School days, the best days of your life....

i remember being about 14 .. obviously hating school

being in a pub (day time) and me friends friend who was 19 at the time said to us that we should top moaning and enjoy school because the work is easy and there is nothing to do except have a laugh.

we didnt listen.. and we regret it :)
chris_r said:
me and school/college don't mix - thank god im out
That's what I thought while I was there. In fact I didn't go at all for about a year I hated it so much. But looking back at it now it true what they say, they're the best days of your life. So many new and exiting experiences ;), you'll never make friends like you do at school or be as gloriously happy in your youthful naivety ever again. Trust me, even though I hated it I'd do anything to have my time again. :(
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Dont want to put the thread on a downer, but i was extremely relieved when i finished high school. I felt so much better and have hardly any really good memories of it. I hated it! But college is sooo much better :cool:
dmpoole said:
They now hold it there because everytime they held it at their school, fights would break out with the kids who weren't invited and the naughty kids won't travel that far.
How elitist. My school invited everyone to their leaving do.

I didn't go, though. I went to the pub with my mates and got trashed instead. Perhaps I was one of the 'naughty kids' ;).
[TW]Fox said:
Becuase it is a load of crap - school days are far from the best days of your life.

I'd say its University days - about as care-free as school but you are old enough to do interesting things like drive cars, which is better than swapping Pogs.
School had much to commend it, and university had much more .... but retirement trumps the lot. I can do (providing it's legal) exactly what I want, and can afford to indulge myself.
Sequoia said:
School had much to commend it, and university had much more .... but retirement trumps the lot. I can do (providing it's legal) exactly what I want, and can afford to indulge myself.
This may be true, but we have the benefit of youth. You can spend as much of your money as you like, but you can never buy what I've got!

Me? Envious? Never!
Ah, *shines his inspiration on this thread*

School was ok had a load of laughs with the lads in lessons + worked hard too, I only think back and like the fact that all I had to worry about was getting my homework done...only sometimes.

College sucked. Uni sucks. :)
High School was easily the best time of my life. You have so many new experiences compared to any other time i reckon.

I had like 200 friends in High School, i knew most of the year, as well as other years, whereas in University I know probably less than 20.

Plus on my uni course it's mostly fairly intelligent people from a similar background. In High School some of my best mates were poor idiots lol. Such a wider range of people in High School.

That and no responsibility at all, no job, parents bought everything, hardly any homework. I have never laughed as hard as in High School. Fantastic. Uni comes close but loses out.

I only hang around with my friends from my area anyway. We've all grew up and gone to the same first, middle and high school. I only see Uni mates in University.

EDIT: and LOL, i was ******* amazing at pogs, i had a huge metal 'slammer' and used to win about 50 a day. Had an ice-cream tub in the loft which I kicked over, so now i have hundreds of pogs spread out across the roof.
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Nazbit said:
Oh and pogs...they were primary school :P But I had the cheaper imitation ones, what where they called......tazos?? or did I make that up?

they might have been primary school for you, but they were secondry school for me ~1994-95, tazos came out a few years later, ~1996-97. i think i still have some somewhere, you could join them all together and make towers n shapes n stuff, but i was too old for them. the yr7's used to swap n collect em and stuff tho.

oh and school really was a good time in your life, not the work you had to do, but all the smoking&drinking round the back, getting stoned in the woods or scaling a wall to get down to the shops/chippy at dinner. great fun.
I think you'll find that in every walk of life you come to an end of an era and think "wow - that was the best time ever...". But then you start breaking things down into smaller pieces, like an amazing holiday away with a girlfriend, or a big friends/lads holiday in summer. Or a couple of years working in a cool company, meeting lots of people, and seeing the world. etc...

Because you haven't known anything else it is emotional as it's an end of a stable "directed" path in your life. I remember leaving school it was exciting but also sad as well as somewhat nerve racking! But I turned my attention to the next part of life, as should you. By all means remember and reminice school days, but don't dwell on it. Good luck and go kick ass! :)

You've got lots of really exciting things to look forward to. Every day could be the most exciting day of your life. :)
School seemed ok when I was 13. Looking back, the only thing I miss was the total freedom from responsibility. Everything I've done since leaving school has been much more fulfilling, the people I've met far more interesting and broad minded. I guess your views on school depend largely on your own personal experience.

Edit: When I walked out of school for the last time, aged 16, it was one of the most profound feelings of my life. I was just embarking on a new business venture, I was already meeting new people and to think I wouldn't need to go back to the place I'd been forced to go to almost every weekday during the last 12 years of my life was amazing. It took a while to sink in.
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School was pretty poor for me as most of the people there were *******, so I tried not to get involved with them. I wasn't sad at all to be leaving as I knew I was going to uni and that it would be better there, and i'm still in contact with all my friends.

Uni is far better as i'm yet to meet a person I don't get on with at all, and i've been able to strike up a conversation with anyone, so it's done wonders for my confidence. I finish till September tomorrow and it's going to be really weird as it has been a life changing experience, and four months away from it will probably seem ages. Leaving uni in 3 years is going to be so hard.
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Jet said:
I have never laughed as hard as in High School. Fantastic. Uni comes close but loses out.

EDIT: and LOL, i was ******* amazing at pogs, i had a huge metal 'slammer' and used to win about 50 a day. Had an ice-cream tub in the loft which I kicked over, so now i have hundreds of pogs spread out across the roof.

Thats what made school good for me, and amg pogs the circle thingies you could have cardboard, black plastic ones or metal ones. The plastic were best, you had to flip them or something?! aaah primary school madness, oh that and tamagotchies lololol
I never really enjoyed school, but it is true what they say. It's only when you have to start paying rent & bills that you realise how free you were at school!! And i'm sure everyone, no matter how much they hated school, has some amazing memories...

Uni was the best time of my life, so much so that i've just got jobs in uni's so i never have to leave the atmosphere!!
Creature said:
School was pretty poor for me as most of the people there were *******, so I tried not to get involved with them. I wasn't sad at all to be leaving as I knew I was going to uni and that it would be better there, and i'm still in contact with all my friends.

Uni is far better as i'm yet to meet a person I don't get on with at all, and i've been able to strike up a conversation with anyone, so it's done wonders for my confidence. I finish till September tomorrow and it's going to be really weird as it has been a life changing experience, and four months away from it will probably seem ages. Leaving uni in 3 years is going to be so hard.

hm i found nearly everyone to be great in my year(~300total), could talk to just about anyone. even the nerds werent "hated", the "stegs" had the **** taken out of them tho :p bullying was frowned upon but not much of that happened anyway.
i think the worst thing a child can do at school (from as soon as they start) is to not get to know people as you will miss out on all the groups and end up a loner or in maybe in the nerd group.

p.s what school are you at ?

No swearing. FF.
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