
^Those big Chinese jars look horrible lol. :p

My Dad does this nice dish where the scallops are in a cheese/white sauce type thing with a layer of potato on top, in one of those special dishes. Looks a bit like this:


We also used to buy this dish from the fish merchant which is diced scallops in a garlic sauce served in the scallop shell with a layer of breadcrumbs on top. You just pop it in the oven. Was well nice.
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Scallops are delicious.

I love them in Chinese cuisine, where it is typically made in a soup or steamed, rather than fried.

In Hong Kong (and probably China), they are sold in a dried out form so they keep a lot longer. I don't think the taste is harmed in anyway, you just need to rehydrate them before cooking:

I'm a big seafood fan, and a favourite shellfish of mine is Abalone. I haven't had them outside of chinese cuisine, so it is typically cooked 'wet' in some sort of sauce, steamed, or made in a soup. They can be quite expensive, and you can find them in Chinese shops in the UK in tinned form. The size of them can be not much bigger than a scallop to something that is the size of a fist.

They have the tiny Scallops as well.
A lot of people love the coral actually and would be miffed if it was removed.

In a smart restaurant I understand when not served them but at home, I always eat them. Luckily the missus does not like them so I get hers as well. :D

I like to cook mine quite simply though they go well with chorizo, as long as it is not too strong stuff as it overpowers the delicate flavour. Just gently fry some chorizo slices (no butter or oil) till brown. Take it out then cook the scallops in the chorizo oil. Just before they are ready squeeze in a a lemon. Serve each scallop on a slice of the chorizo, drizzle a tiny bit of the chorizo oil on and then add a single parsley leaf on each one to garnish.
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