Saving Sessions / Demand reduction thread

So, how will we get this cash back? Is it something that comes out of the next bill? Or will there be something at the end.

I see their description of what a saving session is mentions other things 'octopoints' can be traded for.
So, how will we get this cash back? Is it something that comes out of the next bill? Or will there be something at the end.

I see their description of what a saving session is mentions other things 'octopoints' can be traded for.
I would just laugh if you lads all received like Disney dollars or something.
If you do streaks you can get put into a raffle for various prizes as well.

Can't believe people do these saving sessions without understanding how it works or why they're doing it! :D

I'm in so much credit in my account that I'm just keeping mine for now. Could be useful to draw down on as and when I need it.
Not 100% sure its still open but if you wanted to comment you can sign up here to potentially be able to
5576 reward points which takes me to about £70. Not to be sniffed at for doing nothing apart from a few mouse clicks. I wish I would have cottened on to how it works earlier, as I didn't try and make it work until the 4th session!
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