Saving Sessions / Demand reduction thread

Annoyingly that turned up as I was leaving for holiday almost 2 weeks ago so despite bringing it to many peoples attention on here I couldnt do it. Grrrr.
Why is everything so last minute now a days :(

Managed to use a bit today despite being out. I force discharged my batteries upto 2pm and mainly emptied them with most just diverted into the hot water.
Mean't I sucked in some juice from 2:30 and also the dishwasher came on an 3pm, luckily i forgot to put it on overnight
Won't be that much, a tenner at max I think, but I passed £100 in Feb so I won't complain. (I also missed the one last week when away of course!)


£37.85 from the final session. £20.55 cost so a nice £17.30 profit.

Total in the pot:


Your points are worth​


36296 OctoPoints (or £45.37) over 8 Saving Sessions. Didn't know how to maximise my returns unfortunately until the last four sessions so missed out on a fair bit.
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