Sata Question ?

SATA2 is the newest incarnation of the SATA standard, all it adds are a few niceties like 300Mb/s bandwidth, Native Command Queing etc. It's backwards compatible with SATA1 so SATA1 drives can be used on SATA2 controllers and vice versa.

To be honest you won't see a difference between the two, HDDs can't come anywhere close to the 150Mb/s maximum of SATA1 let alone 300Mb/s for SATA2, the best disks are still languishing around the 80Mb/s mark.
As Mr. Stewart said you'll hardly see a difference between the two in real-world use but it should be noted that SATA1 drives are hard to find new as SATA2 is the current standard. Go for SATA2. :)
SATA II is faster if your motherboard supports it, it isn't likely to make a huge difference in practice if you have a motherboard capable of SATA because SATA II is designed to be backwards compatible but you do lose a few features and some (if under near optimal conditions usually) speed. I'd get a SATA II drive in preference now if you are buying and unsure of the capabilities of your motherboard, if it isn't supported by your current motherboard it will be by any new motherboard you buy. :)

//edit beaten like a red-headed stepchild by two of you. :p
The motherboard i have is ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe which was given to me by my older brother + FX57 + other bits , i guess this motherboard supports SATA , the drives i have in there at the moment are Maxtor Diamond Max 10 SATA 150 x2 160
ZUTON said:
The motherboard i have is ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe which was given to me by my older brother + FX57 + other bits , i guess this motherboard supports SATA , the drives i have in there at the moment are Maxtor Diamond Max 10 SATA 150 x2 160
Would you like to know something or are you just making a statement? :p ;)
I just wanted know about SATA , my brother just gave me his old pc , so can i use SATA II on that motherboard
collisster said:
Relax, sir, I was kidding as denoted by my consummate use of the Stick Out Tongue and Wink smilies.

ZUTON, a quick looks seems to indicate that that mobo has 4 SATA1 ports and 4 SATA2 ports. If you wanted to add an SATA2 drive to the two SATA1 drives you have you'd just have to plug it into one of the SATA2 ports on the mobo.

In the photo I'm looking at the red SATA ports are SATA1 whilst the black ports are SATA2.
Nah, I'd say keep what you have. The speed of the drive is more important than the speed of the interface. As Mr. Stewart mentioned HDDs can't come anywhere close to the 150Mb/s maximum of SATA1 let alone 300Mb/s for SATA2, the best disks are still languishing around the 80Mb/s mark.
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