Samsung Odyssey 49" OLED G9 G95SC

4 Feb 2011

Looks like the release date is potentially sometime this summer.

My dream monitor for the year.​

****************************UPDATED BELOW WITH NEW INFO *************************

  • If you switch between Mini hdmi or hdmi you will lose your calibration settings you changed on the monitor itself make sure you're using an HDMI 2.1 certified cable and you can set the monitor to up to 12bit colour (10 bit recommended for default calibration settings for now) same applies to display port but lacks the 12 bit option.
  • If you have any jagged or pixelated text, do the below to try and fix the issue
Make sure you have GeForce Experience first and update drivers.Go to Windows Display Setting>Nvidia Control panel>Adjust Desktop Size>Scaling Tab>Scaling Mode:
select "No Scaling" or "Full-Screen" (I selected No Scaling). Perform Scaling on: select "GPU", select "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs">Size Tab: Resize the desktop...
: select "Enable desktop resizing", select "Do not report"It is only after this that my computer display/graphics were back to normal and I was able to open applications without fear that my text would go jagged/pixilated.

So if anyone here experiences the jagged/pixelated text, it may have automatically turned some of this stuff on. This should save you thinking you've got a faulty monitor.

  • If you need calibration settings and ICC profile please pm me and I'll email you : or maybe similar settings are now available on google or reddit. I paid for access to them and donated a small amount so don't feel ok publicly sharing and denying the original user some form of compensation for their work, but if I share with less than 20 people he's not lost out, based on my original donation amount. without icc profile

note that calibrating this correctly makes a huge change to the overall colour balance and picture quality across most games. Some games can still feel a little dull (Monza in F1 2023) but night races are incredible... so it's not perfect for every situation but it's vastly superior to whatever default settings you'd be running and of course you can tweak further for your own preferences, but it's a good base to start from.

  • If you have flickering (I don't have a fix for this yet)
I switched monitors trying to get a better deal and discovered the new monitor has no flickering issues using youtube or other apps, not sure what the cause of this was as otherwise the panel was exactly the same. Maybe this is a possible return reason, as no issues on current display to mention yet.

For those looking for settings, you can also try mine and check out the review here at TFTCentral

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IDK about these huge 1440p dream monitors

I ordered a refurbished alienware qd oled today. Lord have mercy on my gambling ways, It was 500 off and 1 year warranty
IDK about these huge 1440p dream monitors

I ordered a refurbished alienware qd oled today. Lord have mercy on my gambling ways, It was 500 off and 1 year warranty
Guess it depends what you're after. I see it fulfilling all my gaming needs. If I want to play at 2560x1440 for certain titles and lose the rest of the screen I can. If I want the insane widescreen experience when supported I'll get that as well. Until I own it I won't know if I'll have buyers remorse or my mind blown.

But it'll be the biggest monitor upgrade of my life as I've never owned an oled TV or monitor yet. Just my S21 Ultra for a similar experience.
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