi to PC mode ? i did this on my LG to give me a better picture and it works well.
Normal = 0-255 on the RGB shade scale (same as you see from a PC graphics card)

HDMI black level (full/limited) - This is whether the player output video information in the 0-16 range below what is considered to be reference black for digital video. For DVDs and Blu-ray there shouldn't be any picture information in the "below black" range, so you aren't missing anything. Generally what you'll find is that if you set it to full then everything becomes a touch brighter and slightly washed out until you adjust your TVs brightness control to compensate. Setting it to limited is correct for DVD/Blu-ray, but won't be correct for games that use the Full RGB range (if there are any).

Erm, just no. This looks horrid. A properly setup tv for 16-235 for films is just as good for games. Normal causes things to look neon with crushed blacks.
You should be able to sort this by renaming the PS3 HDMI input to 'PC'. It turns all of the post processing and scaling off and should sort things out. Not sure about the F8000 but on older models this trick only worked on one of the three inputs, HDMI2 from memory... try them all :)
To get decent motion on an lcd you need to enable your picture enhancing features (turn the bells and whistles back on).

Quite the contrary in my experience you want to turn all this guff off and put the screen in PC/GAME mode.
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I was under the impression that you should turn everything off and set to game mode. ES8000 here and not noticed anything majorly annoying in terms of blur or lag. Using settings listed on AV forums (HUUUUGE thread on there for calibration settings)
Slightly off topic as I can't help with your motion blur issue, but you have the exact TV I am considering buying and wondered what you think of it ?

Hi thebandit, I must admit, the TV is insane! I love it!

I won't go all geeky techno on you as you can read all the reviews about this screen on the web, but I will say that it took me a good 6 months worth of reading reviews and research to finally decide that this is the TV for me, and I am very happy with my purchase.

the only nagging I have with it is when playing "The last of us" on PS3, it blurs like a mother- but upon lots of testing, I'm thinking it's either just that game, or just the PS3.

see my update in my next post below:
So here's my current update with this issue I'm seeing.

Those of you who have this screen (or a similar screen?) and a PS3, and "The Last of Us". - please feel free to let me know what your experience and settings are?

but I have renamed all of my ports to "PC" in order to test this:

I have my actual PC plugged into port 2 - it's perfect. (playing anything, 1080p, PC mode.)
I have my XBOX 360 plugged into port 3 - it's perfect. (playing FFXIII, 1080p, PC mode.)
I have my PS3 plugged into port 1 - when playing the last of us, it blurs to hell and back. (playing the last of us, 720p/1080i, PC mode.)

notices: the last of us runs in 720p, not 1080p. - however I have turned off 720p on my PS3 and forced the last of us to run in 1080i mode... still didn't work.

So i'm currently thinking that it's one of 3 things, the PS3 itself (can't be as others have said their PS3 in 'PC' mode are fine.) - the port i'm using? (unlikely, as I'm sure 'pc' mode works on all of my ports, but I will test this!) - or the game has some hard coded crappy motion blur that I can't turn off! (but this is really odd because when i plug my PS3 into my Dell monitor I don't see any motion blur at all!?)

So. I will try the other ports for my PS3 and see if that works, if changing ports doesn't work, it has to be the game itself! - which I guess it would help if I tried playing a different PS3 game, that way I can find out for sure if it's just the last of us that's tooling me around.
It sounds like you've isolated what you have to do to trouble-shoot this some more:

PS3 in a different TV port with the same game

PS3 in a different TV port with a different game

XBox or PC in the old PS3 TV port.

So when you try these things you'll find out of it's the PS3 or the TV. My guess is that there's something about the TV port. But I wouldn't rule out the game as a key factor. Good luck.

Right so I've been playing GTA 5 on the xbox and the last of us on the PS3.

The motion blur is there on both games in dark scenes. In GTA in the day time is brilliant but at night I can see some slight motion blur. The last of us having a lot of dark scenes suffers a lot worse of course!

So the issue appears to be the TV. And I'll guess that this issue happens on all LCD HDTVs?

Doesn't happen on my Dell 30 inch monitor though!

I have tried them both on game mode and in PC mode. I think PC mode is slightly better? In game mode I can mess with the motion plus settings but I haven't found a ssetting that gets rid of the motion blur yet :(
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