Save it for the black stuff... OcUK Manchester Meet 3

Phate said:
btw incase you guys didnt no, im 17 and not 18 till it still ok to come?

and check the definate list me names JACOB not James :p

Oops sorry! :o

And yeah, course you can come. Sam hasn't even hit puberty yet and he came to the last meet. :p
agw_01 said:
Oops sorry! :o

And yeah, course you can come. Sam hasn't even hit puberty yet and he came to the last meet.

LOL!!! wicked guys, jst got this week of work todo..... :rolleyes:
agw_01 said:
Oops sorry! :o

And yeah, course you can come. Sam hasn't even hit puberty yet and he came to the last meet. :p

* Remembers to tackle andy at the camping meet , punching him till his arms and legs are dead *

ok guys a slight err snag shall we say i remembered that my engine management light came on last week thought nothing of it and left it as "see what develops" and now ive signed upto this my car is booked in at the local dealer for thursday and i said to them im planning a 600mile round trip for the weekend and providing its nothing serious whats the chances of having it done by the weekend, he said its a good chance depending on what the problem is, but its costing me 80 quid to get it diagnosed then providing its nothing major then i should still be alright

so keep me as a diffinate but thats just a warning for you all :D
Christ, this thread is hooooge!

I'm also slightly worried about parking (or lack of) at the second pub. My memory is a bit hazy but I seem to remember a layby/carpark thing further back the way we came on the left going to the second pub...I'd have to check google earth or something though. I just don't think all of us will fit on that car park.
thebrasso said:
Christ, this thread is hooooge!

I'm also slightly worried about parking (or lack of) at the second pub. My memory is a bit hazy but I seem to remember a layby/carpark thing further back the way we came on the left going to the second pub...I'd have to check google earth or something though. I just don't think all of us will fit on that car park.

Calm down dear its only a slight car parking problem. :p

There is loads of parking in the surronding roads there is no problem. :)
cymatty said:
Calm down dear its only a slight car parking problem. :p

There is loads of parking in the surronding roads there is no problem. :)

Particularly as the cars will not be that static anyway, with "check" rides a go-go for those that want 'em ;)
/barges to front of the queue

*cough* Excuse me gentlemen, I think the head organiser deserves the first passenger ride :p

If not, I'll just hitch a lift in worthy's Supra :p
cymatty said:
I call first passenger ride with you. :D

Its a good job im not coming to this MMM meet because seeing Goliaths Focus RS would make me want one soooo badly. Im allready saving ;)

agw_01 said:
/barges to front of the queue

*cough* Excuse me gentlemen, I think the head organiser deserves the first passenger ride :p

If not, I'll just hitch a lift in worthy's Supra :p

Your organising head. :eek:

Count me out. :)
Sam said:
Its a good job im not coming to this MMM meet because seeing Goliaths Focus RS would make me want one soooo badly. Im allready saving ;)


I wanted a ride in the Puma mate, so make sure you are at the next one!
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