Scandinavia for the summer?

*hela natten* --> all night :p

Tbh I havent lived there since 1995 and i was only 10 when we moved away so no idea about foreign earnings and tax relating to it.

When I was applying for jobs this summer I found a load for banks in Sweden (SEB in particular) who were looking for people who only spoke English to be based in Stockholm. Might be worth checking out.
I'd suggest becoming a hardcore WoW geek and joining a Swedish guild, then you don't have to do anything for two months and you'll be exposed to the language all day every day and then you might learn some!

Ok so that might not be great so here's another one:

Start learning it NOW then go to Sweden and go to a Language school for intensive classes then get them to help you get a teaching job. you won't learn any language fully in two months. It is not possible. You will have an extremely superficial grasp of the language and will know nothing of nuance and as for getting to even a GCSE standard you're going to find it fairly hard graft. If you're a very talented linguist you might get to an A level standard if all you do is work with tuition. However its unlikely nontheless.
When I was applying for jobs this summer I found a load for banks in Sweden (SEB in particular) who were looking for people who only spoke English to be based in Stockholm. Might be worth checking out.

Hmm, any idea if this would be true for Göteborg also? I'm planning on moving over there in 2-3 years, and, while I am learning the language, I would prefer to get a job where I could speak at least 50/50 English while I "polish" my Swedish as it were :p

I'll go look on their site anyway, thanks for the heads-up ^^
Göteborg is a nice city, but being from Stockholm I'll ofcourse have some biases ;) In all honesty I dont think it matters where you go really as the English language is generally well spoken in all areas but "farmland areas".....where even the normal Swede cant understand what they are saying.....or atleast has difficulties. What I think you should concentrate on are the phrases and technical words that you would use if you worked in your current role, but in Sweden. If you eventually go for job interviews and can throw in Swedish phrases and words that directly relate to the role you are applying for, then you will be in a much better position with that company :)
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