Samsung Galaxy Note: 5.3", 1200x800 SuperAMOLED, S-PEN stylus, 2500mAh attery... *phew*

8 Sep 2005
Samsung it seems are never one to rest on their laurels... and fresh form the press is the Samsung Note... a new smartphone that is doing a "Streak" (geddit, hardy har har) accross the field with some seriously monster specs:
  • 5.3" SUperAMOLED screen with 1200x800 resolution
    1.4ghz dual-core Samsung Exynos processor
    S-PEN capacitive stylus (built-in) with custom apps
    Lightweight and slimline design building on the SGS II
    2500mAh battery for heavy use
Engadget page here:

Knowyourmobiles page here:

Video here:

So... whaddya think? Personally while I think the specs are magnificant, im not sure if it would be just one notch too large.... considering the GS II was only 'just' pocket friendly in jeans and shorts. However, there is no doubt that the display will be nothing short of magnificent, and the resolution is simply stunning... it will make email, browsing as well as navigation a joy. Also worth a big mention is the cool looking stylus, meaning this will likely be an awesome corporate device to boot.

Interesting device, can't quite make my mind up about it! :)
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I think this is probably a step too big.

My Iphone 3GS is about as big as i'd go which seems to be quite a bit smaller than the SG2 as it is. I can see it appealing to people who dont need it to be pocket friendly though (or fatties who have bigger pockets!)
What an awkward size. I find this really unfortunate as it's going to limit it's appeal to a lot of potential users.
After watching the video I've changed my mind... Of course it's not too big. Not with that beautiful screen :)

...shame about the button haha.
I was also secretly hoping for a Nexus Prime announcement from the IFA. Is it over? or do I still have hope?
Is it a phone, is it a bird, is it a tablet .... nope its something in-between. Probably get laughed at if you whipped this out on the town to call for a taxi....I mean its bigger than spocks tricorder ;-)
the stylus better have a slot where it can be stored on the phone. it will get lost pretty soon otherwise.

Is it a phone, is it a bird, is it a tablet .... nope its something in-between. Probably get laughed at if you whipped this out on the town to call for a taxi....I mean its bigger than spocks tricorder ;-)

think bluetooth headset
Too big (and I don't say that lightly).

It's too small to provide excellent tablet benefits and too big to be a phone.
Bang on Robbo. I honestly am not sure all networks will pick this up as its the size of a brick and women already don't like the 4.X" phones as it is due to size. Don't get me wrong, there will be buyers for EVERY device no matter what but this is pretty much a 20% increase on the current "large tier" device size and first impressions when you see it in a shop are a bit thing in sales. Before anyone does a "back in my day a phone had a car battery attached" I'd like to remind people that technology moves on and size for the sake of it isn't always good :)

Am also struggling with the potential weight of this, it's not going to be light (although I bet that screen is super great). Maybe they won't put this into a handset because it would cannibalise SGS2 sales but they sure as hell should have done and got it out for Q4. I honestly don't even get their lineup - 10", 7.7", 5.3" and 4.3"? I'll gladly eat my own words if this sells well but I'm betting against it.
People are just captivated by the resolution, other than that it isn't much different to the Galaxy S II. The extra battery won't really provide much of a benefit unless you have the screen off most of the time (in which case such a phone is even more pointless).

Really not liking the stylus either, it just seems a bit wrong.
the stylus better have a slot where it can be stored on the phone. it will get lost pretty soon otherwise.

Yup, says that in the article I think.

Bang on Robbo. I honestly am not sure all networks will pick this up as its the size of a brick and women already don't like the 4.X" phones as it is due to size. Don't get me wrong, there will be buyers for EVERY device no matter what but this is pretty much a 20% increase on the current "large tier" device size and first impressions when you see it in a shop are a bit thing in sales. Before anyone does a "back in my day a phone had a car battery attached" I'd like to remind people that technology moves on and size for the sake of it isn't always good :)

Am also struggling with the potential weight of this, it's not going to be light (although I bet that screen is super great). Maybe they won't put this into a handset because it would cannibalise SGS2 sales but they sure as hell should have done and got it out for Q4. I honestly don't even get their lineup - 10", 7.7", 5.3" and 4.3"? I'll gladly eat my own words if this sells well but I'm betting against it.

It is going to be light... its more or less the same thickness as the GSII, and still thinner than many phones and thus will weigh less than many communicator-style phones. It's definitely not going ot be a brick weight-wise... the only issue I see is size in the hand/pocket.
Could be good for enterprise use.

We have been looking at the Flyer as we are stuggling to get Windows 6.5 devices any more so this might also be something to consider.
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