Samsung green with max vi extreme 4770k

Can the 12 go 10 in the seconds and the 26 go 24. Also try the two 7's in the thirds at 5 then 4.

Looks good though. Try 1.65v too, this is fine.
ok will do. what i have done in the interim though is put my bclk down from 101.5 to 101.1 and this seems to have stabilised things so far..
With RAM its Mhz and timings as your finding out. For 24/7 though you can afford to drop a few mhz to make sure your stable.
Having some strangeness going on here. At anything other than the base cpu strap, such as 125. I can't get the timings lists above to work, even at 2000 MHz. But at 100 base clock with 100 strap it works fine.

The frequency of the memory stays the same, the only change is the strap, should that cause this?

You taking into account the increased uncoore at 125 BLK. Remember its a multi just like for CPU speed. You may need to adjust the ratio.

Also what bios you on 0006 and 0031 are the best so far.

It should make no difference no is the answer to your question providing all frequencys are the same.
ok, now im trying to get this sorted at 2400.

booted at @1.6v 2400 10/12/12/26/1t

auto timings for the rest are:

7 154 7936 ?* 7 26 ?* 6 9

4 6 6 24 6 6 4 8 8

10 10 10

the performance is very nice in aida64 @ ~36000 read ~37500 write ~35700 copy 42.1ns

any tips again? thanks in advance bud :)

*it doesnt show what the auto setting for tWR / tWTR is
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ok after a lot of messing around, this is where im at:



sameish speeds as in above post.

are there any timings which look way off? i cant lower the main ones you mentioned before.

it does boot at CL 9 but it wasnt stable.

i was able to boot and use windows at 2600 cl 11 but it stopped workers in p95 pretty much instantly. im sure i could have got something working at that speed but oh well.

samung green really do kick ass!
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1.65 is your tuning point. Even 1.675v. Try o 9-12-12-25 Can TRFC not be 124 or less with TREFI 11000.

Try these thirds 5-5-4-20-5-4-4-7-5 and then 11-11-11 or 11-11-9

Can TWCL not be 7 this and Cas 9 are what to work on first.
Managed to get cl9 and twcl 7 but the aida benches are unchanged for some reason :/

System agent voltage is 1.008. Iod is 1.15 as is ioa. They ok?

edit: yes the benches are the same with cl9 / 7 and the settings i had with cl10. it also failed prime. think i may have to leave it there, i think id rather have the full 16gb than slightly faster 8gb. plus im sick of pressing the memok! button, hehe :)
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ahh right. yeah absolutely.

by the way, are the memory IC profiles in the bios for samsung ram, the same as the green stuff. and is it worth choosing that do you think? its on auto atm. i know those other bioses had more profiles from what that guy was saying. but this is on the newest asus 0701 or whatever it is.

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