Saving Sessions / Demand reduction thread

Mine just arrived.

27120 - £34. Total spend on that day was £19.75.

123,320 - This is a running tally of the OctoPoints you've earned in Saving Sessions. They're worth £154.15 in total.
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14968. About £18.70 worth.

Barely seems worth the effort considering the amount of energy I had to shift to a peak rate, compared to using it at a cheap rate.

You must have spent less than that on electric though? Maybe £10? Yeah it's not worth the hassle for £8.....but if you keep pooling the rewards you'll have a hundreq quid for a little effort.
I'm not sure how much effort can really be required?
All the things I did (bar using a fan heater instead of GFCH) I would have done anyway at a different time.

With current pricing and 1 hour sessions its basically half the value of the octopus points. Or the other way of you spent £10 you got £20 back.
Its only longer sessions or ones where they change the reward rate that the equation deviates.

Unless we get a heavy cold snap I am not convinced we will see any more. Maybe 1 in March. I think technically there is a minimum of 1 per month for the 6 months.
I'm not sure how much effort can really be required?
You must have spent less than that on electric though?
The difference between using energy at peak rate and overnight is quite significant. 18p vs 47p. I used £14 electric that day, compared to around £5 usually. Gas was down on normal as a result of heating using electric.

I expect I'm about £5 better off as a result, all things considered. Plus I've got nice clean ovens. :p
The difference between using energy at peak rate and overnight is quite significant. 18p vs 47p. I used £14 electric that day, compared to around £5 usually. Gas was down on normal as a result of heating using electric.

I expect I'm about £5 better off as a result, all things considered. Plus I've got nice clean ovens. :p

even more significant for me. 7.5p vs 40p. I am still getting paid 80p for the units used however so ...

Can't be only £5 better off for £18.7 worth. More like £10 I would expect.
But your not getting rich off it :)

Actually you said it yourself Daily £14 les normal = £9 extra.
£18.7 - £9 = £10 give or take a smidge ;)
They did say there will be at least 12. Although they also said they'd be multiple times a week.

I guess now they know people have figured out the calculations and are maximising their returns - they're going to avoid doing any more than the absolutely have to.
Two more saving sessions due before the end of the month, wonder if they are the last two before next winter?
Surprised we haven't had one in the last couple of days since the cold weather started. Coal fired power stations are definitely online.
Just had an email from Hugo.

Winter Cashback Update​

Those of you participating in the Winter Cashback scheme were probably surprised there was no event during the cold snap. The reason for this was linked to the smart network’s data issues. The good news is that there are still up to 4 events between now and the end of March. So get ready for a flurry of events over the next two weeks.
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