Samsung Galaxy S... highest spec Android phone released... also with QWERTY!

oooo, nice to see the touch sensitive buttons being as responsive as sticking your finger in toffee....

TBH the Desire is about as big as I would like to go with a mobile phone... If anything its a bit big physically so this thing must be a PITA to cart around. I dont see it having anything much to add to the HTC Desire as they are meant to be adding HD recording and DivX etc support....

If 16GB is the internal memory then kudos for that :cool:
Not touching it after the Omnia.

I wouldnt touch it because its a Samsung;)...nice video but it just doesnt seem all that responsive:confused:...seems like the buttons need to be pushed a bit before the phone decides to do something lol.
What Android needs is big deveopers such as EA to release Android apps that are equal to their iPhone apps. That will make me stay with Android.

before this can happen, there needs to be more Android devices with decent GPUs.. like this one :D
The QWERTY on the pro version looks awful imo.

It doesn't look bad at all, and a gazillion times better than the Milestones.

Seperate number row for the win, logically laid out.
why don't i get excited about mobile phones any more? while i like all these features.. some of them get useless for e.g. GPS.. start it with full battery go for a ride on a bike.. just to see the map/miles i did... 3.5hrs later battery is empty.. cmon improve it a bit or something.. :(
It's the OS look that I don't like... The case looks iphony and the bubble icons do nothing to detract from this... Knowing little about Android, will this be editable?

I also have a Samsung omnia HD which made me promise myself I would never get a Samsung phone again, the support and the updates I was looking forward to were farcical. This, however, is an Android, which is why i'm daring to consider it. But it's at 2.1 atm, and knowing of Samsung's lazy take on updating phones, will future updates (2.2 for example) be likely to be available soon? Or at all?
It looks good. Depends on price I guess but those of us with unbranded Desires would have an easier time selling and upgrading if it came to it - which I doubt unless HTC or XDA don't push the 2.2 and HD updates to the Desire sooner rather than later!

Oh and I'd rather not anyway because it looks so much like an iPhone both inside and out. Can't have people thinking I'd turned into a townie or something now!
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Grr, wish they would have put all of this power into a phone that didn't look like every other samsung phone.

Also wish there was an option in custom firmware builds to revert to Android's standard interface.
It doesn't look bad at all, and a gazillion times better than the Milestones.

Seperate number row for the win, logically laid out.

Unfortunately that's a mockup by that blog's artists (that's what Engadget said anyway). Samsung are probably gonna stick a crappy 3-row keyboard with sticky, shallow keys on it :(
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