Sansaire sous vide circulator


Did some duck. Pan needed to be hotter for finishing, but never the less, they were good! Really did keep in all the flavour.
Anyone remember?!
I think that was the 2013 MasterChef finale.

If my memory serves me correctly, Larkin had a bike pump out at one point and went about removing the skin and crisping it up before glueing it back on to a sous-vided piece of duck breast.
That has the bike pump element, but it's cooked in an oven... perhaps they've changed the recipe before uploading it to make it accessible, given most people don't have all the sous vide gear?
Sorry, I'm getting my memories mixed up.

Larkin used the bike pump to remove the skin for the dish he cooked in the final episode, but it was Natalie who glued the skin back on the duck when cooking for Simon Rogan.
After having it for over a week I finally used my Sansaire last night, only did some chicken breasts but I have to say that there were the most tender chicken I've ever had.

And the noise I mention before was due impeller shaft rubbing against the hole it goes through in the middle of the casing, gently levering it so that it is in the centre of the hole has cured it.
Tried out the Anova this morning on some poached eggs as a quick tester to see how it worked. And currently got it going on some Rib Eye steak.

Uploaded some images of it here:

Seems pretty good, heats up the water pretty swiftly and is pretty quiet. Looking forward to trying the actual results:

How is everyone finding their Sansaire (or Anova, for those people) after a month of ownership?

Since I stumbled across what I feel is the ideal-sized container for my needs and playing around with insulation ideas, I've been using mine every weekend and it's also seen plenty of mid-week service. I've cooked all sorts in it and results have been nothing short of excellent on each and every occasion.

The only thing that was annoying me about the Sansaire was that bloody stupid little metal grate that sits in the little groove in the bottom of the casing - you know, the one that's a PITA to get back in when you take the back off to clean the unit? With my Sansaire sitting on the bottom of the polycarbonate container I'm using it was completely redundant anyway, thus removing it has restored my inner peace.

All-in-all I'm incredibly impressed with the Sansaire and I only wish I'd bought another one for myself instead of giving one away. I've done a few dinner parties where life would have been a whole lot easier with two baths on the go!
All of this is really making me want to upgrade to a Sainsaire. Is there an ETA for when the UK/euro version will be back in stock? I guess I could get the US version but it would be annoying having to purchase the converter/etc bits.
I've not used my Sansaire that many times so far but I did have it going for 6 hours last week doing a gammon joint which came out very nice.
All of this is really making me want to upgrade to a Sainsaire. Is there an ETA for when the UK/euro version will be back in stock?
I've asked, but not heard back as of yet.

If they aren't coming soon, it would be worth you looking at the Anova 240V model instead of putting yourself through the hassle of getting a transformer to work with the 120V Sansaire.

EDIT: Whoops... checked Sent Items and couldn't see the email, so rescued it from my drafts and have already received a reply.

Sansaire said:
We are so happy to hear you are enjoying your Sansaire! We expect to have stock within a week or so. If you have not done so already, sign up for our mailing list to be notified the minute that happens! Thank again for your support!
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