Samsung Galaxy Note: 5.3", 1200x800 SuperAMOLED, S-PEN stylus, 2500mAh attery... *phew*

These are now 420 quid from a brick and mortar store where I live in Switzerland, very very tempted... will go and see one at the weekend I think!

I second this. In landscape mode I can comfortably browse websites without zooming in at all.

I tested out all my emulators today, it was awesome on the S2 screen, but this is just something else. I showed a mate of mine today who currently has the S2, he wants one.

can you please take some close-up photos of a couple of website displayed on the Note... for example BBC News and something like OCUK store? As many text intensive sites as possible would be great so that we can get a sense of how readable it is. :)
And so the general consensus is that for browsing it's an absolute demon? Most sites you dont have to zoom in to read? Also, can someone please test something for me: use Dolphin HD and set the text size to large... does it still maintain good scaling while being more readable?

Battery isnt actually the biggest issue ever for me to be honest as I bought a Tecknet 11000mAh external battery pack from Amazon UK for 30 squid which should charge the thing a couple of times fully without breaking too much of a sweat. I reccommend anyone with a modern phone get one, they really are invaluable, look good, and are surprisingly sleek pocketable too In fact, maybe worth of a separate thread later on when I get chance. :)

EDIT - Note is now £415 where I live... so, so tempted...
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True, I do think the nexus probably is at the size limit for comfortable one-handed use. Just a pity they chose to use a worse cpu and gpu and camera and omit a micro usb card slot. I prefer the size of the nexus but it they compromised.on the specs of the nexus too much.

Ditto, I find the CPU/GPU nerf pretty shocking personally, as well as the omission of an SD slot... unforgiveable on what is marketed as a top-end Android device imo.

What I find even stranger are the people in the Nexus thread defending it to death, when in all aspects but the screen resolution and OS (soon to be remedied) it is inferior to an SGS II... not to mention the series of pretty major release bugs its been subjected to.

Personally I think the Nexus was intentially nerfed to ensure the Galaxy II continued to sell well. Samsung have a habit of releasing all of their new premium Galaxy phones with bleeding edge technology... the Nexus was clearly not one of those releases, and you have to wonder why.
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Agreed on all points.

Also what many GS2 owners are forgetting is that most people who have bought a Nexus have upgraded from something other than a GS2.

I dont think anyone is forgetting that point... I just think the people who are into their mobile tech are just surprised that the Nexus is not the beast of a phone that was expected... it's a missed opportunity, and as I said, I think it is completely uncharacteristic of Samsung to nerf phones in this way, and I think they did it because it is being marketed as a Google phone, as opposed to a Touchwiz-based Samsung device. I believe they want to reserve the best tech for their own pure-Samsung devices and ensure as little competition as possible with their purebred Galaxy line.
It's a small tablet which makes calls.

Smartphones nowadays don't come with stylus'.

IMO as soon as a stylus is involved, it moves towards the tablet spectrum of things.

I see it as a tablet you can carry around that conveniently handles your mobile comms stuff aswell.

Erm, what? A year or two ago stylus were commonplace, and the phones that used them were not tablets. In fact, id say a stylus has more in common with a smartphone than it ever does with a tablet, given that the vast majority of modern tablets don't use them.

The Note is just a very a large smartphone... and always will be. All the "omghybrid" nonsense is marketing spiel to better justify and sell the size.
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the galaxy Note is now down to £380 (549 CHF) in my local (non-UK) tech store... at that price its getting seriously hard to resist. :(
What the hell man! It's a steal at that price, on the other hand it may drop even further :D

I don't see how it can drop further... it started at 680CHF and has dropped that much over 2 weeks. :eek:

Must be worth a punt at that price... right? More stock comes in on the 2nd (they don't ship to UK guys, sorry) so im thinking I may head on down for a look on Friday evening.

Played with a Dell Streak 5 again today and yes, its big, but not THAT bad. I held it up to my mush too and didnt feel too silly... its not as though youre holding a slate board.

Im going ot be thinking about this all night. :D
Where is it? I go to Switz loads. Most everything there is lolprice but that's a good deal! (though it's more in £ after exchange fees)

Actually, phones and computer hardware/gadgets are generally the same or better prices than the UK! It's things like food and clothes/furniture which are crazy prices!

Shop is, just do a search for "Galaxy Note" :)
I guess it depends on the exchange rate at the time. When you're being charged 1.01 to 1, not so much, but I guess now it's floating around 1.5 things are more 'normal' again!

And thanks, I'll take a look!

Well I also meant with regards to Swiss wages and economy... tech prices are pretty competitive in general, barring some odd exceptions. :)
Heh, I have a LOT of things I may as well buy with £380 dude... it's deciding where my priorities lie that's the problem. :D
I know, no offence taken. I didn't realise my spelling errors till I read your post then re-read mine! :rolleyes:

I've installed Swiftkey X Keyboard and it is so,soooo much better!

Try thumb keyboard, on a screen like the Notes it should be amazing as its a split design.
Depends entirely what you carry in your wallet I suppose. Some cash and 3-4 cards, would you really need to carry that in a separate wallet?

The fact you even asked this question and entertained the idea of combining phone and wallet loses you major man points. :p
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