Samsung Galaxy Note: 5.3", 1200x800 SuperAMOLED, S-PEN stylus, 2500mAh attery... *phew*

8 Sep 2005
Samsung it seems are never one to rest on their laurels... and fresh form the press is the Samsung Note... a new smartphone that is doing a "Streak" (geddit, hardy har har) accross the field with some seriously monster specs:
  • 5.3" SUperAMOLED screen with 1200x800 resolution
    1.4ghz dual-core Samsung Exynos processor
    S-PEN capacitive stylus (built-in) with custom apps
    Lightweight and slimline design building on the SGS II
    2500mAh battery for heavy use
Engadget page here:

Knowyourmobiles page here:

Video here:

So... whaddya think? Personally while I think the specs are magnificant, im not sure if it would be just one notch too large.... considering the GS II was only 'just' pocket friendly in jeans and shorts. However, there is no doubt that the display will be nothing short of magnificent, and the resolution is simply stunning... it will make email, browsing as well as navigation a joy. Also worth a big mention is the cool looking stylus, meaning this will likely be an awesome corporate device to boot.

Interesting device, can't quite make my mind up about it! :)
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the stylus better have a slot where it can be stored on the phone. it will get lost pretty soon otherwise.

Yup, says that in the article I think.

Bang on Robbo. I honestly am not sure all networks will pick this up as its the size of a brick and women already don't like the 4.X" phones as it is due to size. Don't get me wrong, there will be buyers for EVERY device no matter what but this is pretty much a 20% increase on the current "large tier" device size and first impressions when you see it in a shop are a bit thing in sales. Before anyone does a "back in my day a phone had a car battery attached" I'd like to remind people that technology moves on and size for the sake of it isn't always good :)

Am also struggling with the potential weight of this, it's not going to be light (although I bet that screen is super great). Maybe they won't put this into a handset because it would cannibalise SGS2 sales but they sure as hell should have done and got it out for Q4. I honestly don't even get their lineup - 10", 7.7", 5.3" and 4.3"? I'll gladly eat my own words if this sells well but I'm betting against it.

It is going to be light... its more or less the same thickness as the GSII, and still thinner than many phones and thus will weigh less than many communicator-style phones. It's definitely not going ot be a brick weight-wise... the only issue I see is size in the hand/pocket.
People are just captivated by the resolution, other than that it isn't much different to the Galaxy S II. The extra battery won't really provide much of a benefit unless you have the screen off most of the time (in which case such a phone is even more pointless).

I dont follow that logic... a device with a 1" bigger screen than an SGSII will somehow consume all the extra power that a battery with 50% extra over an SGSII provides? :confused:

Orange sell WiMo 6.5 stuff through their business arm incase you didn't know and still require them. (usual disclaimer I work for them, other networks are available etc...)

It's ~20% larger and has a 50% larger battery than their own SGS2. This is not invisible, weightless stuff. It will be important to buyers when they pick it up to try. I honestly am not sure what you're comparing it to when you say "communicator style" phones because they haven't really been sold for a few years in the EU and the only one to generate even more than a blip was the DesireZ in terms of communicator formfactor..

Nowhere did I say a bigger screen and battery was weightless.... lets keep the discussion a little sensible without the drama. What we do know is that the SGS II is ridiculously thin for a phone of its size, and that the Note is not going to be much thicker at all... probably in line with many "normal" phones. The SGS II was pushing the boudaries of tech in that respect, and the Note is using the same methods. When I talked about communicator devices I was talking about the Nokias and HTC's of this world which are now on sale and are not featherweight devices themselves. I dont think the note will be heavier than these despite the extra screen size, and am looking forward to reviews to confirm it.
Dude, the higher resolution will make barely any difference to battery drain... same principle as on any hardware, whether PC or phone. The chip inside is capable of whatever resolution its capable of, then the screen displays it as it displays any other resolution. The only time I would expect more drain is during 3D gaming, when it will of course work the GPU harder at the higher resolution. In normal use however, it will be un-noticeable.
To be fair its too big for me too... but one thing I desperately want is a 720p screen on a phone. If I could get one of these for a corporate device though id be loving it. :D
"Hi! I'm a geek and I want to be robbed"

All this is saying to me.

If you can't live your life without being 'connected' then I guess this is for you. A lot of people will buy it just because it's new/expensive (as above) but in reality there is no real need for this product.

Its nothing whatsoever to do with being "connected", the Galaxy II does 99% of what this phone does in terms of connectivity... the difference is that this is bringing a crazy good screen onto a larger form factor that IS portable enough to carry around like a normal phone for the most part. Obviously you wouldnt take it out clubbing or legging it around festivals, but for people with less hectic lives it will likely prove awesome for travelling, internet, satnav etc on the move. And again, likely very good for corporate users.
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I just can't see mass appeal for that, does it even fit in a pocket.
And if it is to big to be used as a phone. You might as well have a 10" screen.

Don't get me wrong I wish I had a bigger screen on my phone, but at the end of. The day, it still needs to be a phone and fit comfortably in pockets.

It will fit in the average jeans pocket, yes, that much is clear if you look at the Youtube vids. Also those of us with bigger hands should be fine gripping it too.

Really reminds me of a HP iPaq or Palm PDA, and they used to be carried about everywhere.
I just had a bit of epiphany when I was sitting here thinking about if I would really buy this phone (yes, I love mobile gadgets that much, and my lost SGSII has made me obsess over getting a replacement, especially now that im currently stuck with a crappy Nokia C6-00). That question was: how much do I actually, realistically, hold the phone to my face and use it for calls on an average day? Answer: not much.

Seriously, I do maybe 2 or less minutes of talking with each call, probably average 1 minute, just to find out where someone is or lay a quick plan. I dont sit there yacking on it unless its a very rare situation, and if I do sit there yacking it is generally sitting on my sofa with Skype, in which case loudspeaker and camera are on.

90% of my usage comprises text messaging and internet use/reading on the go, with the latter being by FAR the most important to me as I travel around for work and am always using some app when out and about whether its for travel or finding something cool. I now realise that my primary use of a modern phone is as a multimedia device, not a phone... talking is a seondary yet necessary feature that as long as its there and functional, i'm a happy manling.

Thus, I can only conclude that a 5.3" SUper AMOLED HD screen with a resolution of 1200*800 would not only be the most awsome ultra-portable browsing screen known to man, with pages being unsquashed, sharp and readable...but that it would make general multimedia, navigation and app use an absolute pleasure. Hell, even as a basic ereader im guessing it will do a very good job.

In terms of size, ive decided it is still pocketable, and in terms of weight it is only 30% heavier than an iPhone 4, being only a tad thicker than an SGSII. Added to this the 2500 mAh battery and we have a winner here in my eyes. I want it. A lot.
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Hah, just read this...

LG Optimus Note smartphone surfaces

Might need a name change...

SMILEY FACED FIRM LG appears to be making a slide-out Qwerty with an Nvidia chip called the Optimus Note.

The phone will add to the firm's current line-up of Optimus handsets, which includes the Optimus 2X and Optimus 3D. The Note, which has the same name as Samsung's latest phone come tablet, has an Nvidia Tegra 2 dual-core processor, according to Slashgear.

What's more is that the clock speed of this Tegra 2 chip is set at 1.2GHz rather than the usual 1GHz that we've seen so far in many Android tablets. The Optimus Note, in keeping with previous Optimus phones, will run Android 2.3 Gingerbread.

The Optimus Note will have a 4in NOVA LCD display with 480x800 resolution. It will also have 8GB of internal storage capacity, a 5MP camera, WiFi Direct, Bluetooth, an HDMI port and, of course, a slide-out Qwerty keyboard.

The image shows 12.3mm, which we assume is how thick the device is, but there's no indication of the handset's weight.

We contacted LG in the UK but it hadn't heard of the phone yet and hasn't got back to us yet with any further information. It's anyone's guess at this point as to whether the Optimus Note will tip up in the UK. µ

Can we say... LOL?
I think the Nexus is definitely the one to go for out of those to be honest.

You would look like a right pleb with the Note (especially in white) against your head! :p

They both look good though.

Bluetooth headset = sorted. This is going to be an awesome business/pleasure/travel device, cant wait to see one in person so i can give it the pocket test etc.
If he sold the iPhone it wouldn't cost that much.

It's still a hassle, and he will still lose money... besides, the iPhone 4 wa slikely bought on a contract, and the Note costs a small fortune new... around 560 quid. He would be looking at losing at least around 100 notes all-told.
I actually have pretty well sized hands and I'm sure I could use it comfortably, but I still think the Galaxy Nexus is a better option here.

Barring portability, the Note specs blow the Nexus out of the water:

  • 1.4ghz Exynos vs 1.2GHz TI OMAP 4460 processor
  • Mali-400 vs PowerVR 540 (same as was in the Nexus S... 20 months ago).
  • 8MP camera from SGSII which is regarded as a top shooter vs a 5MP camera that has produces questionable shots in previews.
  • 2500mAh battery vs 1750mAh battery (I know size dictates this, but the battery is still a monster).

Matter of opinion:

  • 5.3" screen vs 4.65" screen... you either like the size increase or you dont but ereading, browsing and movie watching will be better on the Note.

For anyone whom the size is not an issue, the Note really is a media powerhouse, pure and simple.
I actually wish it didn't have the S-Pen thing, it's just not going to be of much use to anyone. :(

Better they have it and it be of use to someone, than not have it and of no use to anyone. Its mechanism is apprently firm, so no chance of it falling out. Besides, I think its pretty cool personally. :)
What are you planning on using it for?

Pen for browsing and navigating when im at home, as the pen is a more comfortable position for the hand than it is with your finger constantly extended with normal touch-based navigation. Also the note part is very cool, drawing on maps etc. Im not saying id use it constantly, but I could deifnitely use it. Plus, there will soon be a lot of apps released that integrate it, and undoubtedly cool new features will emerge.
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