Say hello to Spike

Velocity219e said:
The GF has just said that she isn't sure you are legally allowed to keep hedgehogs as pets unless they are incapable of surviving in the wild ...

Dunno if thats entirely correct, or if its something to do with them being 'forn' hedgehogs ...

It's not true - he's not a UK domestic hedgehog (although he was bred here obviously). Perfectly legal to own :)

And Finch - no, not available in blue. ;)

I'll try to find a few more pics :)


Spike saying hello back!
Heh, their appearance can really change depending on their mood. His snout can almost change length - when he's narked and scrunched up his nose looks really short (probably an optical illusion because of the surrounding quils) and yes he can look butt ugly. But, catch him in a good mood and he'll look cuter than a barrel full of puppies, hehe. :)

I dunno what mood he's in at the moment, lazy hog hasn't got up yet!

They grow about 7-8 inches.. sometimes a bit bigger :)
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