SAS Airlines woke advert they had to remove.....

Who or what is a “woke advert”? :confused:

"Woke" means a particularly passionate advocacy of whatever irrational prejudices are fashionable at the time. A woke advert is one that attempts to pander to those irrational prejudices, either because the people controlling the company being advertised are devoutly irrationally prejudiced or because they think they will attract more customers than they will lose by doing so. Pandering to popular prejudice is profitable. The only question is how popular the prejudice is. Companies doing woke adverts now are trailblazers. Either they've been misled into over-estimating the popularity of irrational prejudices by the fact that woke bigots are very vocal or they're banking on those irrational prejudices continuing to gain power and want to position their companies as being in the forefront of pandering to popular irrational prejudices in the hope that it will pay off in years to come.
I watched that and I didn't see anything wrong with it. It's just pointing out that their culture is drawn from a number of sources, it's not just from within in the country. At least, that's how I saw it.
Who or what is a “woke advert”? :confused:

I still have no idea, although I noticed this last night, that I hadn't noticed before


The actresses comments aside, I wouldn't have said it was overly woke. I mean the film portrayed pretty much what the source material supported and the rest of the cast and crew didn't make much woke noise. Compare that to many other examples of woke films where they have been commercial flops and the distinction is clear.

I didn't enjoy Captain Marvel, but I thought the film was safe in that area at least.
Lol. How to alienate your customers for no good reason. The western world is losing the plot. We need a good existential threat to give us some focus and stop us obsessing on this cow poo.
What's the problem with the advert? It's not blaming anything on anyone or claiming that one way is right and the other is wrong.
All I take from it is that perhaps 'traditions' the Scandies thought were their own were actually imported from around the world. All I got from that advert was that travel broadens your mind and world views, which it does.

Really struggling to see what was offensive there.

edit: some of the comments on that Youtube video are insightful
I liked the advert thought it was a clever way to encourage people to go out and explore the world in search of new and different things. I'm tired of the lazy way we have to label everything at the minute woke is just another nonsense label that seems designed to antagonise why everything suddenly has to be black and white or left v's right I've no idea it seems we've lost the middle ground and all just want to be angry all the time.
"We can't wait to see what wonderful things you'll bring home next"

Coronavirus :p

Stupid advert, no reason why they can't celebrate their own culture whilst encouraging people to travel.
Lol woman at work saying along the lines of, Swedes no longer bring stuff from abroad home, abroad has moved to them.
The amount of Thai restaurants in my town is impressive :p
For an empire builder like the UK it makes perfect sense to be multicultural, but Sweden is just neutrally allowing itself to be rebranded.
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Surely its in SAS Airlines interest to actually advertise their region as a potentially nice place to visit?
Not downgrade it to 'just like everywhere else'.

There is some really nice shots in this ad that could tell a great story about the warmth of the the people across Scandinavia, instead they used the talents to promote negativity about the region. AMAZIN
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'Woke' is the new 'SJW'

No one likes getting preached to and corporations trying to make money off pretending they are 'woke' is cringeworthy as hell...

Having said that we're already getting to the point where the term is losing all meaning due to reactionary types calling anything remotely progressive 'woke'

Stick up for gay rights ? Must be a woke SJW

Think climate change is an issue ? Woke globalist propaganda

It's very tedious and just as annoying as people who pretend to be 'woke' for internet cred points.

This is a good example of the faux outrage of some of the die hard anti woke brigade

6:08 onwards :D
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I feel like I've watched a different video from everyone else. Where was the negativity? Saying meatballs are from somewhere else is negative? All i got from it was "hey, those things you like so much? They were actually brought here by someone not from here. Why not go check out other places and see what else we can bring back. broaden your horizons"
I feel like I've watched a different video from everyone else. Where was the negativity? Saying meatballs are from somewhere else is negative? All i got from it was "hey, those things you like so much? They were actually brought here by someone not from here. Why not go check out other places and see what else we can bring back. broaden your horizons"

Its the overall tone of the video. Surely you can see why people would have a problem with it? The message is good, but they are unintentionally belittling their own country.
Its the overall tone of the video. Surely you can see why people would have a problem with it? The message is good, but they are unintentionally belittling their own country.
I've watched it sound off with subtitles (I'm assuming it wasn't in English) but I honestly don't see how it's belittling the country. As far as I remember it didn't say that their culture was a fraud/stolen or anything negative. It just highlighted that there has been lots learnt from other cultures and it promotes going out to learn even more again to benefit the country in the long run.

What I do see, especially when i looked at the YouTube comments (cess pit at the best of times, so my first mistake) is that people somehow think they're under threat that the big bad SAS are trying to eradicate the whites and do... well something unsavoury but no one knows what. As with both sides, there seems to be those who perpetually want to be offended or feel under attack by any and everything. That is all I am seeing.

Anyone would think they've outright said "Hey, fellow Scandinavians, we really suck and our culture doesn't mean jack. Stop your traditions right now you utter scum".

All I can see is an advert where it is giving a 'shout out' about where something may have come from whilst also showing they've put their own spin on it and made it their own. Then, as a company in the business of moving people around the world, they say why it's good to go out in the world and experience and learn new things you otherwise wouldn't learn at home which could then be brought back as another benefit.

At least that's my take on all of it
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