** SANDISK EXTREME 120GB ONLY £84.99inc - 240GB ONLY £164.99inc!!!

Stock isnt here as yet, I am hoping it will land today, itll certainly be here before the end of the week, tomorrow rather than today as a late point. I Will update this thread when pre-ords ship etc :)
Would it speed up a netbook by quite a margin?

Depends what CPU you got in netbook, most of time its not really worth it but since the price per GB is so low now on SSD's its not that bad

I'm very tempting to get 1 or 2 for my laptop and HTPC
Crucial M4's do have extra capacity ie 120 vs 128, 250 vs 256 its not negligible if you are concerned about having a smaller boot drive than the 1gb hard discs we all loved just a year or so age.

Articles I've read indicate that the 240GB drives actually have 256GB of storage but that the extra 16GB is reserved for "housekeeping" .... if this is the case then does this remove/lessen the recommendation to only fill SSDs to 85-90% capacity to allow space for wear levelling etc?
Well done mate, should still see a good improvement on s775.
And yes, the £.070 per Gb was what finally did for me too.

Bring it on!

me too..having over £1 per gig was nuts...I too am on 775 for the meantime. Hope to see a good improvement with a SSD installed :)
hmmm going to buy another ssd for steam and games 120 is not enough!

I take it there would be no issue with buying a second SSD and installing Steam straight onto the root of that?

Also, is it likely that these could arrive at OCUK and get delivered to us by Friday, does anyone know? Be nice to have to play with over the weekend...
I hope they do get in soon, my orders been on hold since the 27th of April because of this damn drive!

70p a Gig is rather nice though :)
Well, these are supposedly here however due to masses of deliverys wont appear on site as in stocked etc until tomorrow. Drives to customers by the weekend it seems :)
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