I'm on 1003 as well. Tried the beta BIOS with exact same problem. Have you made any changes to voltages or any other settings in BIOS apart from the memory settings?
I've got everything on default except BCLK which is set to Manual at 100.
With this 2600K that arrived yesterday I have altered the following only
Manually set BCLK to 100
Set Allow OS to alter Multiplier
Set my Ram speed to 1600MHz
Manually set DRAM to 6,8,6,24,1
Manually set DRAM Voltage to 1.425v
And that's it - Apart from altering the Boot order and turning off the Boot Image and making the bios open in advanced mode... oh and I set the CPU Fan to Turbo and switched off speed control on the chassis fan (because I have the pump for my H50 in that header)
With these settings I have successfully run Prime 95 (Blend or FFT) for 1 hour at each of the following, by changing the Multiplier in Windows.
I only ran into issues at 4.5Ghz. To achieve the 1 hour prime run here I had to increase the vcore (using the Windows software) to 1.175v (i.e. 2 steps up from stock).
So at the moment I am Prime 1 Hour stable at 4.5GHz 100x45 with 1.175v vcore, 1.425v vDIMM, BLCK 100 everything else on Auto.
I have always been distrustful of using Motherboard generated Ram timings and therefore always set these manually (well the first 5 anyway).