Saturday 8th December Boxing! **SPOILERS**

The atmosphere ALREADY in the pubs in Hyde is ******* brilliant :D I've not put a bet on, but I'm reckon Hatton will stop MW in the 9th. :)
Think I'm going to watch this at Hooters tonight!
Big Boobs and a great fight (hopefully) what more can you ask for :D
So do we have an estimate of the start time? (Probably been mentioned already). Gonna set my alarm and listen to it on the radio I think.

It won't start till 4am ( ish) I'm getting up at 3.30am unless i manage to stay up.

Most places are saying 4 am due to tv right in the states to. Think Five live aren't crossing over till then either.

Come on Hatton!!!!
just watched the weigh in on youtube, got shivers up my spine when i heard all the fans, awesome support!

wow away from home and he got 100X times better bigger reaction than maywether, unbelievable!

not fair wanted to see the atmosphere after he said ''lets &*&^*$ Have im'',
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anyone know any bars in central london showing hatton that you don't have to book for? Sports Cafe are showing it but you have to book in advance.
when does the atcual fight start? considering setting my alarm :p

It will start about 4 am. THINK about setting it thats bad!!!!!!

No arlarm here couldn't sleep if I tried just armed with 48 cans of carling and a dom's pizza. Driving to NI. in morning well i'm getting picked up at 9 :eek: on the ferry as well! will be worth when hatton does a number on him ;)
Anyone know when it will be on Sky sports in the morning or is my best best That would be illegal?

It is only going to be shown on Box Office and repeated on there at various times tomorrow, it may be shown on Sky Sports sometime in the next couple of weeks though, not sure when.
Anyone know when it will be on Sky sports in the morning or is my best best youtube?

due to box office agreement sky have - it will be at least 10 days before you will see offical footage of the fight anywhere - you will see the usual stills etc on the news but a re run of the fight on any channel will be at least 10days later.

COME ON RICKY = coffee and red bull at the ready - can;t wait - best guesstimates reckon 4am start time but could be 3.30am dependant on other fights
in my opinion , english sportsmen, have a huge advantage when it comes to support, all englishmen get a mega lift when the crowd gets behind them, like a passion, and i dont see that from foreign sportsmen, when ricky hears the crowd at any Good or bad moments he has, i can imagine that thats when maywether will be worried. i think ricky will win honestly because of the crowd and britsih pride, goin on what i sore with the press conference mayweathers crowd backing is terrible. on his own turf, its rather embarrising.
It is only going to be shown on Box Office and repeated on there at various times tomorrow, it may be shown on Sky Sports sometime in the next couple of weeks though, not sure when.

AAArrrrggghhh... this explains why I can get it on virgin cable... is there ANYWHERE other than sky sports where I can watch this, or do I have to make a trip to the pub at 2:30am ? :eek:
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