I think the thing I take issue with is "Nothing is truly Scandinavian" but in the same advert it says some things are America, Austrian, Turkish, Persian blah blah. The idea that therefore other countries can take 'ownership' of something but Scandinavia can't just doesn't make sense. If Scandinavia can't take ownership, then neither can Austria claim the Danish. Also you don't have to invent something in your country for it to be something associated with that country. Classic example Indian food is obviously associated with India, but Chicken Tikka Massala is a British thing. Just because we didn't invent curry it doesn't mean Chicken Tikka Massala isn't British. In the same way I'm sure we can't pinpoint the first person to clump a load of minced meat together, that doesn't make Swedish Meatballs less Swedish.
It's similar to the people who say that USA has always been made up of immigrants. It's just disingenuous, there is a vast difference between the people who first moved there (settlers) and people who move there now. For one they didn't have to kill anyone, or build any roads, water supplies, and just generally build a country from nothing.